Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Strike Mechanics (no more wimpy little hits)

7 posts in this topic

so, the block breaking and attacking animations have always bugged me, they seem a bit small and weak to me. so im thinking of a complete overhaul on how you hit things

so, no more holding left click until your little pokes end up breaking the block. just doesn't make much sense

so, i say that when you hold left click, you begin to raise your tool, then upon releasing, you swing the tool down, damaging the block, higher teir metals would require fewer hits to break each individual block, and would have quicker raise speeds. this mechanic would also work for splitting logs, as described in the topic of that name

This would also apply to weapons, holding left click would wind up a strike, and releasing the click unleashes the blow, different weapons would have quicker pullback speeds, daggers being very quick, to maces and large weapons taking much longer to wind back a strike. obviously, bows would still retain their drawback time.

for shovels, as you obviously don't smack the dirt to break it, the shovel would have a "scooping" animation when you break the blcok, like you're digging it up


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Huh...that actually seems pretty cool. it would have to be balanced though, no body wants to sit and hold smack a piece of dirt for too long. :D But implementing custom movements for the player could be done to go with this. I know Advanced Movement doe's it. I bet if you did enough tinkering you could to.

But anyway great idea! :D


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This idea could stop theose spamming hits that always kill me and everyone wants to get rid of. My only fear is that it could slow down some particular parts of the game, specifically shovels (no good toi make it even slower then it already is, try removing a huge still going on my project).

weapons to me would be the most important part. Having a dagger be able to strike softly, but very quick would even out battle, and would stop people from just having the most powerful weapon. It would cause people to choosen between being all mighty power ful but slow, or being quick and nimble but weak....i think if implemented properly it would work fantastic


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This is a neat idea. It is NOT an idea that needs to be in TFC, but would instead probably work better as a mod that could be applied to Minecraft no matter how you play. It would change the act of breaking blocks to more involve the skill of the player.

It could also get fantastically annoying. Sand is and should be easy to scoop up. I like being able to hold down the button and get more than one block. Imagine playing MC with a diamond shovel and having to click as fast as possible to keep up with the unmodded speed. Maybe this would be better applied to only certain items. Maybe you have to manually whack a tree with axes made with certain materials, but not with better metals.

There are a lot of things for which this probably isn't appropriate. I can't imagine needing to pull back my hand to whack a bunch of torches, for instance.

If this mod were made it would need to retain block damage data, much like how the Multimine mod works. Check that out if you haven't yet.


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maybe the size and weight of an item would actually influence the speed with which you raise it above your head and smack something


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maybe the size and weight of an item would actually influence the speed with which you raise it above your head and smack something

to maces and large weapons taking much longer to wind back a strike.

Great job reading the whole post sir.

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This is a neat idea. It is NOT an idea that needs to be in TFC, but would instead probably work better as a mod that could be applied to Minecraft no matter how you play. It would change the act of breaking blocks to more involve the skill of the player.

It could also get fantastically annoying. Sand is and should be easy to scoop up. I like being able to hold down the button and get more than one block. Imagine playing MC with a diamond shovel and having to click as fast as possible to keep up with the unmodded speed. Maybe this would be better applied to only certain items. Maybe you have to manually whack a tree with axes made with certain materials, but not with better metals.

There are a lot of things for which this probably isn't appropriate. I can't imagine needing to pull back my hand to whack a bunch of torches, for instance.

If this mod were made it would need to retain block damage data, much like how the Multimine mod works. Check that out if you haven't yet.

Thats what i was trying to get at. Making it on selected tools would be the way to go. The same would go with removing dirt, i dont want to be spending an extra couple of hours, just because of an animation difference. Although this would be wonderful for chopping down trees and mining. My only fear is that after a while it could become boring and rather irritating. Hoes could even be included in this, and would look very well.


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