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TFC got laggy

18 posts in this topic

When I had build 49 or whatever I had a bearable 20fps now it's 8-15 and stutters at 2-5. I can hop up to 50 on use normal minecraft memory if I hold still and let the memory go up to about 50%. Normally I play with this

start /high javaw -Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -Djava.library.path=bin/natives -cp bin/minecraft.jar;bin/jinput.jar;bin/lwjgl.jar;bin/lwjgl_util.jar net.minecraft.client.Minecraft Deathbytac0
It doesn't really make a difference. Most of the lag is coming from TFC and maybe a little bit of Minecraft 1.4.2. I have Optifine ultra and it works good I keep my settings way down. It may be my world but I've had worlds that should have been a lot worse.

Any suggestions, all I want is my stable 20fps back.


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20 fps...This is what I had after the first modded jar :) ...However, did you update java or did you change something?


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it could be worth a try to use this .bat instead:

javaw -Xmx4096m -Xms4096m -jar "C:Users~~your user~~AppDataRoaming.minecraftMinecraft.exe"
and use that .bat instead of your regular minecraft .exe


Just looked at my own .bat values and noticed that i play with less allocated memory than you do, still i get a ridiculously high fps.

try what wolf suggested and see if its a java update you need.


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I am not sure that this has proven effective, but, if you are using Windows, you could go into task manager, go to processes, find java.exe and javaw.exe, right click on these, go to set priority and select 'real time' or 'high'. Not sure this will help, just an idea. Also, what kind of graphics card are you using?


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I am not sure that this has proven effective, but, if you are using Windows, you could go into task manager, go to processes, find java.exe and javaw.exe, right click on these, go to set priority and select 'real time' or 'high'. Not sure this will help, just an idea. Also, what kind of graphics card are you using?

No, this will only solve lag, not low fps. And a problem that I found when using this method is that chunks are generated in a weird way. Also, mobs are less smart. Then use what greenleaf said at your own risk. Maybe backup your world and try. If you don't like it, well, at least you still have your world saved...

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I would also like to point out that FPS are not solely dependent on the amount of memory you use in Minecraft, FPS are more based on your graphics card than anything else from what I have found. In reality, Minecraft only needs 1 or 2 gigabytes of RAM.


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go to task manager then processes and see how much memory java uses when u play normal minecraft, and then how much when u (try to) play TFC


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So last night I got MiltiMC and I played with the allocated memory, found default works best, and my optifine settings and put render distance tiny, load far on, preloaded chunks on, smooth fps on, dynamic updates on. That got me to a more stable a 20fps in a small area, but when I move my fps stutters a lot down to about 17, but can often drop to 8 and lag hardcore. I can't close my door at 35fps!

I did not try to run MultiMC in high, but before I ran at high with 4gb allocated memory. Also I did not update java or anything and it should be alright because I updated it last time I was coding.


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I make myself a server so I got rid of the stutter and lag. Earlier today I got on 1.4.5 and got 2fps on tiny render distance, but no mods, it is just getting worse through time.


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When Mojang made it so even single player runs on a server system, they significantly increased the computing requirements. Ever since, minecraft has not been able to run as well, particularly with mods that send a lot of updates (since it's sending updates to itself as if it were another machine). This is probably what you're experiencing.


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When Mojang made it so even single player runs on a server system, they significantly increased the computing requirements. Ever since, minecraft has not been able to run as well, particularly with mods that send a lot of updates (since it's sending updates to itself as if it were another machine). This is probably what you're experiencing.

Hmm. Probably. Are there any mods that can toggle it off?

Perhaps you should consider getting a new graphics card?

Can't I have a laptop... I might get a Toshiba Satellite (i think) with 8Gb of RAM and quad core, probably has a better graphics card too, at least enough for what I play.

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Hmm. Probably. Are there any mods that can toggle it off?

Turn what off? I'm not sure what you mean...


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Turn what off? I'm not sure what you mean...

The internal server to open to LAN on singleplayer.

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The internal server to open to LAN on singleplayer.

Oh... no, I mean that was something Mojang did that fundamentally changed how MC operates. It completely rewrote the book on modding (and is why there are a lot of mods out there that stopped updating after 1.2.5). If a mod disabled it, then MC just wouldn't run - the server does everything now except rendering and naming. At best you'd have a mod that caused all other mods to stop working. Really the only way around it is to downgrade to 1.2.5 or earlier.

In principle this should not have lead to the kind of lag that it did as many games operate in a similar fashion, but I suspect that it is due to the programmers at Mojang. This just is not their strong area, and they don't seem interested in hiring specialists to fix most of their serious issues.


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Oh... no, I mean that was something Mojang did that fundamentally changed how MC operates. It completely rewrote the book on modding (and is why there are a lot of mods out there that stopped updating after 1.2.5). If a mod disabled it, then MC just wouldn't run - the server does everything now except rendering and naming. At best you'd have a mod that caused all other mods to stop working. Really the only way around it is to downgrade to 1.2.5 or earlier.

In principle this should not have lead to the kind of lag that it did as many games operate in a similar fashion, but I suspect that it is due to the programmers at Mojang. This just is not their strong area, and they don't seem interested in hiring specialists to fix most of their serious issues.

Oh, I had a break just before 1.3. I thought the server was just to set up LAN, now I get it. This is the exact reason why I don't want Mojang to make a modding api. Is that Spoutcraft thing still up, TFC really needs a port to that when it's done.

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Oh, I had a break just before 1.3. I thought the server was just to set up LAN, now I get it. This is the exact reason why I don't want Mojang to make a modding api. Is that Spoutcraft thing still up, TFC really needs a port to that when it's done.

Yeah... I dunno. The more I dig into their code, the more I think every serious mod group should be considering a full stop on following the official MC lineage and just freejacking the code from a most usable point - or develop their own using some other o/s voxel system. Mojang just seems to be making things worse and worse as time goes by.


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