Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Sushiy (aka Kwink007)

SMP specific Gamemechanic ideas (Not the Kingdoms/Nations stuff)

8 posts in this topic

Okay soo...

because the Kingdoms Brainstorming thread is kinda overloaded..I thought stuff that is not exactly related to the FOUNDING and MANAGING of Kingdoms should get it's own thread..

I know a lot of this has been posted, but I still think it would be better to maybe even repost some of the stuff that was lost somewhere between griefing and establishing borders in the above mentioned thread!!

I know Bioxx started to realize that a whole lot of us play SSP and that he is probably adjusting some of the new features to work with both SSP and SMP but....let's just overlook that and keep discussing SMP features anyway !!! :3

This Thread is NOT about my own ideas(even though i will probably post a few ;) ) It's supposed to kinda like a "database" of SMP ideas to inspire Bioxx and Dunk, like the other suggestions..

I'll start with an example of what I thought this thread could contain!

If you don't wanna read it theeen SKIP it.. :)

WARNING: This might have been suggested. I REALLY DON'T KNOW. if it was: sorry 'n stuff...


I love the whole Kingdoms stuff and the idea of building an economy is really coool aaand interesting!

BUT, I think it kinda lacks in terms of "what would people do in the Kingdom" or rather, how could there be a need to group together other than defending yourselves (I am not exactly a fan of "Minecraft Warfare", because it usually contains breaking stuff people invested a lot of time into).

So i thought that every thing you do in TFC should get another "level".


I thought of this when playing today. When it turned dark I just sat on my virtual bed and started fishing, cuz I ran out of food. That's when I thought "It would be kinda cool, to have fishermen on servers, right?!"

Well it would, but it would NOT make much sense with the current mechanics of fishing I guess...

For SSP fishing with a fishing rod is totally fine, you get enough food for a while if you spend sth like 5 or 10 minutes fishing.

But imagine you were the fisherman of a village inhabited by let's just say...5 players..who are mining or farming or chopping wood or building.

it would be annoying to spend the whole day sitting there with your fishing rod trying to get enough food for everyone right?!


I don't like automatic farming/mining/fishing/woodcuttin/building/anyotherminecraftmechanicyoucomeupwith-ing!!

But I would like the Idea of making certain things in minecraft more fit to be a fulltime job!! similar to how mining works.

Adding things like NETS, FISHINGBOATS, BAIT, and sth like "FISHING GROUNDS" could make fishing into a job that is worth it.

To balance it out, this should be rather hard to start, for example needing a big amount of recources for nets and such.

Another big point in balancing would be time. You cannot go mining if you sit in a boat offshore, therefore for Soloplayers this activity is, while undoubtetly possible maybe not very effective.

The ingamestuff:


Nets would be crafted from the still unobtainable hemp or as of right now, from strings.

The recipe should involve quite an amount of string/hemp as well as stones to make it heavier.

It would need some kind of a crafting interface to imply making each knot in the net individually (of course it had to be abstracted into sth gameplayish)

It could be used from Land or from a boat and would catch fish depending on the amount of fish in the area (which will come further down).

There COULD be different tiers of nets. But it's not necessary for what I want to say...I guess..


They should be crafted from wood obviously, but they should also require wool for a sail and have a larger model than the vanilla boat which seems to be a rowing boat of some sort.

This is because in order to efficiently use nets you would need to have rather stable footing.especially in deep waters, where your net is rather big/heavy because it has to go deep for the fish.

Aaaaaaaaaaand also because it would look better.

BAIT: obviously increases your chance of fishing.

combine it with your net/fishing rod or just throw it into the water.

Crafting?! items i guess...


This is kinda inspired by the TFC mining mechanic..

In some areas there's more fish in other's there is less...

Generally: the deeper and wider the water the more fish.

Oceans DO hold more fish then you average backyard pond you know...

Okay that's it for my Idea...this principle should/could be used on farming as well but that's already kinda work in progress...

Uum...I did a bit of a Spoilerception it really easier to read or am I only imagining that?!

Well feel free to comment and put your own ideas in here:)

Remember: this is about things that would add sense to SMP, we've had some Carts and roads threads already, early powersystems also are a feature that WOULD go here I guess..but I am NOT sure how people will respond if any of that is reposted, or revived again!! no guarantees for no trouble!!


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Actual trades

'nough said.


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Actual trades

'nough said.

But the current risky throwing of items is just how it works in real life. You have to trade with someone you trust, or take a risk.


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I mean like blacksmiths and sculptors.


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But there are trades, skills learned by the actual player.

Ask any blacksmith or sculptor 'Were you this good when you started out?', and they'll probably say no.


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Yes, but just about everyone can do these, I want a hard difficulty for SMP where trades are hard to master, thus forcing the formation of communities and true trading of goods and services.


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Yes, but just about everyone can do these, I want a hard difficulty for SMP where trades are hard to master, thus forcing the formation of communities and true trading of goods and services.

which is exacctly what i was trying to imply with my idea...

buuuuut saying

Actual trades

'nough said.

doesn't really help anybody...share your ideas a BIT more detailed please:D


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I kinda have been here and on the unofficial trades thread


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