Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Will all trees eventually work like the fruit trees?

13 posts in this topic

I thought the concept for the fruit trees was very interesting when I first came across this mod.

They plant as a little stump, and gradually they grow.

I would love to see this system used for all the other types of wood (with a few tweaks and bug fixes)

Trees would no longer just pop up, it would be a slow transition that you can actually observe. (Believabilty!)

A few adjustments and improvements would be needed of course, such as variable trunk width, and the whole upper segments falling to the ground if a lower block is broken.

Trees would also need to drop a number of logs dependent on the trunk width and length, and at early stages of growth, possibly only dropping sticks if chopped.

This could mean instead of punching leaves for sticks, you actually break the visible sticks that the leaves would be attached to.


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Im dont know anything about how trees are going to work on the future, even tough, dunk has said he wishes to change some things about trees, perhaps he would do something similar to what you thing, it will be quite good if it happened, add roots and everything.


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I thought the concept for the fruit trees was very interesting when I first came across this mod.

They plant as a little stump, and gradually they grow.

I would love to see this system used for all the other types of wood (with a few tweaks and bug fixes)

Trees would no longer just pop up, it would be a slow transition that you can actually observe. (Believabilty!)

A few adjustments and improvements would be needed of course, such as variable trunk width, and the whole upper segments falling to the ground if a lower block is broken.

Trees would also need to drop a number of logs dependent on the trunk width and length, and at early stages of growth, possibly only dropping sticks if chopped.

This could mean instead of punching leaves for sticks, you actually break the visible sticks that the leaves would be attached to.

Not quite. You see, this is where the terms 'believability' and 'playability' conflict. Sure this would be a great addition to the believability factor, but take a look at the playability perspective; it's too slow, players chop down trees faster than trees grow, and players require huge sums of wood for metallurgy. Might be intricate to code, and the developers have much more work to achieve.

That clears up the dust for you?


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I'm also hoping to have this implemented - I've thought about it before and it seems that most of the code is already there - the feature would just need to be compiled together and implemented. Would make for a much more "finite resource" world with more incentive to keep those tree farms up at all times unless you plan to travel from the area. Forests would take years to regrow fully - so people would need to watch their harvesting.

Later down the track forest fires and cross species trees could even be implemented for an unlimited amount of possibilities (though I'm just throwing around ideas).


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If trees growing more slowly is a problem because so many trees are needed for metal working then just have each tree drop more wood. Right now I'm stuffing half a forest into the charcoal pit, wouldn't it be both more believable and better for playability to have fewer trees going into the charcoal pits. Remember that currently each block of wood in a pit contains 16 logs or approx 2-3 trees depending on size.


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Not quite. You see, this is where the terms 'believability' and 'playability' conflict. Sure this would be a great addition to the believability factor, but take a look at the playability perspective; it's too slow, players chop down trees faster than trees grow, and players require huge sums of wood for metallurgy. Might be intricate to code, and the developers have much more work to achieve.

That clears up the dust for you?

I don't think this method is any slower than having to wait for the tress to 'magically' appear as we do now. I think the OP means to use the code base of how fruit trees grow gradually and implement that for normal trees. Then, instead of something popping right up out of the ground, with no warning, we could see the growth cycle of the tree. It would actually allow wood to be chopped more quickly: think about it. You can't chop down a tree BEFORE it pops up. But if the growth to that point was gradual and you could see it, then you could essentially chop the tree down earlier in the life cycle (with the obvious penalty that you won't get nearly as much wood).


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I'm also hoping to have this implemented - I've thought about it before and it seems that most of the code is already there - the feature would just need to be compiled together and implemented. Would make for a much more "finite resource" world with more incentive to keep those tree farms up at all times unless you plan to travel from the area. Forests would take years to regrow fully - so people would need to watch their harvesting.

Later down the track forest fires and cross species trees could even be implemented for an unlimited amount of possibilities (though I'm just throwing around ideas).

I agree with forest fires and genetic manipulation of trees, but finite resources? Well... it's tough to say, but that could simply frustrate users. I'm not sure.

I don't think this method is any slower than having to wait for the tress to 'magically' appear as we do now. I think the OP means to use the code base of how fruit trees grow gradually and implement that for normal trees. Then, instead of something popping right up out of the ground, with no warning, we could see the growth cycle of the tree. It would actually allow wood to be chopped more quickly: think about it. You can't chop down a tree BEFORE it pops up. But if the growth to that point was gradual and you could see it, then you could essentially chop the tree down earlier in the life cycle (with the obvious penalty that you won't get nearly as much wood).

Unfortunately, that also means quicker deforestation. Cutting down young trees is not a great idea, since players require huge sums of wood just to forge their tools, weapons, and armor. Sure, you may get wood faster, but you need stacks of wood just to collect three-four stacks of charcoal, and that will go away very quickly.

So here's a rundown:

-Large Trees = More Wood and Significant Decrease in Deforestation.

-Young Trees = Less Wood and Significant Increase in Deforestation


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No one said it would be any slower, it should still take the same amount of time except instead of the tree just instantly growing, it would gradually become larger and larger until it has reached full size.


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I'm glad that some of you guys have common sense around here :D

I know nothing of the design challenges of this, however. We would need to hear from Dunk to get any idea of what the technical feasibility of this would be.


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No one said it would be any slower, it should still take the same amount of time except instead of the tree just instantly growing, it would gradually become larger and larger until it has reached full size.


-Large Trees = More Wood and Significant Decrease in Deforestation.

-Young Trees = Less Wood and Significant Increase in Deforestation



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The solution is simple. 1: realistic sized trees (sequoia sized) 2: a way to make Coke to reduce charcoal dependency (the only real essential wood use) and 3: make charcoal/coke not 1:1 in the Bloomberg so you go through it in a realistic way, and slower.



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Bloomberg? What's the mayor of New York got do do with anything?


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Bloomberg? What's the mayor of New York got do do with anything?

......... I simply like shoving large amounts of charcoal and coke down high level government official's throats, you got a problem with my hobby?

Kidding. It was the dam spellcheck, I meant bloomery.


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