Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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The Wheel

14 posts in this topic

TFC is a wonderful mod, and I love it regardless, even if for nothing more than the beautiful landscapes! Anyhow qualifier done... My point! And granted this is likely a suggestion for TFC2 since work is underway.. here goes.

The Wheel! TFC is a medieval-age realism mod, but my immersion is intensely broken by the lack of this age of classic of technology. I don't propose anything overly broken... Here's what I do suggest..

Horses. You need something to be your driving force. Horses historically make the most sense. I suggest that there are many kinds of Horses with various speeds and strengths (for pulling!) And also, to keep to the "nothing is free, work for it!" Theme in TFC, my thought is that you have to feed them, DAILY, or they will get weak and die. Food is already in game, in the form of grains like oats, rice, wheat etc. The foods could also have small bonuses based on what your feeding your horses.. say, oats help their stamina, but rice makes them more inclined for speed when NOT hauling, only when being ridden. Yes, riding must be included. But taming a horse, and crafting a suitable saddle should be a complicated process, which includes things like making horseshoes on an anvil and shoeing your horse. One last thing I had an idea for: hay bales. Made from any kind of grains and string, you can place them in a stall with your Horse and it will eat at will, consuming 1/8 of the bale per day (like slabbing a block) and a bale with a bite taken out won't be moveable it would only be destroyed, or perhaps it drops like 1 grain and a string, I dunno, I will leave that to someone else to balance..

Carts. Made with a wheel and a good hit of wood, and some metal rods and axles (anvil!) this would be the primary pull behind your horse vehicle. It would be used for holding a chest (or two?) For mobile storage, distance carrying, etc. The drawback? The wheels get damaged. Pulling over dirt will damage them slowly, eventually breaking wheels which have to be replaced. Also, the cart (or maybe wagon?) Takes severe damage to its wheels if it goes off a one block ledge, and cannot climb a one block ledge. Damage of this type is easily avoided: well built roads with chiseled slabs to avoid drops. One other feature I thought to add: reinforced wheels, which would add metal spokes and rim (anvil!) And make them MUCH sturdier but still effected by dirt/drops so roads are preferable. A note: A cart cannot hold a rider, nor can a horse who is pulling, so your walking beside it :) and carts can only be pulled by one horse.. which is significant because of my last addition...

The Carriage. The pinnacle of technology! Requires reinforced wheels and a large amount of crafting parts to build it, this requires two horses to pull unless no passengers are inside, then one is acceptable. It can hold a chest and up to two (balance may dictate only one but I think two is ok) passengers and a driver (coachman). This would be a very high tier vehicle indeed and require higher end metal axles and wheel reinforcements (i was thinking steel+ but that will be something to balance..). It is essentially an epic cart, and is for the wealthy and powerful who can afford two horses, equipment, and a coachman. Largely a smp vehicle to be sure. A note: a cart or carriage that is broken breaks MOST of its components: meaning you must store it, it does not become an item again after placement (not like minecart!).

So this is my suggestion. TFC would be greatly served with this addition, I believe. It adds a very nice rewarding animal husbandry side to TFC which is lacking because breeding other animals is pretty boring and not very rewarding. I may not be the first, but I'd like to think I am the most though out in this matter.

Thank you for the read! Support is appreciated. Please leave thoughts and comments below!


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Errr... Nice work precisely describing an already comfirmed feature when you apparently didn't knew it was... Like, seriously, what kind of witchery is this? This is pretty close to what we were told... :huh:

Ok, ok, first things first: This is not a "realism" mod, even though it does take inspiration from reality, neither it is fixed to medieval times, or any real life time frame to begin with... Saying this is about realism makes some people angry, no matter who says so : be warned. Just for the record, it's merely about surviving the world via survival techniques and metalurgy, as of now. *It's at least not wrong to describe it this way, but to describe this mod in a single sentence is kind of imposible...*

Now, as i said earlier, this is pretty damn close to what was confirmed some time ago... I still can't figure out how you did it :huh: ... HOWEVER. "Pretty damn close" is not the same as "exactly the same". You may want to check this thread up, here's where such a confirmation was made, and where the dev team revealed their exacts plans (at least, in the moment of posting them):


(protip: second post is what you are looking for, not the first one :3)

Hope i helped you somehow :3

Also, ever since i don't remember reading any previous post of yours,



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Thanks for the welcome, I am a bit new, but not totally. I'm a mini admin for the Roanoke server which is totally fun and awesome btw shameless plug..

Anyhow I am thrilled to find the idea is already in the works, not upset at all that I am not totally original.. My post is more detailed than Dunk's in some areas and perhaps he or Bioxx will like some of my ideas and take them and implement them :)

Thanks for the response, and the link. I will be very excited for this feature whenever it does come out!


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Having to feed your horse? Dude take it from some one who has had many horses over the years. You don't need to feed a horse if they have access to a good sized pasture. They eat grass. And as for the effects those different grins would give? Utter baloney. No basis in believability.


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It has a small basis in believability on the grounds of nutritional value... its shakey at best, but I didn't intend for it to be a strong effect.. more like a 5% boost or w/e but I will leave it to Dunk/Bioxx to make decisions, was only an idea :)

I'm terribly happy that they have plans like this.. hopefully they come about sooner rather than later


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If you really want wheels chisel them out of block's carages would be to complex to code for this time period and really have no use for this mod , horses will probably be added and be able to be tamed , beacuse terrafirma is going to make monsters be underground and populate the overworld ground with wild animals maybe horses! That can be tamed.




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Don't know if this IS confirmed or not, but either way I support the carts and horses, the carriages.... not so much.

Ooh and I almost forgot,



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If you really want wheels chisel them out of block's carages would be to complex to code for this time period and really have no use for this mod , horses will probably be added and be able to be tamed , beacuse terrafirma is going to make monsters be underground and populate the overworld ground with wild animals maybe horses! That can be tamed.



Don't know if this IS confirmed or not, but either way I support the carts and horses, the carriages.... not so much.

Ooh and I almost forgot,


... It is confirmed... I said so in my own post... I'm so boring you guys just ignored my post...? *depressed*


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... It is confirmed... I said so in my own post... I'm so boring you guys just ignored my post...? *depressed*

I didn't ignore you :)



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The mobile version of this website really needs a like button.

Anyway how about an ox cart using the already present cow.... Slower than horse of course.

There I posted something ;-)


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The mobile version of this website really needs a like button.

Anyway how about an ox cart using the already present cow.... Slower than horse of course.

There I posted something ;-)

There is a like button "-.-



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The mobile version of this website really needs a like button.

Anyway how about an ox cart using the already present cow.... Slower than horse of course.

There I posted something ;-)

I was looking at other mods last night and I think I found a way to do just that. Flans plane mod allows for the creation of custom vehicles. Why not model that cart?

No idea if it will work but I am going to look into it.



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I had considered that too Bob, Flans is great but his current content packs don't fit with TFC, but potentially someone could build a content pack with vehicles suitable for TFC.. I don't know how hard it would be to make the cart require an animal to pull it though, I don't think any of Flans do anything like that.. Might still be doable though


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