Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Regeneration of rocks and naturally occuring vegitables

15 posts in this topic

I'm not sure if this can be considered a problem, but every server I've ever joined is always wiped clean of rocks and veggies.

The land never returns to an original state once it has been picked clean.

Perhaps chunks can have have a "time since last load" or "rainfalls while unloaded" that will determine how much has grown back while you were away from it.

This way, desolate areas that were once picked clean and abandoned could eventually restore themselves somewhat. This way you can leave an area and let it regrow.

Chunks could also actively restore some of these things a little bit every month of ingame time or so while players are present.

Rock and vegitable density could be measured per chunk, and would not go beyond a certain limit.

Habited areas, (a chunk and the neighboring chunks of an area which contains a certain percentage of unaturally created blocks) could be resistant to the regrowth of vegitables and surfacing of stones.

Some of you may not want the wild to retake the land, so perhaps the presence of players and their structures should be detrimental to natural growth, so one would need to travel into the wild to forage.

On the other hand, one should maintain what is theirs, and if they are unable do so, then perhaps they tried to claim more than what is feasible.


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For what it's worth, due to frost heaving and erosion, the small rocks at the surface IRL are continually replenished.


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For what it's worth, due to frost heaving and erosion, the small rocks at the surface IRL are continually replenished.

There's both realism and gameplay reasons to have this, but I don't know how difficult it would be to code.

It seems possible, and would be such a gradual thing if done right that it shouldn't hit game performance that badly.

If you're re-exploring old chunks, it would just do a bit of regeneration, adding some random rocks, plants, and trees depending on how long it has been unloaded.

I don't know if it would be a problem that this will in effect create infinite stone and small chunks of surface ore, but I imagine this would be slow enough so as to make it worth it to go onto new territory.

With this system in place, nomads could eventually go back to where they began, and provided they were gone for a few years, they would come back to things looking fresh.


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Why is everyone in these forums obsessed about realism xD ?

Well i would like to see the change in land when it is winter or summer , not just the trees , but repopulating rocks , and vegies ! If the world would replenish itself and change its chunks to maybe make a tectonic plate shift 3 blocks up or down raising the level of a house or creating depresions that would be awesome i would like to see the world being made infront of my eyes and itself changing , not by my influence but how it naturally would . etc. tectonic movenent erosion from the snow creating rocks , some blocks of dirt or grass being gone if the nutrients would be used up ? Something on that edge....

-I made this hastely if anyone does not understand i will try to explain better .

-Sincerely Krski


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I would prefer if rocks did not regenerate. I'm already way too OCD about clearing all the grass... I don't need even more to clean! :P


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If you don't have any rocks, the vast majority of TFC content is barred from you. How do servers deal with this?

Since it isn't a SSP issue, and different servers might want to deal with it differently, rock regeneration might be best dealt with as a server mod/tool/command.


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If this were implemented, having a config option would be ideal.

This way you can enable/disable and set how fast this kind of regeneration would occur.

But right now, there's only one option, keep moving outward.

Eventually, if you've had a long time running server, people are gonna have to run out to the far reaches of the world to find a speck of ground with a damned loose rock to be found.

This isn't so much a plea for realism, as just a way to help keep old servers from stagnating.


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This isn't so much a plea for realism, as just a way to help keep old servers from stagnating.

Realism/believability is just a plus anyways.

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If this were implemented, having a config option would be ideal.

This way you can enable/disable and set how fast this kind of regeneration would occur.

But right now, there's only one option, keep moving outward.

Eventually, if you've had a long time running server, people are gonna have to run out to the far reaches of the world to find a speck of ground with a damned loose rock to be found.

This isn't so much a plea for realism, as just a way to help keep old servers from stagnating.

If you allow veggies and rocks to respawn you would be able to limit the seeds you get from grass to grains and oats, this would allow players to still gather all the types of plants and such, but it would be much more rewarding to find a rare plant growing in a part of your world you left alone for a long period of time than if you got 8 of each type of seed each time you mowed your lawn...

If this idea is implemented, perhaps you shouldn't be able to get ore bits from rocks anymore, this would make prop picks and sluicing more valuble, while keeping the player from having infinite ore.

Also, you can still get rocks via creeper blasts regardless of how long the server has been up.


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If you allow veggies and rocks to respawn you would be able to limit the seeds you get from grass to grains and oats, this would allow players to still gather all the types of plants and such, but it would be much more rewarding to find a rare plant growing in a part of your world you left alone for a long period of time than if you got 8 of each type of seed each time you mowed your lawn...

If this idea is implemented, perhaps you shouldn't be able to get ore bits from rocks anymore, this would make prop picks and sluicing more valuble, while keeping the player from having infinite ore.

Also, you can still get rocks via creeper blasts regardless of how long the server has been up.

have you tried getting a reasonable quantity of small ore?

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have you tried getting a reasonable quantity of small ore?

No, I normaly mine the large bits in my ssp server... I'm not that good at servers beacuse of the difficulty I have setting up with no resources. However, you can still convert gravel into small ore bits.

The reason I think that if you do this type of regen, you should take out surface ore, is that you can effectively mark off spots over ore veins with "ore spawns here" signs, and in worlds with 2-3 minecraft years in an hour you could effectively collect an infinite supply of metals in a short time. This mechanic is largely for the benifit of large long-time servers, but if you have a server of 10 people or more, spread them across a minecraft world, and give them reason to compete against eachother, somone will take advantage of this. Most likely everyone. If you take 10 people, say they each have 5 ore veins in their controlled territory, and that 2 of them spawn surface ore, say an average of 2-3 small bits a vein... that would be between 40-60 small bits of ore.

Now say you have those spots marked off, a quick means of transport from one ore farm to another, and a server with 4 minecraft days to a year. Assume this refresh mechanic occurs once every 6 in game months... that is two minecraft days for them, or about 40 min. Assume they got the minimum amount of small ore from my guesstimate above, or 40 ore per trip, for 5 trips, in total, a minimum of 200 small bits of ore have been generated into that server. This would provide a tedious method to extract ore without ever needing to dig a hole, and one an entire server would likely take up.


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....and a server with 4 minecraft days to a year.

Why worry about such an outlier?

If someone sets it up that way, they obviously aren't interested in the standard TFC experience, with normal balance. If somebody wants to get around the regular constraints of TFC, and they are hosting their own server, they can, and will. They might also add in lasers and jet-packs.

Don't worry about it.


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Why worry about such an outlier? If someone sets it up that way, they obviously aren't interested in the standard TFC experience, with normal balance. If somebody wants to get around the regular constraints of TFC, and they are hosting their own server, they can, and will. They might also add in lasers and jet-packs. Don't worry about it.

This idea certainly isn't intended to be exploited.

If someone configured the server in such a way, it would kind of defeat the purpose of TFC.

The whole regrowth thing is something that if configured within sane levels, would only regenerate a chunk back to its orginal density of rocks, plants, and trees after 14 days to a month (Real time, not MC time).

It wouldn't be a sudden thing, it would be brought back slowly.

If someone wants to avoid having their stuff overgrown, player made blocks should decrease the rate at which these things regenerate. So if you build a town, the rate of regen for that area could take several REAL months to ever fully regenerate.


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This idea certainly isn't intended to be exploited.

If someone configured the server in such a way, it would kind of defeat the purpose of TFC.

The whole regrowth thing is something that if configured within sane levels, would only regenerate a chunk back to its orginal density of rocks, plants, and trees after 14 days to a month (Real time, not MC time).

It wouldn't be a sudden thing, it would be brought back slowly.

If someone wants to avoid having their stuff overgrown, player made blocks should decrease the rate at which these things regenerate. So if you build a town, the rate of regen for that area could take several REAL months to ever fully regenerate.

Based on the proposed system, that wouldn't need to be implemented, as towns would tend to remain near-constantly loaded, and this regen of ground items would occur if implemented as suggested at set increments in unloaded chunks... if the chunks aren't unloaded, no regrowth.

And yes, you are prob right.


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Based on the proposed system, that wouldn't need to be implemented, as towns would tend to remain near-constantly loaded, and this regen of ground items would occur if implemented as suggested at set increments in unloaded chunks... if the chunks aren't unloaded, no regrowth.

And yes, you are prob right.

Well, I'm not sure if it should apply to only unloaded chunks, or in all chunks.

I suppose it's better if the server only needs to do a little bit of regen when players revisit old chunks.


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