Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Quiver and Arrow Heads

8 posts in this topic

Okay, so I have two different suggestions. First, arrow heads. It allows for improvement on the use of bows over the ages. For example, in the stone age you may have flint damage, which do x damage. Then you get to the early metals age, so your new tin arrows do x damage + y damage. Then you get to the copper age and your new copper headed arrows do x damage + y damage + z damage. This goes so on until blue and red steel.

Arrow heads must be made from an ingot with an anvil. They require plans (and obviously a hammer) as well. An arrow head would then replace flint/stone in the default recipe and create 8 arrows of whatever metal you made the head out of.

Now there would have to be a way for the game to tell which type of arrow you wish to fire. As a solution to this, I think that it may be interesting to add in a quiver. The quiver would have 3 slots labeled 1, 2, and 3. It would be opened up by pressing a special "quiver key" (like y or something). The first stack of arrows you wished to fire would go in 1, the second stack in 2, and the third in 3. This would also encourage more use of archery in later games as it would no longer take inventory space.

Of course you can still put default arrows in your inventory. Therefore, you can still use stone age arrows in the early game, but you need a quiver once you reach the metal.


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Okay, so I have two different suggestions. First, arrow heads. It allows for improvement on the use of bows over the ages. For example, in the stone age you may have flint damage, which do x damage. Then you get to the early metals age, so your new tin arrows do x damage + y damage. Then you get to the copper age and your new copper headed arrows do x damage + y damage + z damage. This goes so on until blue and red steel.

Arrow heads must be made from an ingot with an anvil. They require plans (and obviously a hammer) as well. An arrow head would then replace flint/stone in the default recipe and create 8 arrows of whatever metal you made the head out of.

Now there would have to be a way for the game to tell which type of arrow you wish to fire. As a solution to this, I think that it may be interesting to add in a quiver. The quiver would have 3 slots labeled 1, 2, and 3. It would be opened up by pressing a special "quiver key" (like y or something). The first stack of arrows you wished to fire would go in 1, the second stack in 2, and the third in 3. This would also encourage more use of archery in later games as it would no longer take inventory space.

Of course you can still put default arrows in your inventory. Therefore, you can still use stone age arrows in the early game, but you need a quiver once you reach the metal.

Arrow heads and quivers I believe have been already suggested.

Why would you require a quiver for metal-tipped arrows when the user is in the Metallurgy Age?

X + Y + Z damage? What do you mean?

Arrow heads shouldn't be forged with a hammer (that would be time-consuming); should be forged with a mold due to its size.

What is the arrow cap for stacks in the quiver? It shouldn't be an overpowered number, and it is simpler to just have a quiver containing one slot for arrows.

This suggestion requires a complete rewrite (mostly tweaking and fixing, but there needs to be a few new features as well).


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I like this idea... However the x + y + z would be unrealistic... Becuase the hardness and ductility affect the power of an arrow up until so much.

So my suggestion would be x+x(y)+x(z) and as you go up the metal tiers the multipliers get smaller so when you finally get to "red steel" which would be variable XX the number would be signicaly small like 0.05 percent.

So as we up let's say base arrow power is 5

5 + 5(.5) for tier zero metals and gold

5 + 5(.5)+ 5(.25) for the next arrow and so on and so forth.

What the higher tier arrows should effect is recoverability.... But like the people before me said... This idea has been mention before.


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[...] Arrow heads shouldn't be forged with a hammer (that would be time-consuming); should be forged with a mold due to its size. [...]

Or you could have both options tbh. Historically arrowheads have definitely been forged on an anvil and with a hammer, but it'd surprise me quite a bit if there isn't evidence of metal arrowheads made from molds. The difference between the methods would be analogue to the difference in hardness between pig iron and wrought iron: An arrowhead made on an anvil would be much sharper, harder and durable in contrast to an arrowhead from a mold which would obviously be fast to produce but of poorer quality.

Basically if you want a good, sharp cutting edge it's hammer time! Regardless of swords or arrowheads being the subject at hand..


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Sorry, I know this suggestion has been done before, but I didn't know they also recommended quivers. I agree a mold would be better than shaping every arrow head. The formula x+x(y)+x(z) would be better I assume.

I really do feel that this mod needs to revamp archery. Everything else in it is amazing. Anyways, please keep this constantly suggested idea in mind. Thank you for the amazing mod.


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Actually what was traditionally down was to cast the arrows in a mold... The arrows were then forged.... There was a guy who was making traditional arrows via cast and smithing combo.., pretty cool website.

So you could do 1 ingot = x arrowheads... Or arrowhead blanks = arrowhead.


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Just a curious question for the mod creators, are new arrows being considered? I do not imagine my version will be used, but it has been suggested serval times I am curious if arrow heads are being considered.

Nevermind, that sounds pushy.


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