Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Leaves weird looking issue[solved]Optifine D4 causing it.

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So this is what happens when TFC has to render any transparency in textures:

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it happens on stairs too

This only happens when theres a texture with a bit of transparency on it, i had used the same pack before and everything was fine, i have tried with lots of configs for my graphic card but nothing helped, im using optifine and it doesnt seem to help.


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Turn off mipmapping.


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Turn off mipmapping.

Im using an AMD card, and in the Control center theres no option to turn it off, i can set it to a very low quality but not off.

its weird because i had been using the same configs and one day this thing came off.perhaps i changed something that i cant remember


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That is weird. That was my suggestion on this before too... but here you can clearly see the mipmapping, and yeah it does look bad. With optifine you can turn it off. Btw very low probably still a strong effect because in case of MC, the textures are already quite low in resolution. Even a small mip-mapping setting is significant.


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That is weird. That was my suggestion on this before too... but here you can clearly see the mipmapping, and yeah it does look bad. With optifine you can turn it off. Btw very low probably still a strong effect because in case of MC, the textures are already quite low in resolution. Even a small mip-mapping setting is significant.

I took those pics without mipmapping

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The tl;dr version: the texture artist screwed up. This has nothing to do with TFC.

I took those pics without mipmapping

But you said in the post above mine that you can't turn it off in your vid card settings. Or do you mean that you have the optifine setting turning it off? (I missed the text below the images before when I posted... didn't see you were using opti). Either way, it's pretty visible. Especially of the textures further away. But if you can't change it, at least make sure anisotropic filtering is off as this will make the following problem even more of a problem.

So on closer inspection (I did not look at the ladder pics carefully enough - I focused on the mipmapping going on in the background) what you're seeing is a combination of things. But first note that TFC does not do any rendering, all it does is set the rendering settings for its own blocks just like any block mod. MC does all the actual rendering, and it does a shit job of it.

The fact that it does a shit job of it means that texture pack artists need to bear in mind that they can't use any transparent layers in their textures if they want them to display right on everyone's machine. Opacity for each pixel needs to be either 100% or 0% - nothing in between will be rendered correctly by MC. What happens when you go in between is MC doesn't render the block behind it, it renders the background horizon (you see through the whole world). This is really bad and I remember encountering it when I wrote my first mod, but there's nothing that can be done about it. (The OpenGL 'fancy' setting in opti will reduce this, but it won't eliminate it in all cases.)

So what you're seeing with some of the leaves is the texture artist used a coloured layer set to some very low opacity - maybe 5% or even less. They might not have even seen it when they made the texture because their graphics program will display it correctly. But MC won't. This is even more clear in the ladder edges where they tried to use varying opacity to anti-alias their angled edge. In both cases because a mid-range opacity is used in the texture, so that is why it's sky blue.


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The tl;dr version: the texture artist screwed up. This has nothing to do with TFC.

But you said in the post above mine that you can't turn it off in your vid card settings. Or do you mean that you have the optifine setting turning it off? (I missed the text below the images before when I posted... didn't see you were using opti). Either way, it's pretty visible. Especially of the textures further away. But if you can't change it, at least make sure anisotropic filtering is off as this will make the following problem even more of a problem.

So on closer inspection (I did not look at the ladder pics carefully enough - I focused on the mipmapping going on in the background) what you're seeing is a combination of things. But first note that TFC does not do any rendering, all it does is set the rendering settings for its own blocks just like any block mod. MC does all the actual rendering, and it does a shit job of it.

The fact that it does a shit job of it means that texture pack artists need to bear in mind that they can't use any transparent layers in their textures if they want them to display right on everyone's machine. Opacity for each pixel needs to be either 100% or 0% - nothing in between will be rendered correctly by MC. What happens when you go in between is MC doesn't render the block behind it, it renders the background horizon (you see through the whole world). This is really bad and I remember encountering it when I wrote my first mod, but there's nothing that can be done about it. (The OpenGL 'fancy' setting in opti will reduce this, but it won't eliminate it in all cases.)

So what you're seeing with some of the leaves is the texture artist used a coloured layer set to some very low opacity - maybe 5% or even less. They might not have even seen it when they made the texture because their graphics program will display it correctly. But MC won't. This is even more clear in the ladder edges where they tried to use varying opacity to anti-alias their angled edge. In both cases because a mid-range opacity is used in the texture, so that is why it's sky blue.

I knew that the problem was that, so i changed some textures(douglas fir leaves) but the thing is that before it worked perfectly, also in vanilla minecraft it works perfectly as well.

Another thing i noticed is that it only appears when theres another block of the same type near it.


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I just saw what maked this issue, the new optifine D4, changed back to D3 and worked perfectly


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