Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Creeper's mechanics (and random moster griefing)

17 posts in this topic

Just a random thought, Instead of a creeper blowing up and casuing immediate damage to given area of detonation. How about when a creeper detonates it causes a small earthquake that would still damage players from the shockwave, but the main purpose of the shockwave is to expand on the mineshaft system. In which they damage or buckling of support beams. They wouldnt fall down immediately, but u would here a creeking/cracking sound. A new texture, a sound here to indicate that they need immediate attention or they will fail and collasps causing a cave in.

Yes I understand this could be cause of massive griefing issue. But to counter that we could have for example, reinforced support beams (More damage resistent vs metal alloy used to reinforce).

Distance and or blocks it pass's through negate damage using the blast protection mechanic (e.g. trying to use a creeper next to someones house to cause the supports (inside) to fail on block protected servers. Note u shouldnt have supports outside.... or at least protect em ;P)

A hard or hardcore only mechanic in which only players who want to live life on the edge or wanting a more surival based system.

But anyways im sure you guys can find a fair system to counter it. The reason I mention this is because Terrafirmacraft does have a fantasy notion in which mobs that dont exactly fit in with the believability of TFC. But they're not exactly going to be removed either. So we to expand upon their purpose, make them more integral into the whole progression system. Causing fallbacks make it necessary and purposeful to have higher tier metals, to reinforce your support beams or even houses heck idk about that, as it maybe abit too far lol, but you get my point.

Another mechanic would be that Zombies are there to GRIEF YOU (Hard only), yes you heard it!, they attack support beams passively, when u put a zombie by a door and it trys to path through it starts to attack/chew (they are hungry after all), so the same mechanic could be applied passively a simple change in which support beams have the same API or function that doors have in which zombies can interact with them. Upgrading/Reinforcing giving them a metal edge or something would act as a deterrent again giving purpose to upgrading system.

Again with anothr zombie mechanic, in which when a zombie dies it releases gases that are poisonous and pollutes any enclosed location, that is say half way through the first rock layer and downwards. (The aura mechanic from thaumcraft but to how polluted a area is.) This again gives purpose not only to make it more surival like on the harder difficulties, but to make high end metal tier's a purpose in which you would need to craft a ventilation system, or even a simple gas mask or enchantment; if u acutally intend to use enchantments as a utility purpose not as a stat boosting system.

These are just idea's and hopefully this wont turn into a flame war and hopefully something constructive, I accept constructive criticism and I respect peoples opinons. But I do not respect outwards disrespect for my idea saying I stole it from someone, because I could simply point to a mod or mechanic and says thats a carbon copy of that (BTW/RP2 windmills). Everybody does it and it's a fact of life. Copying idea's IS NOT BAD, if someone has a good idea take it, they thought of it first yes they milked it for what its worth, doesn't mean u cant use it just makes its less effective or valuable.

PS if a mod could change title I mispelt monster :P


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erhm, one problem, hostile mobs like those will be removed entirely from spawning in the overworld, and instead they are only going to appear in special dungeons and crypts underground, so most of these mob greifing things are kind of useless unless the player decides to build their home in one of these, which is a very bad idea


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PS if a mod could change title I mispelt monster

Maybe if the mob was lagging real bad, but I don't see a good reason for mispelting a monster. Just hold right-mouse down with a javelin equipped (or bow and arrows), aim and release. You will be pelting mobs from afar in no time.


Edit: Could a mod correct the misspelt word above, I'm too lazy to click a few buttons to fix a typo.

Edited by Biodigious

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I seriously fornicating hate creepers and if there was an option to get rid, without installing another mod, I would.


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I seriously fornicating hate creepers and if there was an option to get rid, without installing another mod, I would.

They ARE going away. eventually. i don't know of any plans to replace them with anything else or if they too are going to be found in dungeons like zombies and skeletons but they are not going to roam the overworld any longer.

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I don't like that idea creepers are fine as they are now . I don't see the point of having a suport beam near you're house and creating a creeper make a shockwave that would pears 50 blocks to find my mineshaft but not destroy my house . Also Zombies maybe but i don't like the idea that much .

Edit: Btw : 1.If monsters would not spawn in the night on the overworld then there is no reason to stay in the house/cave during the night you could just keep building during the day or something

2.If monsters would only spawn in special dungeons then we could easally not bother with them , then we could just by-pass them and keep going where ever we wan't to go .

Thought : If this gets aproved then there will not be any fear factor in TFC. (GreenLeaf this is for you to read)


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Edit: Could a mod correct the misspelt word above, I'm too lazy to click a few buttons to fix a typo.

I honestly don't know how to edit a title of a thread.

The whole point of the creeper thing is to add more survival or give a purpose to mobs trying to head ur progress or to expand upon uses for high tier metals. To me it just feels like creative as the only survival element is grabbing food and that really isn't that hard. Go do some exploring, grab a few plants turn em into seeds and u have a massive farm on the go :S


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Obviously there's going to be a whole bunch of animals added to make the wilderness just as dangerous (if not more dangerous) as with exploding green cocks and mutant spiders!

Bears are already in there, but are yet not very dangerous and also need some... cosmetic surgery...

basically, vanilla monsters out! wild animals in.


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You actually know nothing about the things you talk about ! !!!! !!! !! :) (GreenLeaf Wednesday 08:00 (09/01/2013) partial quote)

Jokes aside : I supose you are right ! But its lossing that touch of vanilla flawour that we all loved before we got bored of it ! ( I am a noob , but maybe bear's could hibernate during the winter in overground caves and there should be sesionable weather efects , snow .... etc. (if there isn't ) )


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You actually know nothing about the things you talk about ! !!!! !!! !! :) (GreenLeaf Wednesday 08:00 (09/01/2013) partial quote)

Jokes aside : I supose you are right ! But its lossing that touch of vanilla flawour that we all loved before we got bored of it ! ( I am a noob , but maybe bear's could hibernate during the winter in overground caves and there should be sesionable weather efects , snow .... etc. (if there isn't ) )

You're absolutely right, never take my words for truth.

It is indeed a loss of vanilla flavour. but that goes for just about everything that currently is being added and already is in Terrafirmacraft. You could say that dirt scaffolding is a touch of vanilla flavour. try doing that in TFC and see how high you can get.

Creepers are like that disgustingly bitter taste you get when you take a spoon full of vanilla extract.


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Creepers are like that disgustingly bitter taste you get when you take a spoon full of vanilla extract.

wait, you only have teaspoons of it? not litres?

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Creepers are like that disgustingly bitter taste you get when you take a spoon full of vanilla extract.

Lol you make it out like is vanilia :P judging by ur massive distaste for em.

If u managed to let a creeper blow ur stuff up... then you did something wrong, not the creeper... he's only doing his job.

(Thats a mighty looking chiseled block that took u 5 minutes to work on.... it would be a terrible shame if anything where to happen to it..... lols)

It's ur opinion after all. If you don't like em fair nuff really... just dont discourage other people otherwise (Vanilia is BAD !!! you heathens BEGONE!) u make it religous.

The whole point was just to expand upon current/future mechanics. Sure if they get moved underground sure they wouldn't destroy ur house per se, but they could still destory the mineshafts towards or inside the crypt burying you X_x. I assume this its going to be built using mineshafts (which are made from supports) after all. TFC is to make minecraft more believable, not just a massive empty cave/crypt thingy that hasnt managed to collaps on itself from sheer weight/pressure of the surroundings.


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Lol you make it out like is vanilia :P judging by ur massive distaste for em.

trust me that's not the only reason to hate mobs, play enough Vech's maps and you'll learn to cower in fear when you hear silverfish

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The problem with this is supports are really unnecessary. Mining without them is no problem, and if you are making an underground room, cave-ins help make the roof higher.


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trust me that's not the only reason to hate mobs, play enough Vech's maps and you'll learn to cower in fear when you hear silverfish

Never heard of em, any good youtube links that summerise vechs or whatnot?

The problem with this is supports are really unnecessary. Mining without them is no problem, and if you are making an underground room, cave-ins help make the roof higher.

Yeah u can mine without em, but where do u cross the line between believability vs fantasy in minecraft. Was it not the idea of TFC to make it more believable rather than fantasy? Anotherwords mineshafts should be necessary. Granted supports do need abit of tweaking, but thats why we're talking about TFC features in order to improve it.


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I honestly don't know how to edit a title of a thread.

i just figured it out. first you edit your post and right where it lets you save it there is the use full editor. that will let you edit the title once you get into the full editor. sorry if this came late and or was useless. figure i'd help ya out while keeping my derailment minimal. otherwise sorry i dun like creepers so i avoid talks of them, but i did read the part where you mentioned being able to reinforce your supports or somethin'. and that is what i would like.


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