Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Prospecting Pick (yes i read Bioxx's post)

9 posts in this topic

so reading Bioxx's post about masters in skill makes my lightbulb go haywire: why not have actual skills somehow implemented in TFC, allowing for specialists at mining, at woodcutting, at fishing, scuba diving for ink, combat, archery, etc etc every mundane thing (terraforming) could be trained, allowing for access to better tools or different ways of doing your job (like instead of javelins you can use handbows after some exp has been given)

i know its a moderately used mod on vanilla servers, and thats NOT what i want to achieve, in most servers it allows for some sort of superskill, im talking about adding limitations to advanced stuff until you've become better at it (perhaps add a limiter to it so you can adjust these settings for single player, and the admins for multiplayer to prevent people saying: BUT I WANNA DO EVERYTHING AND YOU DONT ALLOW ME *rageragerage*)

also this could allow for the proper implemention of stuff like towns, since several people with different (or perhaps identical) specializations can thrive together and make themselves selfsufficient or a excellent trading partner.



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I have always liked the idea of skills in Minecraft, but TFC is already being built around the concept of progression. In Minecraft you must collect, in TFC you must progress.

So do we really need skills? I would rather have specializations develop naturally.

•I love to do the farming portion of TFC, and maybe I have the knowledge of the mechanics to get a good yield from my crops, and I love the idea of sprawling fields so much that I don't mind spending a couple hours flattening out some land and preparing storage for my crops.

•Perhaps my friend loves to gather resources from mining and likes to spend his time underground, so we strike a deal that I will keep him fed and he will provide a couple metal tools for me to speed up my farming a bit. Hell, maybe I'll even build a house to his specifications for a reasonable compensation.

I've done this in vanilla. It would work even better in TFC.


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This is a terrible idea. TFC has done it's utmost to stay away from being an RPG (in the skills department) and is entirely focused on meta skills. That is the entire point. No skills.

source: I'm a dev.


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ahwell, ditto's point is quite true, (why didnt i realize that be4 making this post, people already do this since TFC is so much more difficult than vanilla)

and dunk, you already have 'skills' in fact, like ditto said, the complex farming, the complex mining and metalworking, one player cant do everything by himself so he focuses on 1 area while his buddy gets the other, like ditto said, its already happening, i just made a useless thread ;)


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dunk, you already have 'skills'

Those are the meta skills Dunk was referring to. Skills outside of the game which affect gameplay.

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This is a terrible idea. TFC has done it's utmost to stay away from being an RPG (in the skills department) and is entirely focused on meta skills. That is the entire point. No skills.

source: I'm a dev.

I was actually looking for a post you made a while back, saying exactly this. Well, not exactly, more like "TFC will NEVER be a RPG", more harsh... but yeah, you posting here works just as well :

Besides, skills don't make any sense. One can not just chop an oak and be like "Yeah, NOW i can chop that sequoia". It requires the player to do completely unnecesary grinding for something that normally, they would be able to do without any grinding at all :. The fact leves and experience are there, and also the fact it was given a RPG-ish use (with more experience you have more health) doesn't means any other RPG-ish aspect will make it in.

And no, metal tiers are not RPG-ish. Once you do an anvil from a metal, you can easily be done with that anvil; just use it to make the next one and store it somewhere else. It's dependant on the resources you find, it doesn't requires you to use tiers for anything but advancing to other tiers.


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Those are the meta skills Dunk was referring to. Skills outside of the game which affect gameplay.

and i (at least tried to say that i) acknowledged that at the part one player cant do everything by himself so he focuses on 1 area while his buddy gets the other, like ditto said, its already happening, i just made a useless thread


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and dunk, you already have 'skills' in fact, like ditto said, the complex farming, the complex mining and metalworking, one player cant do everything by himself so he focuses on 1 area while his buddy gets the other, like ditto said, its already happening, i just made a useless thread ;)

So then all my single player worlds where an uncomplete experience. There isn't, code wise, a difference between how you play TFC multiplayer and how you play TFC single player. You can easily master all of them, the fact you focus on one on multiplayer is because dividing jobs between the members of a community is much more productive than everyone doing everything. Is player's logic that makes for specialization, NOT the game itself.


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well it would take 1 player an incredible amount of time to achieve the same as 4 players in multiplayer could, which sets off MANY players into the multiplayer (of vanilla too) it doesnt make it an uncomplete experience but a tedious and long one (which could be fun if you are a vid maker like Minecraftmuse aka spum, but for a regular gamer? nope, multiplayer it is, i tried to give an idea to improve it, its been shot down, thread over)


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