Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Monopoly Card

39 posts in this topic


Create a monopoly card. (just the text)

You ran over a cat with your car, collect $200 dollars for public service.


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you get hit by a meteor, receive 500$ for insurance


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T-T-T-TAX time! Pay $25 for each house, and $100 for each hotel that you own.


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you dropped the bass, fined 666$


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You find a combustible lemon. Choose a player to throw it at and make them skip 2 turns.


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zombie apocalypse! run 2 full circles but receive no money or bunker down in jail for 6 turns but receive 2000$


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You have been convicted of mass murder! Go to jail for 10 turns or pay the bail of $1000


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earthquake! remove 1 house or loze a hotel in a collapse


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Volcano eruption! Pay $300 for fire damage, and remove 3 houses or 1 hotel (that you own) if possible.


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aliens abducted you, researchers pay you 5000$ to let them research your body, but you cannot move for 10 turns (bloody hell that'd suck)


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Monopoly Card:

Keronian Invasion!

Description: A contigent of five Keronians has invaded you! Pay up a fine of up to $900, or suffer their wrath of bad luck, constant arrests for disturbing public peace, more bad deals, and the like!


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Monopoly Card:

Wells Blazes

Old Wells Blazes has corrupted you're mind and made you do the un-thincable , hate Kakashi Hatake , you will have to wait 19 turns to beg for forgivenes .


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Terrafimracraft 2 comes out, loose 7 turns.


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Half-Life 3 comes out

All players run to buy it, pay $200 each and lose a turn


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You lose.

Now flip the board in anger.


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You found some dynamite below a bridge. Get $500 from every player or use someof the dynamite to destroy his/her house or hotel.


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Monopoly card:



Description: Herobrine pops out from behind you. Pay $666666 or be killed/booted from the game!


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Monopoly Card: Shadow Attack!


Description: Shadows have appeared in the city! You have gotten the Apathy Syndrome and must wait fifteen turns before returning to normal!


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Monopoly Card: Snapp


Ashton Snapp gave you enough money to pay Herobrine if he pops up.


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Monopoly Card: Kishin Transformation

Description: Out of greed and luck, you become a Kishin! You receive infinite money and have all bonuses for ten turns before Shibusen destroys you, meaning you are out for the game!


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Kitten Barrage:   >:3


Toss the nearest kitten at the player farthest from you,

if it hits, they lose a turn (But gain a kitten)


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The aforementioned kitten may be used to bribe the prison guard into letting you get out of jail free. (Flip a coin, if heads you are out of jail)


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You've been transmuted into a Philosopher's Stone.


The player is permanently booted from the round.


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/// TPS Entertainment is sold to you


You get all of TPS Entertainment's current funds, which are $40,000,000


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You have accidentally awoken The Machine under the city, unleashing an army of pig-like Grunts into the world.


Pay $5,675,234,123 in property, insurance, military, medical, and casualty damages.


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