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Anvil Tweak

42 posts in this topic

Anvil suggestions:

1) The first suggestion is irrelevant anymore

Sometimes I want to move the anvil arrow left or right (since i'm far from the target) and without noticing this meets the rules so I get a damaged weapon when I wasn't even trying.

So why not add another button as powerful as the 'bend' or 'draw' but that do not appears in the rules so you can't confuse and finish the tool by a mistake.

It's not gonna make anvil any easier (read note 3)

2) Making perfect tools should be more rewarding, how about 80% damage for bad tools (the really bad ones).



Please don't say anvils are hard on purpose.

It has nothing to do with difficulty, just to avoid some mistakes.


Please do not say that the tool can't be that damaged because it's already was almost done.

I didn't say stop working and improving the tool either, but it just did.. (not everything is believable in this game)


Let's call those actions 'punch left' and 'punch right'.

if the rule say: draw, bend, shrink

then doing: draw, bend, punch left, shrink

won't be a valid row of hits.

So what I say is that this action will only be useful at the beginning, like this: punch right, punch right, punch right, punch right, draw, bend, shrink

Therefor it won't make anything easier, explain yourself if I miss something.


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It's okay, but I think the idea of the anvil IS to be very hard.


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It's okay, but I think the idea of the anvil IS to be very hard.

and I'm suggesting making it even harder and more punishing :P

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Also how about making it more punishing, so that if you really missed the target you loss about 80% of the durability and not just 10% or so.

What do you mean by that? Do you mean the red arrow thingy? If so, then you should realize that that is when you have a pickaxe. The whole time, you are working it from an ingot, to something resembling a pick, then once you get to the red "zone" you have a pickaxe. The closer you get the green arrow to the target, the closer to perfect the pick is. If you are still in the zone, You should get a pick with some damage. Not 80%.

Outside of that range, you can't even finish the tool, so that is irrelevant.


Adding the option to 'Finish' the tool will completely destroy any challenge of creating good tools.

That is the point. You can't be good at everything in TFC. There are some things that HAVE to be challenging. Hate to burst your bubble, but that is how it works.

Sorry I didn't read the previous two posts; by the time I posted it, you and dan posted.


and I'm suggesting making it even harder and more punishing :P

The way you are saying it in your OP, You are suggesting to add a function (finish button) That takes the challenge out of the anvil. Correct me if i'm misunderstanding you, but that's how I get it.


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What do you mean by that? Do you mean the red arrow thingy? If so, then you should realize that that is when you have a pickaxe. The whole time, you are working it from an ingot, to something resembling a pick, then once you get to the red "zone" you have a pickaxe. The closer you get the green arrow to the target, the closer to perfect the pick is. If you are still in the zone, You should get a pick with some damage. Not 80%.

Outside of that range, you can't even finish the tool, so that is irrelevant.


That is the point. You can't be good at everything in TFC. There are some things that HAVE to be challenging. Hate to burst your bubble, but that is how it works.

Sorry I didn't read the previous two posts; by the time I posted it, you and dan posted.


The way you are saying it in your OP, You are suggesting to add a function (finish button) That takes the challenge out of the anvil. Correct me if i'm misunderstanding you, but that's how I get it.

How quoting me should contradict me :huh:

You contradict yourself, you say that why would it be SO damaged when it's near done so that's not believable, but you also agree that allowing the finish action IS believable and even SHOULD be like that but you don't wanna add.

That means you do not only want the believable stuff but some challenge too, that why I say that getting a perfect tool doesn't make much of a difference and this is bad, making a perfect tool should be more rewarding, that's why let's make bad tool start at 80% damaged.


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That's how I get it also...


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How quoting me should contradict me :huh:

Huh? If I get this right, you are wondering how I am contradicting you by quoting you right?

Anyway, you should clarify the OP to prevent the confusion me and 1SDAN are having.


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+ 1 on the above post


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+ 1 on the above post

Have you ran out of like quota? Haha. Why don't you just like it. :o Speaking of, how much is the max like quota?


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IDK I ran out last night and now I'm waiting for it to recharge.


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IDK I ran out last night and now I'm waiting for it to recharge.

Ok LOL. I like how you said recharge. Makes it sound like a shounen haha.


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Huh? If I get this right, you are wondering how I am contradicting you by quoting you right?

Anyway, you should clarify the OP to prevent the confusion me and 1SDAN are having.

I've completely rewrite the post, please reread.

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I've completely rewrite the post, please reread.



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So what do you think?

The way you are saying it in your OP, You are suggesting to add a function (finish button) That takes the challenge out of the anvil. Correct me if i'm misunderstanding you, but that's how I get it.

Never suggested such thing :huh:

Instead I explained how bad would it be to add it.

For the future, my suggestions are starting with the words: "I suggest ..."

and not "... adding this would remove any challenge ..."


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The second suggestion is good, making the anvil even harder to master fits the mods feel and can lead to more specialization in SMP communities.

The first suggestion is redundant. Watch the rules closely, always try to program your next move and don't be afraid to take out the ingot for reheating if you feel stressed. If you don't understand the instructions and make a wrong move, having made a bad tool is the intended outcome.


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Excactly what the above said. This obviously makes it easier to do. And that's NOT the purpose.

Smithing took centuries to master, and it's not believable for someone who just learned you can do something without ever learning a bit about it to be a master.

What I suggest is larger or smaller hits, bends and the such when using a better tier of hammer.

Also, make it so that the stone hammer is useful as mack, thus making your tools even worse until you can make a metal hammer. This would encourage the use of an array of hammers to make perfect tools.

Also, maybe in addition to how close you get, the grade is also affected by the amount of things done to that particular item.

What I would like to see is the ability for anvils to degrade, like in vanilla. Max uses of anvils could be randomized by seed in accordance to a specific range. The higher the grade of the hammer and item, (ingot for example) the faster the anvil would degrade. This makes anvils MUCH more valuable.

Just a thought.


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Excactly what the above said. This obviously makes it easier to do. And that's NOT the purpose.

Smithing took centuries to master, and it's not believable for someone who just learned you can do something without ever learning a bit about it to be a master.

I think you are off topic again :mellow:

The first note was specifically for you.

Also, maybe in addition to how close you get, the grade is also affected by the amount of things done to that particular item.

What I would like to see is the ability for anvils to degrade, like in vanilla. Max uses of anvils could be randomized by seed in accordance to a specific range. The higher the grade of the hammer and item, (ingot for example) the faster the anvil would degrade. This makes anvils MUCH more valuable.

Just a thought.

The amount of hits done is indeed a nice addition to the second suggestion.

Breaking anvils are not goon and annoying I think, mainly because they are expensive anyway.

The second suggestion is good, making the anvil even harder to master fits the mods feel and can lead to more specialization in SMP communities.

The first suggestion is redundant. Watch the rules closely, always try to program your next move and don't be afraid to take out the ingot for reheating if you feel stressed. If you don't understand the instructions and make a wrong move, having made a bad tool is the intended outcome.

I can agree with Dante80 that this is not so important, it's rare and it's my mistake only.


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So what do you think?

I had to take a break so sorry for the bad response. I was working on a project with Menoch and achartran. But my response would have been EXACTLY what Dante80 said.


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I think you are off topic again :mellow:

How is this off topic? And also, when I quoted your thing^^^, it gave me some stuff that wasn't in the post itself. Such as: The first one was for you (talking to Dan).

Or something along those lines.



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I had to take a break so sorry for the bad response. I was working on a project with Menoch and achartran. But my response would have been EXACTLY what Dante80 said.

Are you sure?

You said: (think 80 is too much)

The closer you get the green arrow to the target, the closer to perfect the pick is. If you are still in the zone, You should get a pick with some damage. Not 80%.

Dante80 said: (agrees and like the punishment of bad tools)

The second suggestion is good, making the anvil even harder to master fits the mods feel and can lead to more specialization in SMP communities.

I would say it's EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what Dante80 said ;)

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How is this off topic? And also, when I quoted your thing^^^, it gave me some stuff that wasn't in the post itself. Such as: The first one was for you (talking to Dan).

Or something along those lines.


yes sorry, I was editing a few times before leaving.

Off topic because he was assuming that I was suggesting to make it easier which I never did, and what I did suggested DOESN'T make it any easier.

So saying "not a good suggestion, because stuff should be hard" is just off topic.

Now that is how you double post without anyone noticing :D


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The second suggestion is good, making the anvil even harder to master fits the mods feel and can lead to more specialization in SMP communities.

I once made a disscussion thread for ideas on SMP specialization. No one knew what I was talking about though.

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yes sorry, I was editing a few times before leaving.

Off topic because he was going on the side that I was suggesting to make it easier which I never suggested, and what I did suggested DOESN'T make it any easier.

So saying "not a good suggestion, because stuff should be hard" is just off topic.

The way I understand it, you are trying to make a way work around fulfilling requirements without wanting to.

Work-arounds make things easier.


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Are you sure?

You said: (think 80 is too much)

Dante80 said: (agrees and like the punishment of bad tools)

I would say it's EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what Dante80 said ;)

Sorry for making myself confusing,

When you say it is exactly the opposite of what he said, you quoted him....that makes NO snese to me.

And Ok, maybe not exactly.

I would say maybe 40-55% but not 80%. I like punishment, but the way you are saying it to be, I don't like.


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What ever was before, glad everybody in understanding with each other now.

Sorry for making myself confusing,

When you say it is exactly the opposite of what he said, you quoted him....that makes NO snese to me.

And Ok, maybe not exactly.

I would say maybe 40-55% but not 80%. I like punishment, but the way you are saying it to be, I don't like.

Of course I don't mean 80 exactly.

Just that "Perfect tools should be more rewarding"

The way I understand it, you are trying to make a way work around fulfilling requirements without wanting to.

Work-arounds make things easier.

Sure, except that I don't want a way around, but a way to avoid making these unnecessary mistakes, but as dante80 said it's unnecessary, there are well defined rules and it's well reasonable to follow them.

Anyway I tried to explain why this feature won't make anything easier in note 3 in the main post.


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