Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Reclamation of Metals

7 posts in this topic

I've seen hint of this elsewhere, and if so please redirect me, but this has to do with reclamation of metals from tools and anvils. Basically, it makes no sense that metal could just sit around with no major use and no ability to recast it, pretty sure scrap and reclaimed metal was a common source of metals for blacksmiths.

For tools you would put said used tool in a crafting grid by itself, and you would receive a tool head with the same damage level and, if higher than maybe 50-60% durability is left, a stick. The damaged tool head could then be thrown into the bloomery like an ore and smelted back down into raw metal at a 10-15% loss of metal. So a tool that had 50% damage to it would regain you roughly 43-45% of a new ingot.

Anvils would require a hammer made of at least 1 tier higher metal and would be placed in a crafting table with the hammer to be "broken down" into either raw double/single ingots for simplicity, or "scrap metal" that can be put back in a bloomery for recasting, again at a 10-15% loss.


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I love the idea! Without any good reason, I don't think you should keep the stick, though. I don't know, this just seems out of style to me...

About anvils: If you need a hammer of a higher tier, you can't reclaim blue/red steel anvils. I'd suggest you could just throw an anvil in the bloomery. Else, I don't think you can take apart an anvil with a hammer... unless you heat it up in certain places and hit them or so.

If it wasn't so overpowered, I'd even suggest that the pure material loss isn't so great. I mean, a severly damaged pickaxe can still mine away like any normal pickaxe, so why should I assume there's less metal in its head? Also, repair recipes :/

I'd suggest some things about that:

  • The scale ranges from a value larger than 0 to a value lower than 1. If you smelt a perfectly fine tool, you get 80% of the metal back. If you smelt an almost broken tool, you get 50% back. 0.5 and 0.8 don't need to be the exact numbers, though.
  • A broken tool turns into, as you call it, a scrap item, which is considered a kind of ore that always contains exactly the lower boundary amount (50% in the above example) of ore. Sell your scrap steel at the Server's blacksmith!
  • Working scrapped metal should somehow be harder. Maybe add a level before it? Scrap tin pieces become unshaped scrap tin becomes scrap tin ingots become tin ingots. Working unshaped scrap into scrap, and working scrap into the metal, should be challenges for the blacksmith.
Also, how about dissolving alloys? It's extremely difficult in real life, or so I think after 2 minutes of google... I don't think there'd be a believable way to implement...

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Working scrapped metal should somehow be harder. Maybe add a level before it? Scrap tin pieces become unshaped scrap tin becomes scrap tin ingots become tin ingots. Working unshaped scrap into scrap, and working scrap into the metal, should be challenges for the blacksmith.

Actually, it's easier to work with already pure, scrap metal. That's why we have recycling operations in real life. If it was easier to dig up new ore, refine it, and then work with it, why recycle at all?

Also, how about dissolving alloys? It's extremely difficult in real life, or so I think after 2 minutes of google... I don't think there'd be a believable way to implement...

Technically we already do it. Tetrahedrite is an alloy of copper and silver, just throw it into a bloomery, and out it comes! Nice and pure! ;)

Still, I'd rather see alloys stay alloyed, unless specific measures were taken to separate the base metals again. One of those "I'm just melting down my bronze tools into bronze ingots to make more bronze tools" simplicity things.


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Some alloys are easier to sepperate than others, but use toxic things like murcury and other such things.

As far as reclaiming an anvil, I don't think anyone would try and break up a metal anvil with a hammer, at least not anyone with an iq higher than toothpaste. Melting is about the only way that makes sense in tfc, till the fabled industrial age that has been hinted at. Thermite torches cut up large blocks of metal real nice like.

Sepperating alloys, unless fully vested into, woud feel silly honestly. By fully vested I mean specific methods that are believable or even taken from real methods. Obviously cant have real methods for red/blue steel as its "made up" but resembling real works. On the other hand I'm fairly certain that there are several alloys which couldn't be sepperated without todays tech, which isn't present in tfc.


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As far as reclaiming an anvil, I don't think anyone would try and break up a metal anvil with a hammer, at least not anyone with an iq higher than toothpaste. Melting is about the only way that makes sense in tfc, till the fabled industrial age that has been hinted at. Thermite torches cut up large blocks of metal real nice like.

I think that point was more a "what MC tool would break this block into an item?" kind of comment.


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