Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Use for the use-less ores and minerals.

12 posts in this topic


1) JET

Jet is very easy to carve but it is difficult to create detail without breaking so it takes some time for learning and executing more elaborate carving.

Jet has a Mohs hardness ranging between 2.5 to 4 and a specific gravity of 1.30 to 1.34. The refractive index of jet is approximately 1.66. The touch of a red-hot needle should cause jet to emit an odor similar to coal.

Jet is easily polished and is used in manufacturing jewellery, according to the Whitby Museum, dating from 10,000 BC in parts of Germany. The oldest jet jewellery was found in Asturias, Spain, dating from 17,000 BC. Whitby jet was a favorite material for ornamental jewellery during the Roman period, when it was described by Solinus. Hair-pins, rings, spindles, bracelets, and necklaces were produced in great variety (Wiki)

2) graphite

Uses of natural graphite

Natural graphite is mostly consumed for refractories, batteries, steelmaking, expanded graphite, brake linings, foundry facings and lubricants. Graphene, which occurs naturally in graphite, has unique physical properties and might be one of the strongest substances known; however, the process of separating it from graphite will require some technological development before it is economically feasible to use it in industrial processes.

Other uses

Graphite (carbon) fiber and carbon nanotubes are also used in carbon fiber reinforced plastics, and in heat-resistant composites such as reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC). Commercial structures made from carbon fiber graphite composites include fishing rods, golf club shafts, bicycle frames, sports car body panels, the fuselage of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and pool cue sticks and have been successfully employed in reinforced concrete, The mechanical properties of carbon fiber graphite-reinforced plastic composites and grey cast iron are strongly influenced by the role of graphite in these materials. In this context, the term "(100%) graphite" is often loosely used to refer to a pure mixture of carbon reinforcement and resin, while the term "composite" is used for composite materials with additional ingredients.

Graphite has been used in at least three radar absorbent materials. It was mixed with rubber in Sumpf and Schornsteinfeger, which were used on U-boat snorkels to reduce their radar cross section. It was also used in tiles on early F-117 Nighthawks. Modern smokeless powder is coated in graphite to prevent the buildup of static charge.

3.) Gypsum

Uses of gypsum

Gypsum is used in a wide variety of applications:

Gypsum board is primarily used as a finish for walls and ceilings, and is known in construction as drywall or plasterboard.

Plaster ingredient (surgical splints, casting moulds, modeling)

Fertilizer and soil conditioner: In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Nova Scotia gypsum, often referred to as plaster, was a highly sought fertilizer for wheat fields in the United States. It is also used in ameliorating sodic soils.

A binder in fast-dry tennis court clay

As alabaster, a material for sculpture, especially in the ancient world before steel was developed, when its relative softness made it much easier to carve than stone with available tools.

A wood substitute in the ancient world: For example, when wood became scarce due to deforestation on Bronze Age Crete, gypsum was employed in building construction at locations where wood was previously used.

A tofu (soy bean curd) coagulant, making it ultimately a major source of dietary calcium, especially in Asian cultures which traditionally use few dairy products

Adding hardness to water used for homebrewing

A component of Portland cement used to prevent flash setting of concrete

Soil/water potential monitoring (soil moisture tension)

A common ingredient in making mead

4.) Olivine


A worldwide search is on for cheap processes to sequester CO2 by mineral reactions. Removal by reactions with olivine is an attractive option, because it is widely available and reacts easily with the (acid) CO2 from the atmosphere. When olivine is crushed, it weathers completely within a few years, depending on the grain size. All the CO2 that is produced by burning 1 liter of oil can be sequestered by less than 1 liter of olivine. The reaction is exothermic but slow. In order to recover the heat produced by the reaction to produce electricity, a large volume of olivine must be thermally well-isolated. The end-products of the reaction are silicon dioxide, magnesium carbonate and small amounts of iron oxide.

The aluminium foundry industry uses olivine sand to cast objects in aluminium. Olivine sand requires less water than silica sands while still holding the mold together during handling and pouring of the metal. Less water means less gas (steam) to vent from the mold as metal is poured into the mold.

5.) Pitchblende

uraninite minerals contain a small amount of radium as a radioactive decay product of uranium. Uraninite also always contains small amounts of the leadisotopes206Pb and 207Pb, the end products of the decay series of the uranium isotopes 238U and 235U respectively. Small amounts of helium are also present in uraninite as a result of alpha decay. Helium was first found on Earth in uraninite after having been discovered spectroscopically in the Sun's atmosphere. The extremely rare element technetium can be found in uraninite in very small quantities (about 0.2 ng/kg), produced by the spontaneous fission of uranium-238. (URANIUM PEOPLE! lets make a nuke, JK )

6. ) Saltpeter

Potassium nitrate is a chemical compound with the formula KNO3. It is an ionic salt of potassium ions K+ and nitrate ions NO3−.

It occurs as a mineral niter and is a natural solid source of nitrogen. Potassium nitrate is one of several nitrogen-containing compounds collectively referred to as saltpeter. Major uses of potassium nitrate are in fertilizers, food additive, rocket propellants and fireworks; it is one of the constituents of gunpowder.

7. ) Serpentine (too big for post.)

8. ) Sylvite

Sylvite is potassium chloride (KCl) in natural mineral form. It forms crystals in the isometric system very similar to normal rock salt, halite (NaCl). The two are, in fact, isomorphous.Sylvite is colorless to white with shades of yellow and red due to inclusions. It has a Mohs hardness of 2.5 and a specific gravity of 1.99. It has a refractive index of 1.4903. Sylvite has a salty taste with a distinct bitterness.Sylvite is one of the last evaporite minerals to precipitate out of solution. As such, it is only found in very dry saline areas. Its principal use is as a potassium fertilizer.

This is just for quick reference for the dev team to help with what these minerals can be used for and what they can implement such as; Beer, Sculpting, Fertilizer(helps restore soil type nutrient levels) and other things like decor, construction with more modern materials, just to name a few. source of info; Wikipedia and other mineral Description guides.


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oh god, not again.

Great post, well thought out, just a topic we've talked about before, a lot.


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i know, its a post that someone can pin if they want to work on the minerals one at a time, for an idea on what to work on next. I hope this helps the development team, because i found a literal tons worth of Gypsum and have nothing to do with it because i AM NOT wasting my time mining it all. lol

Edit- Graphite could be used in a bloomary to produce Graphene in small amounts, and could be use in the metallurgy table with platinum to make "Graph-tonium" and then this mixed with red-steel be turned into red(or blue if you use blue steel) titanium alloy, which could be the only alloy that can make a Solar panel, which can in turn be used with a "Graphite battery" block that would allow the solar panel to power the battery giving it a stored charge, that when switched on by a lever. sends out its charge through redstone to power light sources(i know Boixx is working on lighting so this could help as a battery could hold enough charge to power these simple light sources)

Not: IM NOT TRYING TO GO TEKKIT OR IC2 ON YOU ALL. I THINK TFC should eventually plan on moving forward past the castle age. but not so much that it would take away from the basis of TFC being a revision on Minecraft survival.


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Please summarize your suggestions, a lot of what you've posted ain't even suggestions. I don't see much use for pitchblend on this mod, I would guess that it was Bioxx trying to be compatible with other mods. Potassium chloride if I remember well we used for making a kind of gunpowder. Serpentines are REALLY dangerous, nobody should mine that! They were used on anything that needed to be fire resistant.

Olivine is a waste of space... It is a common mineral, occurs a lot in igneous rocks and has no actual use as far as I know.

Graphite is a good lubricant, but for this mod... you could make pencils, pencils are nice... you can draw with them, you know...


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Please summarize your suggestions, a lot of what you've posted ain't even suggestions. I don't see much use for pitchblend on this mod, I would guess that it was Bioxx trying to be compatible with other mods. Potassium chloride if I remember well we used for making a kind of gunpowder. Serpentines are REALLY dangerous, nobody should mine that! They were used on anything that needed to be fire resistant.

Olivine is a waste of space... It is a common mineral, occurs a lot in igneous rocks and has no actual use as far as I know.

Graphite is a good lubricant, but for this mod... you could make pencils, pencils are nice... you can draw with them, you know...

please, read the whole post next time, i made this as a reference for the development team on what these minerals are used for, And pitchblende in a source of uranium ore. so this may be a hint that Boixx may want to move forward into using Uranium Power sources.

Also, Olivine could be mixed with tin, to make aluminum to be used as food cans for storage of non grain products of farming or wheat-beer cans(this is an interesting thought)


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i know, its a post that someone can pin if they want to work on the minerals one at a time, for an idea on what to work on next. I hope this helps the development team, because i found a literal tons worth of Gypsum and have nothing to do with it because i AM NOT wasting my time mining it all. lol

Edit- Graphite could be used in a bloomary to produce Graphene in small amounts, and could be use in the metallurgy table with platinum to make "Graph-tonium" and then this mixed with red-steel be turned into red(or blue if you use blue steel) titanium alloy, which could be the only alloy that can make a Solar panel, which can in turn be used with a "Graphite battery" block that would allow the solar panel to power the battery giving it a stored charge, that when switched on by a lever. sends out its charge through redstone to power light sources(i know Boixx is working on lighting so this could help as a battery could hold enough charge to power these simple light sources)

Not: IM NOT TRYING TO GO TEKKIT OR IC2 ON YOU ALL. I THINK TFC should eventually plan on moving forward past the castle age. but not so much that it would take away from the basis of TFC being a revision on Minecraft survival.

Bioxx said "No machines" or anything that makes you work less... So yeah, no solar panels.

Titanium alloys should need titanium... platinum should make platinum alloys in my point of view


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Also, Olivine could be mixed with tin, to make aluminum to be used as food cans for storage of non grain products of farming or wheat-beer cans(this is an interesting thought)

Are you high? How would mixing olivine with tin make aluminum? Where did you get that idea????


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Are you high? How would mixing olivine with tin make aluminum? Where did you get that idea????

your right, sorry i ment Olivine sands are used to HELP make aluminum, sorry for that *Face palm*


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Bioxx said "No machines" or anything that makes you work less... So yeah, no solar panels.

Titanium alloys should need titanium... platinum should make platinum alloys in my point of view

Solar panels would not make you work less, instead it would require more work to make the alloy and the block, its a lighting source not a machine. it DOES NOT DO ANY WORK but simply works as a redstone power channel that relays solar energy into for instance a redstone lamp, its pretty much just something to make not somthing that actually helps with anything. a bunch of redstone some repeaters and redstone lamps will do the exact same thing anyway


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you do realise that most if not all of these ideas are way out of our timeframes right?

-cough-nuclear fission, rocket propellants, brake lining, batteries, aluminum extraction, -cough-


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Solar panels would not make you work less, instead it would require more work to make the alloy and the block, its a lighting source not a machine. it DOES NOT DO ANY WORK but simply works as a redstone power channel that relays solar energy into for instance a redstone lamp, its pretty much just something to make not somthing that actually helps with anything. a bunch of redstone some repeaters and redstone lamps will do the exact same thing anyway

See Achartran, lighting AND more uses for ores, how about that?


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See Achartran, lighting AND more uses for ores, how about that?

that will work too, i guess that's why we have these forums to discuss these kinds of topics


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