Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Help with the first Stone Anvil?

4 posts in this topic

I am talking about before you have a pick, when you have to find some stone in the ground and work on it with the hammer. How do you make something with it? I have had the green and red arrows line up, the metal is working temperature, I have the pick plan in place; I have read guides but they are either old or don't explain it well. I follow the rules on the right side but they are vague "Hit,Third from last/Second from last/Last" and change each time I choose an option. I have seen old videos where they don't change, and the wiki mentions that you are supposed to follow them and other videos I have looked at mention they are referring to the last actions you are supposed to take but they change literally every time I hit so there is no feasible "last" - unless it is talking about the order of buttons, as it changes from green to red as well;so am I supposed to hit like the third from the bottom green button for a green "Hit,Third to last" rule?

I have had the two marks line up like dozens of times with dozens of combinations of actions and it has never done anything - I just went over some other stuff in the guide and it mentioned having to do it without a plan to get an anvil, and I have had the arrows line up with no plan and it still didn't turn into anything. Also, all my animals are stuck as "baby" animals, how do I get them to mature?


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The first thing is to follow the rules. Hit, Hit, Hit is the rules for making an ingot, but the green arrow has to be within the margins of the red arrow to actually make something. The closer the green and red arrow are, the higher the durability of the final product. Ingots don't follow the durability rule.

To clarify the rules, the metal you're working with "memorized" the last 3 actions on it. The rules apply to each of the actions. To create the product, all 3 rules have to apply to the "memorized" actions of the metal. You have to follow the rules to make it.

Example: Making a pickaxe needs draw as third, bend as second, punch as last.

So you first bring the green where you think the 3 next actions will bring it onto the red arrow or within the boundaries. Follow the 3 steps and you should have created a tool head (or an ingot).

The animals being babies are being fixed, so you can wait until the next mini update for that. To mature babies, you have to wait a good year or so (following realism).


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as for the animals that's a known bug and since i hate starving to dead i'm waiting to start another world until the next version is out :P (which will hopefully fix the baby animals)

and once you get settled in you only need chickens tbh, just get some chickens to follow you, drop em in a pen, and enjoy your daily omelet ^^

as for the anvil, well i don't know if it's a bug or not, but normally when trying to make an ingot out of an unshaped metal the requirements are just to use 3 hits last (at least to make tier 1 unshaped metals into ingots) so i mostly just juggle it around a bit and then end with 3 hits to finish it, quite easy when you get used to it, then to make a pick you should have other requirements but they should stay the same as well... no matter how many picks you make the requirements usually stayed the same.

if it is indeed a bug then i suppose they're trying to randomize the requirements.

oh and the requirements should light up green when you've done it right

EDIT: damn, ninja'd by mere seconds xP


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Remember to put the tool head plan first and the hot ingot later. And don't let it cool off


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