Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Quivers for javelins and arrows

17 posts in this topic

Before people start bitching saying that i did not used the search bar let me tell you i did, and i found some threads with the basic idea but i wanted to expand it a bit more, this are some threads worth reading:

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Was bored and I wanted to try a mock-up, too. It took me longer than I had expected and by the end I was feeling rather fatigued, so I borrowed some sprites for a certain game for mock-up purposes. If something like this ends up being what we end up with, I'd be happy to produce some ore original artwork. Anyway, I tried to include as much of what I've read (from various threads) as possible. From the first tab, to the last...

The basic inventory screen. Quick access to armour, and a crafting grid... There's only one thing I really need to explain here, and that's the wallet slot. ...The way I imagined it, the wallet would work as follows: When a wallet has been placed in the slot, coinage could be dropped onto the bar next to it up to a certain point. (Wallets made of higher quality leather hold more coinage?) Left-clicking the bar would withdraw as many of the lowest denomination coins (up to a stack) as it can. Right-clicking would pull the highest denomination coins. Not sure I like the mechanic, as it adds quantifiable value to coins.

Next tab, clothes and accessories. Yeah, not sure what I was thinking here. The slot labelled "A," is supposed to be a generic accessory slot, for things like rings, necklaces, or capes. Backpacks, and quivers are two things I also see frequently suggested. I added the buttons to fill space, but thinking on it, they could easily link to extra inventories. Depending on how stack sizes are balanced later on, having more slots wouldn't necessarily make things any easier. (To illustrate, if all stack sizes were halved, having double the inventory wouldn't seem nearly as broken, now would it? :U) There's also another idea I had regarding backpacks, more on that in the third tab. ...Anyway, the quiver inventory could allow players to select between different types of arrows, if those are implemented.

Third tab, which also happens to be the only one really relevant to this thread. I tried to make everything as readable as possible. On the left, a paper doll with different body parts. These parts would change colour according to the kind of ailment they're afflicted with. Broken bones would be blue-ish gray, gashes and scrapes would be red, sore muscles would be purple, and so on... (...They would hopefully be clearly tool-tipped on mouse-over just so you don't have to look anything up...) The six slots next to the paper doll would be where you place your curatives. Placing the correct curative in the correct slot will start the corresponding timer (Those things on the right), and once that's done, you'll be cured.

You'll also note the odd inventory slots in the last tab. Those were done with two things in mind. If backpacks add inventory slots to Steve, all inventory slots would appear like that until you've gotten a backpack. Otherwise, if you've injured your arm, it could be made so that you also lose inventory space. :U

That's not everything I had in mind when I started posting, but it's getting late and I've pretty much forgotten where I was going with this.

-This was taken out from this http://terrafirmacra...__fromsearch__1

-Another thread touching the same aspects http://terrafirmacra...__fromsearch__1

-This one talks about quivers too but its a bit empty http://terrafirmacra...__fromsearch__1

So what would quivers do? they will make you able to carry 16 javelins at a time.

they will be made with 3 leather in a vertical possition and 3 sticks to its left side, vertically too.

They will also open a new space on your items hotbar, at the righ of the first slot were you will put your javelins.That way you will be able to shoot javelins faster by not having to move through your hotbar.

Now the arrow part.

When you have a bow but not a quiver you will take more time to charge you bow so you will need to make one, and once you have one you will shoot them faster than the normal speed (as of vanilla TFC speed).It will have space for 64 arrows and the number of arrows left should be displayed somewhere in the GUI( i leave that to you guys).

You will have to replace both the arrows and the javelins manually when they ran out, so its not so OP and you can only have one of each,but if you have both at the same time you will move a bit slower.

Tell me what you think and help with any other suggestion.


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Very good links, thanks for digging those up, I'm going to try to read them all tomorrow. Sounds like it's worth discussing, though I have a feeling that this has been kinda shot down before... Also if you're interested, javelins do auto-reload in your hotbar if you have them stacked to the left and you shoot the one on the right first. They will slide over, replacing the empty slot where your cursor is after you shoot one until all of the javelins in your hotbar are gone.


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Very good links, thanks for digging those up, I'm going to try to read them all tomorrow. Sounds like it's worth discussing, though I have a feeling that this has been kinda shot down before... Also if you're interested, javelins do auto-reload in your hotbar if you have them stacked to the left and you shoot the one on the right first. They will slide over, replacing the empty slot where your cursor is after you shoot one until all of the javelins in your hotbar are gone.

Thanks for the comment, yeah i do know about that tip thanks for that, but this will be better because you will not have to fill your whole hotbar xD

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Javelins also reload quite nicely if you use the inv tweaks mod.

They can be anywhere in you inventory not just the hot bar.


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btw, a quiver holding 16 javelins would be OP, it'd be able to hold 3 extra at best, javelins are huge frikking things :D


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While i'd like quivers to be in the mod... you can already launch javelins pretty fast. Picking the rightest one in your hotbar (provided you have more than one in there) and firing it will launch the leftiest one instead, which allows for rapid fire with javelins :3

And i'm totally not accepting any kind of quivers if they don't show up in the player, and you don't need to wear them for them to be used. ANY KIND.

Also... why does it needs to tell you how much arrows and javelins you have left? I think it's enough with telling the player he's out of javelins/arrows in the moment he tries to use another one. Otherwise, a ranged player will know exactly when to hide and recharge his ammo, which would give them a great advantage over the melee players who don't exactly know, for example, how much durability their armor has left if they don't look at it. Maybe the amount of ammo left in the quiver can be shown graphically when you are wearing it, so you can see it by pressing F5 a couple of times, but i don't like numbers to be shown... :


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I like arrow quivers but not javelin ones.


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I like arrow quivers but not javelin ones.

In the way they are suggested here, or you don't like the idea altogether of javelin's quivers? 'cause i guess a 4 javelins quiver is good enough... :


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While i'd like quivers to be in the mod... you can already launch javelins pretty fast. Picking the rightest one in your hotbar (provided you have more than one in there) and firing it will launch the leftiest one instead, which allows for rapid fire with javelins :3

And i'm totally not accepting any kind of quivers if they don't show up in the player, and you don't need to wear them for them to be used. ANY KIND.

Also... why does it needs to tell you how much arrows and javelins you have left? I think it's enough with telling the player he's out of javelins/arrows in the moment he tries to use another one. Otherwise, an ranged player will know exactly when to hide and recharge his ammo, which would give them a great advantage over the melee players who don't exactly know, for example, how much durability their armor has left if they don't look at it. Maybe the amount of ammo left in the quiver can be shown graphically when you are wearing it, so you can see it by pressing F5 a couple of times, but i don't like numbers to be shown... :

Right on, I have always liked the idea of a quiver for arrows and bolts, however I can not find anything on "Quivers" for javelins. I'm thinking because they were so long, putting them in any type of "container" would have made them hard to retrieve (long container other than a case), or too top heavy to keep in a "container". I did find where they mentioned clips fashioned to shields in the wiki:

"Two or three were typically clipped to a small wooden bracket on the inside of the large oval or round shields used at the time. Massed troops would unclip and hurl plumbatae as the enemy neared, hopefully stalling their movement and morale by making them clump together and huddle under their shields."

(((An Agrianian holding 2 javelins with his pelte)))

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However if a "universal quiver" of sorts is implemented, I agree with Killster550 that it should hold no more than 3 additional javelins.. to add to believability...


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Yeah i think that it should hold between 3-5 javelins, and i liked what JAG said about the information of how much javelins are left.


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one does need to account for the fact that currently, you can carry more than 4 javelins in your hotbar, so it'd be a limiter on the max amount of Javs to be carried, or perhaps you guys wish to implement a quiver slot in the inventory to prevent quiver duplication?


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one does need to account for the fact that currently, you can carry more than 4 javelins in your hotbar, so it'd be a limiter on the max amount of Javs to be carried, or perhaps you guys wish to implement a quiver slot in the inventory to prevent quiver duplication?

Well, he did quoted a post where a quiver slot is mentioned...


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Also... why does it needs to tell you how much arrows and javelins you have left? I think it's enough with telling the player he's out of javelins/arrows in the moment he tries to use another one.

I think that you need to know at least the number of ammo that you have because if you're out fighting creepers, well you know, it's better to have a number that tells you when you need to run away. And IRL if you don't know how many javelins you have, you're dead before starting the fight.

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I'm not saying you shouldn't know how much javelins/arrows you carry, but that it shouldn't update you on how many you have left if you don't check by yourself. The "number" so to say that tells you you have to run away is a massage saying "You are out of arrows, mate :" in the chat, same kind of message that appears to tell you the mode of the chisel. I mean, when the f+ck you will be right next to the creeper when fighting them with arrows? you have plenty of time to escape when you have no ammo left...

And if we are comparing to real life, in real life you wouldn't be carrying javelins but a gun :P Now seriously, that's EXACTLY the intention; if you aren't careful on how many ammo you have prepared, on how much ammo you have left, then you are supposed to be screwed : it's the survival of the smartiest one, after all...


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I'm not saying you shouldn't know how much javelins/arrows you carry, but that it shouldn't update you on how many you have left if you don't check by yourself.

Then an update key?

And if we are comparing to real life, in real life you wouldn't be carrying javelins but a gun

This is what I was afraid of reading.

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(((An Agrianian holding 2 javelins with his pelte)))

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now this is the kind of thing i'd like to see for javelins, something on the left arm holding just a few of them, with the last one in hand. nothing like now, where you can mod and eventually carry a full inventory of javelins


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Then an update key?

Nope, just a number replacing the durability bar of the quiver, which can only be seen by pressing e (or whatever key you configured for opening the inventory) since you need to ave the quiver equipped to use it.

This is what I was afraid of reading.

You knew i was going to answer like that, it was a gold chance i couldn't just waste :3


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