Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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My game

3 posts in this topic

Hi guys, so me and a few friends are making a survival game, inspired by minecraft and DayZ and pretty similar to Terra Firma Craft (dont worry, Im not stealing ideas, i can provide proof of earlier dates of development, its just awesome that both my game and the modpack have similar features), and I thought Id post it here so you guys can share your thoughts. Also, ideas are very welcome and I will hear out and respond to everyone of them. Be warned, developments been going time, so get ready for a MASSIVE post. Just in case, heres a tl;dr for you, but Id advise you read the whole thing

DayZ + Minecraft + Loads of cool original features= Ostrich160's (the indie game devs name) first game, 'Terra Morta' which is latin/ italian (I forget Posted Image) for dead world.

Here we go-

The game is basically a hardcore survival game, in the kind of style as DayZ, so killing isn't your first option. The game's setting is a post apocalyptic world, full of destroyed cities, barren wastelands, and every so often and beautiful natural utopia untouched by man. The world will be completely randomly generated, and feature fully explorable buildings. The aim of the game is simply to survive, and this is done with a few important elements which are needed for your survival.

Food: You will need to eat everyday, and thus I'm making the choice of food rather large, but a lot of that food would only be eaten as a last resort. The food will include normal 'human' food which can be looted out of buildings, animals which can be hunted, crops and fruits can be grown, and as a last resort, other survivors (I know, its horrible, but its a post apocalyptic situation. I got the idea of it from fallout NV)

Water: To make the game a bit easier, water won't be essential for survival, but without it the player can become very run down and might faint every so often. It is obtainable in the same way as food, ranging from basic loot to rivers and other water sources, or (because water makes up around 90% of it) again as a last resort, other survivors blood. I know some of these elements are a bit disgusting and sick, but I want the player to feel like they are in the situation and give them the option but make them think about their morales.

Shelter: Shelter can be obtained in a number of ways. It can be built out of basic pieces like corrugated iron sheets (these are made in a spore style building creator so you have the freedom to make it look how you want. Supplies are found and created by using ores, but it won't be minecraft style at all. However, materials are very sparse). Or, you can fortify and build up from existing buildings, allowing for a quick and easy shelter.

Sanity: Yes, there will be sanity in this game, but not enough that it kills you. As you are in a post apocalyptic situation, you will probably go insane, especially if you are living in a house with zombies smashing down your door, paranoia will take over. Sanity will not effect you a lot, only flickers of strange figures and seconds of random sound clips, until you get to the top of the insanity level, which causes wild hallucinations. An example of this is that you might walk out your house, and you see nothing. You go walking along, and then suddenly snap back and realise you were hallucinating, and that the zombies are ripping you apart!

This game will not be easy, I'm making it as unfair on the player as possible. There won't be quests, its open world sandbox survival.

The mobs will include zombies (of various speeds, intelligence and perceptiveness)

There will be an enderman like mob (these will be tall, slim figures that are very rare. They are passive until you look at them. Then they just stare. However, the difference between these an endermen is that these have some weird connection, so you look at one, and all of them in a large area will begin hunting you down. These are very rare, but if you look at one, they will not stop until either they're all dead or your dead! There are crazed survivors

And more to come!

Edit: Also guys, heres the alpha list for features that will be in the alpha-

-Core ideas

- Building/fortifying

-Random terrain with cities

- Temples, strongholds, fallout bunkers and battlements

-Lore publisher

-Basic NPC's (bandits)

-Ships in oceans

- Farming

-Natural areas

-Maybe basic vehicles

Hey guys, we now have a website (thanks to scarecrow), its not done yet, but its got what we need, it has a forums, it has an FAQ, it has an empty interview page, more sections and content coming soon!

Also Its only temporarily called ostrich160, until I decide on the name of my game studio *which might stay as ostrich160, maybe, who knows, post suggestions below)

If I find the spoiler tags Ill edit in a list of all thought of features so far (might be missing off a few, but I try to update), because theres a LOT of stuff!

let me know what you think, ideas and thoughts are very welcome!

Thanks guys




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I can see a small bit of tfc in this... but not much dude, I don't think anyone's gonna accuse you of idea stealing :P

Since its heavily influenced by minecraft.. is it going to be block based or..?

Sounds fairly interesting I guess :) A lot will be based on how well its implemented


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I can see a small bit of tfc in this... but not much dude, I don't think anyone's gonna accuse you of idea stealing :P

Since its heavily influenced by minecraft.. is it going to be block based or..?

Sounds fairly interesting I guess :) A lot will be based on how well its implemented

Im not quite sure whether or not it will be block based, i think you'll build in blocks but the terrain wont be. But we'll be experimenting with many different styles and based of player feedback implementing the best ones :)

The reason I thought it was like tfc is because of the foraging and hardcore survival aspects, as well as a similar name


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