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Charcoal pit shape? (build 47)

16 posts in this topic

The wiki shows an "optimal charcoal pit" as made from 29 lumber piles, but then the text at the top of the page says that "You may now make charcoal pits of almost any shape up to 25m wide and 13m tall, with the firepit centered in the bottom layer.", and suggests that the mechanics have completely changed in build 47.

I tried making a few very small charcoal pits. Supposedly, only one wood pile is needed (the one directly above the firepit), but my experience has been that small charcoal pits like that burn out before the 18 hours have elapsed. Is there a minimum size? For small charcoal pits, should logs be placed in the firepit itself to keep it burning longer?

Is it important that the firepit is centered in the bottom layer? For example, if I made a 4x4x4 block of log piles, it seems like the easiest way to start it is to remove one of the lower corners of the pile, and replace it with a fireplace. Should a design like that work?

The wiki says that all exposed faces of the wood piles must be covered. In one case, as I placed the top wood pile (centered over the firepit), it immediately ignited. After covering it with dirt, it seemed to work, but at the end, the wood was gone, and there was no charcoal. I know that I didn't simply miss it, since I was standing by the charcoal pit when it ended, and part of the roof collapsed. How quickly does the pit need to be covered to work?

My friend and I have tried quite a few times to get a successful charcoal pit, and all but one have failed in one way or another, and we're getting quite frustrated by this.


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The wiki shows an "optimal charcoal pit" as made from 29 lumber piles, but then the text at the top of the page says that "You may now make charcoal pits of almost any shape up to 25m wide and 13m tall, with the firepit centered in the bottom layer.", and suggests that the mechanics have completely changed in build 47.

I tried making a few very small charcoal pits. Supposedly, only one wood pile is needed (the one directly above the firepit), but my experience has been that small charcoal pits like that burn out before the 18 hours have elapsed. Is there a minimum size? For small charcoal pits, should logs be placed in the firepit itself to keep it burning longer?

Is it important that the firepit is centered in the bottom layer? For example, if I made a 4x4x4 block of log piles, it seems like the easiest way to start it is to remove one of the lower corners of the pile, and replace it with a fireplace. Should a design like that work?

The wiki says that all exposed faces of the wood piles must be covered. In one case, as I placed the top wood pile (centered over the firepit), it immediately ignited. After covering it with dirt, it seemed to work, but at the end, the wood was gone, and there was no charcoal. I know that I didn't simply miss it, since I was standing by the charcoal pit when it ended, and part of the roof collapsed. How quickly does the pit need to be covered to work?

My friend and I have tried quite a few times to get a successful charcoal pit, and all but one have failed in one way or another, and we're getting quite frustrated by this.

hello, and welcome to the world of TFC. The charcoal pit needs only be covered before the piles burn away. I haven't heard of your problem where no charcoal appears yet, but I'll be sure to look into it :)

I can't tell exactly, but did you make sure to cover the firepit and all sides of the log pile? How long did it take to disappear?


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I can't tell exactly, but did you make sure to cover the firepit and all sides of the log pile? How long did it take to disappear?

Yes, I've always covered every visible face of each log pile.

When I make the small pits, the lumber piles don't disappear. The firepit just goes out, and the logs are left standing there. It's usually about 5 minutes.

For the case that the log piles did diasappear, but the charcoal was gone, it was probably about 15 to 20 minutes. I had expected it to be done, or close to done, so I was standing around watching it. Then I heard the crumble sound (probably the same sound as is used for caveins), and saw a dirt block fall in. I was actually watching as it happened. I went over, the wood was gone, and nothing else was inside except for that dirt block.

I don't know for sure that it wasn't my fault. I was running from a creeper at the time this happened. Looking back, I'm wondering if none of the dirt fell when the pit ended, but then the creeper ran over the pit, causing the blocks to be re-evaluated, and maybe that is what caused the block to fall. The creeper did not go off, and I'm not sure he even ran over the pit. I was thinking more about preventing an explosion than anything else at the time. I didn't know to watch the smoke at the time (it's something I learned after that trial).

Could you confirm that even small pits should work? I cheated in some glass so that I could test different shapes and watch them. I made a few small set ups and every single one of them extinguished before finishing. I want to know if the problem was too little wood, or if those shapes were invalid, because they were non-symetric (or some other reason).


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Yes, I've always covered every visible face of each log pile.

When I make the small pits, the lumber piles don't disappear. The firepit just goes out, and the logs are left standing there. It's usually about 5 minutes.

For the case that the log piles did diasappear, but the charcoal was gone, it was probably about 15 to 20 minutes. I had expected it to be done, or close to done, so I was standing around watching it. Then I heard the crumble sound (probably the same sound as is used for caveins), and saw a dirt block fall in. I was actually watching as it happened. I went over, the wood was gone, and nothing else was inside except for that dirt block.

I don't know for sure that it wasn't my fault. I was running from a creeper at the time this happened. Looking back, I'm wondering if none of the dirt fell when the pit ended, but then the creeper ran over the pit, causing the blocks to be re-evaluated, and maybe that is what caused the block to fall. The creeper did not go off, and I'm not sure he even ran over the pit. I was thinking more about preventing an explosion than anything else at the time. I didn't know to watch the smoke at the time (it's something I learned after that trial).

Could you confirm that even small pits should work? I cheated in some glass so that I could test different shapes and watch them. I made a few small set ups and every single one of them extinguished before finishing. I want to know if the problem was too little wood, or if those shapes were invalid, because they were non-symetric (or some other reason).

usually charcoal pits finishing doesn't trigger block updates, the dirt is left floating. If grass formed, a creeper running over it could have caused it to update and fall. I don't know if the current system is permanent, we'll have to see.

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Actually, I'm pretty sure that part of my mound was covered with grass, and part was not. So, it's very likely that the simple grass spread may have caused the update.

So.... could you answer my other questions:

Is there a minimum size? Does the firepit consume logs from the pile for fuel, or do they have to be added to the firepit before closing it in? Is symmetry necessary, or can I put the firepit in the corner?

Edit: I'm not trying force dunklesteos to answer me. The question is for anyone out there who has more experience than me :D


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Actually, I'm pretty sure that part of my mound was covered with grass, and part was not. So, it's very likely that the simple grass spread may have caused the update.

So.... could you answer my other questions:

Is there a minimum size? Does the firepit consume logs from the pile for fuel, or do they have to be added to the firepit before closing it in? Is symmetry necessary, or can I put the firepit in the corner?

Edit: I'm not trying force dunklesteos to answer me. The question is for anyone out there who has more experience than me :D

that's ok. The firepit has to be in the centre of the configuration. You do have to put logs in the firepit before you seal it otherwise it will go out. Hope that helps.

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The firepit does not need to be in the middle... only on the ground floor and have 1 log above it. All exposed logs must be covered in dirt. The charcoal simply spits out into the world when the it is done, meaning it will disappear after 5 minutes. Make sure you keep an eye on the smoke, it may only show up on the dirt block above the firepit, and when it goes out, grab your charcoal off the ground. As for the minimum size, I am not sure. I have not tried to make small piles, just the original size and bigger. Also, you do not need to fuel your firepit with logs.


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that's ok. The firepit has to be in the centre of the configuration. You do have to put logs in the firepit before you seal it otherwise it will go out. Hope that helps.

The firepit does NOT have to be in the center. Mine always goes on the outside ring and works perfectly. I also NEVER add logs to my firepit and have not had any issues.


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The firepit does NOT have to be in the center. Mine always goes on the outside ring and works perfectly. I also NEVER add logs to my firepit and have not had any issues.

Really? thanks, that's not supposed to happen. Probably will be in a future update.

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Well, I bet that the firepit does have to be in the center if you have a 25x25x13 sized stack of wood. Of course, there's little need for doing that much in one batch.

Having the firepit on the edge seems that it should work. If a single firepit can light a 25x25x13 stack from the center, then it should be capable of lighting a 13x13x13 cube from the corner.

It seems like the most efficient design, if it was like real life fire, would be a comet-shaped stack :)


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Really? thanks, that's not supposed to happen. Probably will be in a future update.

I have been playing since 36 and never had to put logs in the firepit. I used to test to see if I got more charcoal returned if I used logs but it turned out there was no noticeable change.

Well, I bet that the firepit does have to be in the center if you have a 25x25x13 sized stack of wood. Of course, there's little need for doing that much in one batch.

Having the firepit on the edge seems that it should work. If a single firepit can light a 25x25x13 stack from the center, then it should be capable of lighting a 13x13x13 cube from the corner.

It seems like the most efficient design, if it was like real life fire, would be a comet-shaped stack :)

That is correct... IF it is 25x25 it would need to be in the center... if you have a 13x13 it can be on the edge because it does not go more than 13 away. Mine are 9x9 so it works without having to be in the center.

From the changelog...

The firepit uses a new search algorithm, similar to tree felling which allows it to support charcoal pits of varying shapes and sizes up to 25m wide and 13m tall. In order to start the charcoal process a lit firepit simply needs 1 logpile on top of it. The firepit must still be lit at the base of the charcoal pile. Important: The charcoal is now spit out into the world and the firepit will disappear upon completion. This is not a bug, the firepit simply can’t hold that much charcoal.

All this states is that it must be at the base with one log over the firepit. Also, it says varying shapes... so you could make something really oddly shaped and there would be no real "center" to place the firepit.


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I have been playing since 36 and never had to put logs in the firepit. I used to test to see if I got more charcoal returned if I used logs but it turned out there was no noticeable change.

That is correct... IF it is 25x25 it would need to be in the center... if you have a 13x13 it can be on the edge because it does not go more than 13 away. Mine are 9x9 so it works without having to be in the center.

From the changelog...

All this states is that it must be at the base with one log over the firepit. Also, it says varying shapes... so you could make something really oddly shaped and there would be no real "center" to place the firepit.

I'm not working off of the changelog, I'm talking to bioxx.

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I hate to bring this up, but since we're talking about things that shouldn't be as they are....

Is having doors/trapdoors be non-flamable in a charcoal pit intended or not? I was thinking of updating the wiki on charcoal pits and was thinking about including this information, but now I'm wondering if that too was accidental.


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I hate to bring this up, but since we're talking about things that shouldn't be as they are....

Is having doors/trapdoors be non-flamable in a charcoal pit intended or not? I was thinking of updating the wiki on charcoal pits and was thinking about including this information, but now I'm wondering if that too was accidental.

iunno man. Maybe I'll ask Bioxx, he should be awake now.

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If you wait too long , the charcoal disappears, I learned that the hard way. I usually toss a few logs in there too because a couple of times the fire burned out too soon.


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I did some more testing last night, and it seems like a "single log above the firepit" is not sufficient.

If you place the firepit in the corner of your array, then it will always burn out, even when you stack 4 logs in the firepit.

My guess is that the 4 blocks orthogonally connected to the firepit in the same y-level must be log stacks, or else it fails to be recognized as a charcoal pit.


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