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Direct use of all metals for tools etc

106 posts in this topic

I think this could be beneficial as a possible addition to the Kingdoms update, leaders of factions/countries/towns could wear decorative gold/silver/platinum armors to distinguish themselves out of battle, or in battle i guess as well. But i still think this idea is very cool from an aesthetics standpoint.

solid gold armor = no

gilded and ornamented iron armor = me gusta


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I think this could be beneficial as a possible addition to the Kingdoms update, leaders of factions/countries/towns could wear decorative gold/silver/platinum armors to distinguish themselves out of battle, or in battle i guess as well. But i still think this idea is very cool from an aesthetics standpoint.

If i had my own faction, those members i want out of the faction would go to the battle in lead and gold armor. I would use red steel, which already looks quite "recognisible" : -i think i just made up a word xD-


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If i had my own faction, those members i want out of the faction would go to the battle in lead and gold armor. I would use red steel, which already looks quite "recognisible" : -i think i just made up a word xD-

1 you are a horrible person for that, your poor kaniggits would barely be able to move let alone fight


2 recognisable is an actual word, you just spelled it wrong


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yeah, gilded would work, i can guess i can settle for that. Jk gilded is actually a great idea, i cant believe i didn't realize that as a possibility myself :P

If i had my own faction, those members i want out of the faction would go to the battle in lead and gold armor. I would use red steel, which already looks quite "recognisible" : -i think i just made up a word xD-

I've never liked red and blue steel personally, its not flashy enough and i'm not too crazy about the models themselves. I think that if gilded armor becomes a thing that it would work much better than just red or blue steel. Plus what if you want to tell factions apart at a glance. if everyone is wearing steel its impossible, and you could end up killing one of your teammates., that wouldn't happen if one side has gold plated steel armor and the other has platinum plated.

On that note, it might be cool if when forging armor, you could choose what "style" it was in. For example you could make steel armor that uses a retexture of the bronze armor, or zinc armor that looks like a retexture of wrought iron.

oh and recognizable is a word, you just had the spelling slightly off ;)


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On that note, it might be cool if when forging armor, you could choose what "style" it was in. For example you could make steel armor that uses a retexture of the bronze armor, or zinc armor that looks like a retexture of wrought iron.

well this would be rendered useless if we add actual different forms of armor

say you got some black bronze,

you could make plate armor, chainmail, or scale armor

plate would be like it is now, solid metal sheets, good for slashing and pericing attacks but sucks if you get hit my a mace or something similar

chainmail is better against crushing cause its flexible but peircing attacks can break through the links, also provides less defence than plate

scale would be really hard to make but combine the protection of plate with the flexability of chainmail but would have its own weaknesses to balance out


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you misunderstand what i said, it would still have all the same stats as bronze armor, the in game model would just look like steel armor that has been re-colored to be bronze in color. Its just a little aesthetic change that could spice things up a little bit, add some variety! You could also mix and match different styles so you could come up with some interesting combinations, this is mostly just a customization thing, which isn't important at all, just something that might be cool much later in tfc development.


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you misunderstand what i said, it would still have all the same stats as bronze armor, the in game model would just look like steel armor that has been re-colored to be bronze in color. Its just a little aesthetic change that could spice things up a little bit, add some variety! You could also mix and match different styles so you could come up with some interesting combinations, this is mostly just a customization thing, which isn't important at all, just something that might be cool much later in tfc development.

eh but the different textures are there for a reason, they symbolise that some armors are less effective, honestly the full red steel suit looks much safer than the tin armor

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you misunderstand what i said, it would still have all the same stats as bronze armor, the in game model would just look like steel armor that has been re-colored to be bronze in color. Its just a little aesthetic change that could spice things up a little bit, add some variety! You could also mix and match different styles so you could come up with some interesting combinations, this is mostly just a customization thing, which isn't important at all, just something that might be cool much later in tfc development.

... members of the same faction could then have the armor material they want to, but use the same design for it, so they won't attack a player using the same pattern. And unless you copied out every single piece of armor of one metal, it would be hard for the enemies to make armor exactly equal to yours. Though possible, which would able spies to exist.

eh but the different textures are there for a reason, they symbolise that some armors are less effective, honestly the full red steel suit looks much safer than the tin armor

very true... how about, you can give armor the textures of any of the metals on the same tier of the metal the armor is actually made out, so the difference is minor?


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Eh, i was going for making tools that were about as effective as the ratio from iron-gold in vanilla is, with the tfc ratio being Wrought iron to x so only a few hundred (if that) uses, but i mean, is NOBODY going to aknowlage that we have (seemingly) fictional metal already called rose gold? that would be heavier than lead.

I dunno, i just like the idea of it, but filgeree/plating is a nice trade off me me


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Eh, i was going for making tools that were about as effective as the ratio from iron-gold in vanilla is, with the tfc ratio being Wrought iron to x so only a few hundred (if that) uses, but i mean, is NOBODY going to aknowlage that we have (seemingly) fictional metal already called rose gold? that would be heavier than lead.

I dunno, i just like the idea of it, but filgeree/plating is a nice trade off me me

true we already have some pretty unrealistic alloys like come on black bronze? red steel? why not add other fictional metals?

but rose gold actually is a thing. look it up


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true we already have some pretty unrealistic alloys like come on black bronze? red steel? why not add other fictional metals?

but rose gold actually is a thing. look it up

Black bronze exists :) It's actually copper + gold + silver, which somehow makes the metal black.


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Black bronze exists :) It's actually copper + gold + silver, which somehow makes the metal black.

really? hmm it just seems like an odd alloy

but my point is, we've already got a couple of odd metals, so it doesnt really matter if we add a few more odd/fictional metals


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really? hmm it just seems like an odd alloy

but my point is, we've already got a couple of odd metals, so it doesnt really matter if we add a few more odd/fictional metals

Oh, I completely agree with you. Red and Blue steel are really strange, and even DF, which this mod is basically a MC port of in many ways, has its adamantine, Troglodytes, Giant Mole People, and zombie whales...

Hey, Bioxx? Please don't add zombie whales. Ever.

Point is, I'm cool with strange metals and creatures. As long as they aren't zombie whales.


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Why not, for gold at least, make an alloy possible? Maybe 7 gold and 1 or 2 copper for 7 gold alloys. Would add strength and durability and wouldn't change the color drastically.


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Why not, for gold at least, make an alloy possible? Maybe 7 gold and 1 or 2 copper for 7 gold alloys. Would add strength and durability and wouldn't change the color drastically.

8 alloy bars, besides which, gold is ridiculously heavy. A chunk the size of a brick weighs nearly 300 pounds if I remember right. I prefer gilding armor, so it has fancy gold trims.


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Could always use some of the less commonly used and softer metals as jewel mounts for attaching gems to weapons, armors, and tools for the enchanting system (should it occur)

At that point you could calculate enchantment maximums based on gem quality, mounting metal quality, and material used in the item being enchanted. Off topic, I'm aware, but people were talking about otherwise useless metals.


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8 alloy bars, besides which, gold is ridiculously heavy. A chunk the size of a brick weighs nearly 300 pounds if I remember right. I prefer gilding armor, so it has fancy gold trims.

Viable crafting recipe and im on board. I was just thinking to strengthen the metal, not weight.


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A gold brick weighs 300 pounds? That's ridiculous. Standard size of a gold bar is 400 troy ounces, which is about 12.4 kilograms. Though yes, a large amount of gold is quite heavy. The world's largest gold bar stands a little under half a meter tall and a 24 cm wide, and it weighs about 250 kilograms.

Technically speaking there is a process where steel is made blue to protect from rust... but I think the alloys are mainly decorative.


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A gold brick weighs 300 pounds? That's ridiculous. Standard size of a gold bar is 400 troy ounces, which is about 12.4 kilograms. Though yes, a large amount of gold is quite heavy. The world's largest gold bar stands a little under half a meter tall and a 24 cm wide, and it weighs about 250 kilograms.

Technically speaking there is a process where steel is made blue to protect from rust... but I think the alloys are mainly decorative.

Just a suggestion, but if your going to refute an example given in imperial weight don't give your supporting examples only in metric weight.

Anyhow, that makes a standard gold bar "400 troy ounces" right around 27 and 1/3 pounds or so. and the largest bar being about 250kilo is a touch over 551 lb.


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Just a suggestion, but if your going to refute an example given in imperial weight don't give your supporting examples only in metric weight.

Anyhow, that makes a standard gold bar "400 troy ounces" right around 27 and 1/3 pounds or so. and the largest bar being about 250kilo is a touch over 551 lb.

As I said, it's still quite heavy. 300 "pounds" is still far overstated. And sorry, I use metric because as far as the rest of the world was informed everyone should use metric.


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As I said, it's still quite heavy. 300 "pounds" is still far overstated. And sorry, I use metric because as far as the rest of the world was informed everyone should use metric.

Americans use metric too - but only us scientists


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Americans use metric too - but only us scientists

I don't really get why, the metric system seems to be so much simpler... However, that's probably because i don't know any other system :/


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I don't really get why, the metric system seems to be so much simpler... However, that's probably because i don't know any other system :/

Well the only other system I know of is the english system, now called the imperial system because even the fucking english don't use it anymore.

Americans with IQs below 120 still use it because it's safe and it's what they're used to, and gods forbid that the American populace do anything outside their collective comfort zone...

Make no mistake, the metric system, being base 10, is both simpler and far more efficient than the imperial system, which is base retarded.

Yes, because king George the 1st had a fucking 30.48 cm shoe, that must mean that a 'foot' is the perfect standard for measurement. I swear...


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Well the only other system I know of is the english system, now called the imperial system because even the fucking english don't use it anymore.

Americans with IQs below 120 still use it because it's safe and it's what they're used to, and gods forbid that the American populace do anything outside their collective comfort zone...

Make no mistake, the metric system, being base 10, is both simpler and far more efficient than the imperial system, which is base retarded.

Yes, because king George the 1st had a fucking 30.48 cm shoe, that must mean that a 'foot' is the perfect standard for measurement. I swear...

Hey, us Americans like our quirks :D Besides, the scientist-engineer segment of the population is quite comfortable with metric. Blame the rest of the idiots. Yeah, I'm an engineer. Well, studying to be one.


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Engineer High Five! sigh, have so much engineering school to look forward to, like 9 years worth :/


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