Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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I propose a new subforum: Challenges!

(yeah, it is very general and has no deep thought on that, it is just Challenges!)


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Biggest castle, largest ore body, blue steel complete set in the shortest time, survive a week in a forest with nothing on!

Should be a way to give the community some goals, keep people entertained and a way to check each others skills/buildings/mines etc.


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hey i got a challenge for you,


thats what the goal of minecraft should be and what we're striving towards with this mod, survival itsself is a complicated and intricate thing to do, and should keep you occupied so you dont have to worry about hmm im bored what should i do. survival is a fulltime job buddy you try going out in the woods with nothing for a week, trust me, you wont get bored


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Ba-da bap-ba-baaa, not lovin' it

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thank you, that is all.


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thats what the goal of minecraft should be and what we're striving towards with this mod, survival itsself is a complicated and intricate thing to do, and should keep you occupied so you dont have to worry about hmm im bored what should i do. survival is a fulltime job buddy you try going out in the woods with nothing for a week, trust me, you wont get bored

Never said I got bored. Plus, to me survival is for the first steps in the new world, after awhile you'll need other stuff to do, that is why there is tiers of ores. If you get a bed, a cow and some torches you're done for a really long time. I've seen some posts of people saying like "Only problem I see is that I play very conservatively, especially since TFC. I think I've died on TFC SMP all of twice, and only one of those was an accident."(redundantusage on chain world).

The thing is people NEED challenges, survival is a big step in the beginning but it doesn't last. So the next thing is advance. Usually you challenge yourself like "I dare myself to make a freaking castle here" or "My goal is to find galena!" maybe you challenge others. This is how I stay entertained.


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Never said I got bored. Plus, to me survival is for the first steps in the new world, after awhile you'll need other stuff to do, that is why there is tiers of ores. If you get a bed, a cow and some torches you're done for a really long time. I've seen some posts of people saying like "Only problem I see is that I play very conservatively, especially since TFC. I think I've died on TFC SMP all of twice, and only one of those was an accident."(redundantusage on chain world).

The thing is people NEED challenges, survival is a big step in the beginning but it doesn't last. So the next thing is advance. Usually you challenge yourself like "I dare myself to make a freaking castle here" or "My goal is to find galena!" maybe you challenge others. This is how I stay entertained.

i dont think you understand sir, survival should be enough of a challenge to keep you occupied so you DONT feel a need to build a masaive castle for no reason

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i dont think you understand sir, survival should be enough of a challenge to keep you occupied so you DONT feel a need to build a masaive castle for no reason

I know that. But for those who have strived and have prospered in the world, they need more challenges while new updates don't come along. Survival can be a challenge in itself, let's say I challenge you to do that, to survive a week in a forest with nothing on! THAT IS ANOTHER CHALLENGE. Geology can be a challenge. There are so many possibilities, that is the great thing about minecraft AND this mod.

Maybe when dunk release the new mobs survival will get even harder and won't be just keeping everything lit and food on the table.


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Silly noodles, survival is not the point, it's only the begining. What happens once you reach red steel? You go look for malachite, create a massive mine, build a castle, learn about TFC geology, ECT. I really don't care if there is a subforum for it, but I really agree with Leo.

Maybe for some people it's all they can do to survive, but I want to thrive.

(that's why it's a survive and thrive, not just survive)


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thank you, that is all.

Holy shit, can't believe you actually dug that up XD


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It does sounds good... But, really, how many people actually got that far in the game for survival not to be an objective any more? The farest i got is a black steel double ingot, and then i tried to go to the nether and my game got corrupted. Of course, you could set these objectives for you while trying to survive, as an "optional mission".

I say, at least leave a thread in off topic for this if it can't get a new section. This deserves some attention.... But i'm not really sure it will get enough for a section :


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Holy shit, can't believe you actually dug that up XD

I'm like an elephant, I remember everything. That, of course, excludes important things. :P


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It does sounds good... But, really, how many people actually got that far in the game for survival not to be an objective any more? The farest i got is a black steel double ingot, and then i tried to go to the nether and my game got corrupted. Of course, you could set these objectives for you while trying to survive, as an "optional mission".

I say, at least leave a thread in off topic for this if it can't get a new section. This deserves some attention.... But i'm not really sure it will get enough for a section :

The survive part has never been hard in my opinion. Collect one stack of loose rocks, one stack of sticks, chop down a couple trees and build a cabin near a herd of chicken. Your survival is set, everything else becomes optional.


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The survive part has never been hard in my opinion. Collect one stack of loose rocks, one stack of sticks, chop down a couple trees and build a cabin near a herd of chicken. Your survival is set, everything else becomes optional.

this is what we want to fix with TFC,

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I suggest making it take longer to achieve an actual way to fell a tree


Make monsters more powerful and add a somnia-esque feature so that you cant just fall asleep outside and if you're inside, the monsters will break in.


Add rival tribes that steal from you (i know, no NPCs whatsoever it's just a what if)


Make wood be affected by gravity so cabins would be harder


make metal axes only able to chop down trees and instead have them rely on sticks, dead trees, leaves, anad other stuff for crude kindling. If you set a tree on fire there's a chance it could fall, burn, or just start a forest fire. Maybe saws could even require double ingots...


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It does sounds good... But, really, how many people actually got that far in the game for survival not to be an objective any more? The farest i got is a black steel double ingot, and then i tried to go to the nether and my game got corrupted. Of course, you could set these objectives for you while trying to survive, as an "optional mission".

I say, at least leave a thread in off topic for this if it can't get a new section. This deserves some attention.... But i'm not really sure it will get enough for a section :

You don't need to go that far. Like I've said challenges can be in anyway at any tier. Some kinds of challenges have already been proposed, like show your castle, chisel creations, try to find ore x in this seed... Those are challenges in a way.

They can be optional missions like achievements (hehe) in a way, but I prefer as a way to the community interact and with it show what they like, dislike and feel interested by.


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Okay, alright! : it's a "meh, maybe" from me. I'm not sure if i'm ever gonna use such section, so i don't really care...


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Make wood be affected by gravity so cabins would be harder

I wonder if the devs will ever get bored and introduce skids and pulleys for log and block placement.


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The farthest I got was a red steel anvil, pickaxe, and shovel and a castle with about 10,000 blocks into it. Then TFC updated to the new world gen...

...then my computer broke...

I have not played TFC since. Or any minecraft for that matter.

Money... Be saved up faster for my new computer!


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