Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Charcoal as an alternative to ink sacks.

36 posts in this topic

This was suggested a while back but I want to revive it without a necro.

I'm playing on a map next to a huge ocean. I have roughly six real life hours into this map and I have no squid spawns. To me it makes more sense for charcoal to become markings

I can also confirm that this isn't a TFcraft bug as I have had squids spawn on older maps.


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This was suggested a while back but I want to revive it without a necro.

I'm playing on a map next to a huge ocean. I have roughly six real life hours into this map and I have no squid spawns. To me it makes more sense for charcoal to become markings

I can also confirm that this isn't a TFcraft bug as I have had squids spawn on older maps.

1. just because something isn't working how you want doesn't mean the mod should be changed

2. Then charcoal and ink sacs would unbalance, as ink sacs would only be for dye

3. Please put more than a couple sentences worth of thought into your suggestions, too many questions arise that could have been already answered. (Take a look at Jed's suggestions)


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1. just because something isn't working how you want doesn't mean the mod should be changed

2. Then charcoal and ink sacs would unbalance, as ink sacs would only be for dye

3. Please put more than a couple sentences worth of thought into your suggestions, too many questions arise that could have been already answered. (Take a look at Jed's suggestions)

1. And what should I do restart my map all over again? I'm sorry but no.

2.This is a problem how? It seems to me that wheat/ fruit trees make animals pointless

3. What more do you want me to write? should I go into a history lesson about how charcoal is a better scribing tool than squid ink which has no real way of being removed from a squid.


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1. And what should I do restart my map all over again? I'm sorry but no.

2.This is a problem how? It seems to me that wheat/ fruit trees make animals pointless

3. What more do you want me to write? should I go into a history lesson about how charcoal is a better scribing tool than squid ink which has no real way of being removed from a squid.

Let me just stop you right there.

1) No, you should do what everyone else does and look around in a wider range. If your location won't offer you the means to survive, you change your location. Simple as that.

2) This is a problem because while charcoal is used for several things, ink is used for only one. Removing the need to use ink removes any usefulness of ink at all in the mod. And as for the agriculture, that's just your opinion. Hunters may feel the opposite, seeing the increased animal drops as making farming useless. It's all about playstyle - if you want a happy little farmland, your primary food source is plant-based. If you're more nomadic or aggressive, your main sustenance is animals. There are multiple equally viable solutions to the same problem, that cater to different styles of player. That is game balance. Your suggestion is not game balance, it is making one item even more useful and making another useless.

3) No, you should be quiet and enjoy the game.


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Let me just stop you right there.

1) No, you should do what everyone else does and look around in a wider range. If your location won't offer you the means to survive, you change your location. Simple as that.

2) This is a problem because while charcoal is used for several things, ink is used for only one. Removing the need to use ink removes any usefulness of ink at all in the mod. And as for the agriculture, that's just your opinion. Hunters may feel the opposite, seeing the increased animal drops as making farming useless. It's all about playstyle - if you want a happy little farmland, your primary food source is plant-based. If you're more nomadic or aggressive, your main sustenance is animals. There are multiple equally viable solutions to the same problem, that cater to different styles of player. That is game balance. Your suggestion is not game balance, it is making one item even more useful and making another useless.

3) No, you should be quiet and enjoy the game.

How far should I explore then?

I have already gone 1000 blocks away from spawn. Searched three massive seas Afk'd for 20 minutes on a single dirt block in a an ocean on peaceful I have given squids every chance to spawn and they aren't This isn't a simple ignorable feature this is gamebreaking.


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I've set up camp near a lake that spawns 4 - 5 squids a day. Hell, i've had three spawn in my sluice farm!!! If you want squids to spawn, just do something else and wait. Or raise the depth of a body of water to about 5-6 blocks below water level. They spawn like crazy in water like that.


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Personally, I would pack up all the most important things in my settlement and move on. That's really the only viable option you have if you don't want to start a new map. Also as Arthur_Dent mentioned, you could try creating a pool or inlet off of the ocean you mentioned and dredge any smaller lagoons around your area to make them deeper. Good luck.


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1. And what should I do restart my map all over again? I'm sorry but no.

2.This is a problem how? It seems to me that wheat/ fruit trees make animals pointless

3. What more do you want me to write? should I go into a history lesson about how charcoal is a better scribing tool than squid ink which has no real way of being removed from a squid.

hey bud. I'm a dev. no.

He was giving you some solid advice, not for his benefit, but because I won't give a crap about a poorly thought-out and ill-conceived idea.


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hey bud. I'm a dev. no.

He was giving you some solid advice, not for his benefit, but because I won't give a crap about a poorly thought-out and ill-conceived idea.

Sometimes I really love you dude, lol

no h- ... scratch that, totally homo


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hey bud. I'm a dev. no.

He was giving you some solid advice, not for his benefit, but because I won't give a crap about a poorly thought-out and ill-conceived idea.

I've only been on this forum for about 7 days, and known you for about 5... But I need to agree with Eternal, I love you, man... Still on the fence about the homo... :P


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I've only been on this forum for about 7 days, and known you for about 5... But I need to agree with Eternal, I love you, man... Still on the fence about the homo... :P

Agree'd. Dunk is just great :D:P


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I certainly think I became more active on here at the right time. It's great that devs actually talk and listen to us, much less everyone else. And all homo, but just this once >_>


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hey bud. I'm a dev. no.

He was giving you some solid advice, not for his benefit, but because I won't give a crap about a poorly thought-out and ill-conceived idea.

I can live with my idea being rejected.

But since you pointed out the fact you're a dev let me ask you a question why aren't squid spawning. at any of these locations?

Now you're asking yourself how does he have a tin pick with no squid? Answer, I got fed up last night and used NEI is give myself enough ink to make the tools.

I'm not trying to be a douch here but look at those co-ords I'm not sitting in one place waiting for squid they just aren't spawning. I know why they aren't I just can't do anything about it.


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I can live with my idea being rejected.

But since you pointed out the fact you're a dev let me ask you a question why aren't squid spawning. at any of these locations?

Now you're asking yourself how does he have a tin pick with no squid? Answer, I got fed up last night and used NEI is give myself enough ink to make the tools.

I'm not trying to be a douch here but look at those co-ords I'm not sitting in one place waiting for squid they just aren't spawning. I know why they aren't I just can't do anything about it.

seems to me you just got shit luck. We're not going to alter the game just for you though. If you can't find squid in the ocean, look in lakes or swamps. (although it pains me that they still spawn in those places)

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seems to me you just got shit luck. We're not going to alter the game just for you though. If you can't find squid in the ocean, look in lakes or swamps. (although it pains me that they still spawn in those places)

And I'm fine with that. I'll live with not having any squid. But if it happens once it will happen again.

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seems to me you just got shit luck. We're not going to alter the game just for you though. If you can't find squid in the ocean, look in lakes or swamps. (although it pains me that they still spawn in those places)

Perhaps we could add another source of ink equally as useless as squid ink (just another source of black dye/markings), have squid only spawn in oceans, and have this new item only spawn inland?

Maybe something like iron gall ink? 'gall' items could have a tiny drop rate when leaves are broken. Maybe like a 0.5% drop rate... then craft it with some sort of iron source like a small magnetite or something. Get the iron source back (it's not used up), and you get iron gall ink. Crafts into 16 markings just like an ink sack, or can be used for dyeing sheep/wool.


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And I'm fine with that. I'll live with not having any squid. But if it happens once it will happen again.

life is kinda like that though. Sometimes you break your pick and wind up having to starve to death in cave, where your gruesome skeleton will be discovered by some explorer later.

Life is shit sometimes. It sucks :(


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Ya know, all the random, pointless is REALLY annoying and off-putting...

The inability to find a squid for ink should not make one completely incapable of creating any metal tools. That isn't fun, it's just a pointless, unrealistic, and game-breaking annoyance.

I can get that you don't want the ascent to metal-tier to be easy, but seriously, squid ink is a requirement to bang a hammer against a metal ingot the right way?

And, realistically, why shouldn't one be able to use charcoal? I know that this isn't exactly a 100% realistic game, but I would say that the process of acquiring charcoal is quite drawn-out enough that it won't make things too easy to ascend to metal-tier... If you're worried about ink not having a use, then add some different use for it, or perhaps you could make the process of turning charcoal into usable markings a more lengthy, somewhat expensive process?

Maybe you'd have to find whatever new plant added in the next agriculture update would have good oils for paints (or add a flaxseed plant, which can have many uses besides turning charcoal to ink) and then you'd have to go through a process of crushing and pressing the seeds, extracting the oils (and having a container to put it in) and then crush the charcoal, then combine the two in a container, maybe add some water in there too, and then you get ink which can then be turned into markings. And if you really wanted it to be hard, you could make the yield less then ink sacs as well.

That way, squid ink would simply be a far easier alternative to the drawn out process of turning charcoal to markings.


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Ya know, all the random, pointless is REALLY annoying and off-putting...

The inability to find a squid for ink should not make one completely incapable of creating any metal tools. That isn't fun, it's just a pointless, unrealistic, and game-breaking annoyance.

I can get that you don't want the ascent to metal-tier to be easy, but seriously, squid ink is a requirement to bang a hammer against a metal ingot the right way?

And, realistically, why shouldn't one be able to use charcoal? I know that this isn't exactly a 100% realistic game, but I would say that the process of acquiring charcoal is quite drawn-out enough that it won't make things too easy to ascend to metal-tier... If you're worried about ink not having a use, then add some different use for it, or perhaps you could make the process of turning charcoal into usable markings a more lengthy, somewhat expensive process?

Maybe you'd have to find whatever new plant added in the next agriculture update would have good oils for paints (or add a flaxseed plant, which can have many uses besides turning charcoal to ink) and then you'd have to go through a process of crushing and pressing the seeds, extracting the oils (and having a container to put it in) and then crush the charcoal, then combine the two in a container, maybe add some water in there too, and then you get ink which can then be turned into markings. And if you really wanted it to be hard, you could make the yield less then ink sacs as well.

That way, squid ink would simply be a far easier alternative to the drawn out process of turning charcoal to markings.

yes, we'll be adding another way to get ink, but it won't be through charcoal. I know there were some inks made from crushed up mushrooms or fungi, so we might make it out of that.

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yes, we'll be adding another way to get ink, but it won't be through charcoal. I know there were some inks made from crushed up mushrooms or fungi, so we might make it out of that.

Ah, okay, then I suppose that'll be cool, then.

So, seems to me like /thread then.


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yes, we'll be adding another way to get ink, but it won't be through charcoal. I know there were some inks made from crushed up mushrooms or fungi, so we might make it out of that.

...Maybe take a look at my post a few up?

cough cough


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...Maybe take a look at my post a few up?

cough cough

well you can choose whether or not you will kill a squid offshore just for some ink, but with being in leaves it might begin getting in the way of harvesting for saplings and sticks. I know it's very hard to get a large supply of vanilla apple (also .5% drop rate) but those are more like bonuses you get.

It may be a bit better if you could breed squid with some kind of sea life and have the most adorable baby squids ugug- sorry lost my composure. Maybe let them also drop Calamari or something?


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well you can choose whether or not you will kill a squid offshore just for some ink, but with being in leaves it might begin getting in the way of harvesting for saplings and sticks. I know it's very hard to get a large supply of vanilla apple (also .5% drop rate) but those are more like bonuses you get.

It may be a bit better if you could breed squid with some kind of sea life and have the most adorable baby squids ugug- sorry lost my composure. Maybe let them also drop Calamari or something?

Don't squids seem a bit large to you? seems to me squid might want to grab your body and drag you down to the depths to drown and eat you. Maybe i could do that.

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Don't squids seem a bit large to you? seems to me squid might want to grab your body and drag you down to the depths to drown and eat you. Maybe i could do that.

I, for one, would approve. It would make for epic battles with squids! You, knife in one hand, squid, fighting to drag you down, and a whole lotta awesome happenings. Would make for "captain ahab-esque" tales, lol!

But if you did that, dunk, wouldn't that turn the squids from "neutral" mobs to "aggressive" mobs? Or would they only react if you attacked them?


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I, for one, would approve. It would make for epic battles with squids! You, knife in one hand, squid, fighting to drag you down, and a whole lotta awesome happenings. Would make for "captain ahab-esque" tales, lol!

But if you did that, dunk, wouldn't that turn the squids from "neutral" mobs to "aggressive" mobs? Or would they only react if you attacked them?

I don't know... Humboldt squid or vicious though.

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