Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Mobile Phone Wiki / Tropicraft Recipe book (Issue: Reliance on the internet)

13 posts in this topic

I was thinking when I was on vacation. I didn't have internet so when I was playing TFC I wasn't able to look things up. Something everyone does. For my phone I have an app that is basically a mobile (offline Wiki) for Minecraft. My suggestion is that a third party, or Bioxx could possibly make it in between this beta and the next (before kingdoms is what I'm saying). A third party would be preferable in order to take some work load off of the devs. I don't know if you guys ever play without internet but I happen to a lot and this would be extremely helpful. I also read about an in-game book. My suggestion if we go this way would be to do what Tropicraft did with their's. What they did was have a book with every item relating to the mod inside one book. After you pick up a block, item, ore, etc, you unlock the page for that item and it explains what it is used for.

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skip to 7:40

My issue is that you have to rely on the wiki online in order to figure out what somethings do and how to do various things. Who would have known how to make a coal pit without the wiki? Or a bloomery? I wouldn't have had a clue.


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No. Already Suggested and shot down.


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I was thinking when I was on vacation. I didn't have internet so when I was playing TFC I wasn't able to look things up. Something everyone does. For my phone I have an app that is basically a mobile (offline Wiki) for Minecraft. My suggestion is that a third party, or Bioxx could possibly make it in between this beta and the next (before kingdoms is what I'm saying). A third party would be preferable in order to take some work load off of the devs. I don't know if you guys ever play without internet but I happen to a lot and this would be extremely helpful. I also read about an in-game book. My suggestion if we go this way would be to do what Tropicraft did with their's. What they did was have a book with every item relating to the mod inside one book. After you pick up a block, item, ore, etc, you unlock the page for that item and it explains what it is used for.

Check out


skip to 7:40

My issue is that you have to rely on the wiki online in order to figure out what somethings do and how to do various things. Who would have known how to make a coal pit without the wiki? Or a bloomery? I wouldn't have had a clue.

Ehh... many people on the TFC Forums believes in discovery such as me, unfortunately for you, Mister Silverrune. Try to take notes on the TFC Changelog before going off where Internet cease to exist.



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Ehh... many people on the TFC Forums believes in discovery such as me, unfortunately for you, Mister Silverrune. Try to take notes on the TFC Changelog before going off where Internet cease to exist.


Then stick with the app portion of the suggestion. You are not forced to use it and it would be useful for people that need it.

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Then stick with the app portion of the suggestion. You are not forced to use it and it would be useful for people that need it.

I do not own those fancy 'iPhones', 'Androids, or 'Galaxy 5's' technologies. I am aware that I and many are not forced to use the application and it would prove useful for the needs of people, but like Zandorum claimed; this suggestion has already been discussed and shot down by scramjets before. The thread violates the standards of TerraFirmaCraft and will be the reason why it will be shot down with Anti-Air Plasma guns, unfortunately. Mister Silverrune, you have dishonored your name by posting this thread. However, understanding that you are still learning the rules and standards of the TFC Forums, I will let you be off your merry way. My apologies if I sounded harsh, but sometimes in certain situations such as these, it's the way it has to be unless there is exception. Good day to you, Sir, and I hope you have a marvellous (and safe) night!

P.S. - To anyone reading this besides Mister Silverrune, I do hope I am incorrect on the second-last sentence..


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I don't see what is wrong with it. It is the same as the wiki, except downloadable.


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I do not own those fancy 'iPhones', 'Androids, or 'Galaxy 5's' technologies. I am aware that I and many are not forced to use the application and it would prove useful for the needs of people, but like Zandorum claimed; this suggestion has already been discussed and shot down by scramjets before. The thread violates the standards of TerraFirmaCraft and will be the reason why it will be shot down with Anti-Air Plasma guns, unfortunately. Mister Silverrune, you have dishonored your name by posting this thread. However, understanding that you are still learning the rules and standards of the TFC Forums, I will let you be off your merry way. My apologies if I sounded harsh, but sometimes in certain situations such as these, it's the way it has to be unless there is exception. Good day to you, Sir, and I hope you have a marvellous (and safe) night!

P.S. - To anyone reading this besides Mister Silverrune, I do hope I am incorrect on the second-last sentence..

Your right. It's weird I seem to fixate on things until they get shot down in similar ways that you did. I will fixate on getting money to buy something until something extreme persuades me otherwise. I am off to try and set up a server, and try out Beta 68, I expect all of you are as well. Thank you for your response. I will try and find that thread and see why it was shot down to ease my mind.

P.S. Never really been called Mister by anyone before... It seems weird haha.

Edit: Couldn't find the other page. Got a link?


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...the second-last sentence..

Second-last is completely different from penultimate.


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Your right. It's weird I seem to fixate on things until they get shot down in similar ways that you did. I will fixate on getting money to buy something until something extreme persuades me otherwise. I am off to try and set up a server, and try out Beta 68, I expect all of you are as well. Thank you for your response. I will try and find that thread and see why it was shot down to ease my mind.

P.S. Never really been called Mister by anyone before... It seems weird haha.

Edit: Couldn't find the other page. Got a link?

Despite my time in this Forums since June or July (No account at those months), I have not seen a suggestions thread related to this. Ask a user, as I am useless if you inquire me.


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Here's how you solve this.

  • Go to the wiki
  • Click the first link on TFC information
  • Highlight
  • Copy
  • Open Word
  • Paste
  • Repeat steps 2(for next link)-6 (skipping 5) until you have all the information you like.
  • Email the Word document to yourself
  • Open the email on your smart phone
  • All done. You may download the necessary apps to make the contents of the document most use to you.

Simple enough right?


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'Something everyone does.'

I dont. I have been continuously playing blind since I first started this mod. The only way I learn anything is though trial and error or when on a server I ask how to do something. I am not the only blind player, there are others.

This is not me disagreeing with you entirely, just that statement ;P

I like the idea of giving those of us who DONT want to do things blind an offline option.


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you shouldn't have to resort to another mod to get your necessary info. specifically, you should also realize you cant get the recipe for tools/armor


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