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My suggestion is a simple one. Something thats always bugged me is the fact that you punch a tree, while in vanilla minecraft its ok because its not supposed to be real, I think punching a tree should hurt you, maybe make using an axe temporarily more difficult by making it longer to cut a tree down.


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have you tryed to break logs with the hands inthis mod? oh maybe you haven't even played


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well, that reply seemed a bit rude... and yes i have played the mod...otherwise i wouldn't be here now. I have tryed breaking a tree with my hands for quite a while, and the only damage i took was from a creeper that exploded right next to me. unless my game is broken in some subtle way i thought this was how things were, hence then suggestion


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No his reply was appropriate. Making a change that affects your ability to punch a tree has no bearing on your ability to cut it down, because you cannot cut down a tree by punching it. Your suggestion makes it sound as though you don't have any idea what you're talking about.

As to the merits of your suggestion, are you really suggesting that clicking with your mouse while nothing is in your hand causes you to be damaged? Punch something = lose health, right? How in any way does that make the game better?


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my sugesstion was that to actually punch a tree, which we know is something we do in minecraft n general causes a small ammount of damage, if i could think of another way to be damaged in some way i would have said so, i'm not talking something massive, like half a point or something, but it would make it clear that it is something your not supposed todo in TFCraft.

As to not knowing what i'm talking about, i probably could have made it more understandable, i agree. I have a large problem with writing and I sometimes dont re read things as much as I should. However, I think that my origional post didnt need a statement saying i have played this mod or anything as it was a suggestion, not a question.


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The fact that it takes absolutely FOREVER to punch a tree and that it drops nothing makes it clear enough that you aren't supposed to do it. Anyone who knows anything about the mod, be it from watching videos or reading the wiki knows that you NEED to make stone tools. Instead of the vanilla minecraft punch trees to get started.. TFC is punch rocks on the ground and leaves to get started.


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The fact that it takes absolutely FOREVER to punch a tree and that it drops nothing makes it clear enough that you aren't supposed to do it. Anyone who knows anything about the mod, be it from watching videos or reading the wiki knows that you NEED to make stone tools. Instead of the vanilla minecraft punch trees to get started.. TFC is punch rocks on the ground and leaves to get started.

My thoughts exactly. Playing the game for a few minutes would have blessed him with this knowledge...


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My suggestion is a simple one. Something thats always bugged me is the fact that you punch a tree, while in vanilla minecraft its ok because its not supposed to be real, I think punching a tree should hurt you, maybe make using an axe temporarily more difficult by making it longer to cut a tree down.

omg are you serious? Well on a serious note, this is the case, you cannot destroy trees with your hands, instead the only way to do it is with a hoe.. :)

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ok, so this board isnt for suggestions then... my mistake. in fact its a board to take the piss out of people. glad to know that, least i can let people know in future that if they do have a suggestion not to put it here.

hope that other people have a better time of it here.


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people, he's not trying to say that trees need to be un-punchable, he's saying that you should take damage from punching things that ought not to be punched

like seriously, punching a tree or solid rock face as hard as you can would most likely break a finger or two.

but on anohter note, Bullit, we've kinda made up an excuse for the whole -punch things to harvest- mechanic of minceraft. instead of actually punching the thing, you're attempting to harvest it with your hands, so like with dirt or sand, you're not punching it, you're digging it up with your hands, and with plants, you arent punching them, you're pulling them up.


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ok, so this board isnt for suggestions then... my mistake. in fact its a board to take the piss out of people. glad to know that, least i can let people know in future that if they do have a suggestion not to put it here.

hope that other people have a better time of it here.

You could be handling it a lot better. Getting petulent and emotional doesn't help you in any possible way.

I asked a serious question that if you hadn't ignored it, would have given you a chance to justify your suggestion. Here it is again: How does taking damage when you click on something with nothing in your hand make the game better?


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I asked a serious question that if you hadn't ignored it, would have given you a chance to justify your suggestion. Here it is again: How does taking damage when you click on something with nothing in your hand make the game better?

and if you had just looked at the post directly above yours, this suggestion is justified on the grounds that it definitely makes more sense, punching a tree or boulder is probably going to break your fingers, thus damage,maybe only a tiny bit of damage, but just enough to say, "hey maybe you shouldn't be doing this" especially to encourage new players to figure out how to play TFC instead of just playing it like vanilla minecraft.

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Considering the health scale for TFC is different, with a total of 1000 health. It could make sense for punching the log to do 1 damage. Absolute minimal and quickly to recover, but you will still get the "steve got hurt" sound and whatnot.


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Thats basically what i was thinking, i mean, I know that you have to make stone tools, but i knw that by doing a bit of research before starting to play. Other people, of which I know quite a few, will never take two seconds to read a guide or watch a video so will just blunder along with the knowlege of minecraft. A simple indicator of "ouch" would make it very clear for them that this is a whole different game. Course of those people i think one has the patience to do the kinda long grind that this mod does at times (gotta get more sticks...ugh but i just did it LOL)


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I did read your post above mine. But that is a reason it was thought of, not a reason why the change would make the game more fun. For instance, it also makes sense that we'd move slower when wet and need to urinate every day, but those things would just be annoying, not fun.

Is the goal really to encourage new players to approach the game without as much of a vanilla MC mindset in order to more readily adjust to the changes TFC makes? If so, good job introducing that DESG, you just gave this post a purpose. If that is the goal, damage from punching is just a drop in the bucket of the things that could be done. An intro/reference screen for the basics would be far easier.


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I don't know a lot of entirely new players to TFC. Most seem to join with a friend or start SSP after watching a youtube video. Between friends, youtube and the wiki... plus just failure to accomplish anything by punching... I think most of them will understand quickly that you need an axe to chop down a tree.

I think it's also very accurate to say you're not punching that tree. Admittedly, the animation looks kinda punchy, but it just represents you manipulating the tree with your hands. Same as using a bellows or any of the crafting tables (you punch once to open the GUI).

Not saying it's a terrible suggestion or anything, just seems unnecessary to me. Even if you're focusing on the idea of giving a new player feedback that they're doing it wrong, it's kind of already there. The breaking block animation (the lines as it splits and eventually breaks) don't appear when you're using your hand to manipulate the tree block. Any new player who spends more than 60s punching a tree without progress is likely to stop and ask "er... what?" via Forums, IRC, wiki, google, whatever.

I'd rather those new guys have to stop and ask than Dunk/Bioxx spend any coding effort on some other warning system instead of other priority issues.


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Actually now that i think about it this could actually work, although it shouldn't just happen for trees, but also cobble, stone etc, although the damage would have to be very very small and not too groundbreaking, that if you get into a sticky situation, you can dig your serlf out...


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Actually now that i think about it this could actually work, although it shouldn't just happen for trees, but also cobble, stone etc, although the damage would have to be very very small and not too groundbreaking, that if you get into a sticky situation, you can dig your serlf out...

agreed something like half a point would be enough (i did get stuck and need to smack the heck outa where i was so anything more that half a point to one point would be too much i think. adds a little more to making sure you are prepared for foraging etc if you know you might hurt youself if you run out of tools :)


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well, craziness aside, i agree your idea is worth merit, but only on things that'd actually hurt you: trying to grab leaves shouldnt damage you, but trying to BREAK a square feet of cobblestone should (although grabbing it wouldnt, how would you account for that?)


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well, craziness aside, i agree your idea is worth merit, but only on things that'd actually hurt you: trying to grab leaves shouldnt damage you, but trying to BREAK a square feet of cobblestone should (although grabbing it wouldnt, how would you account for that?)

well its like when you "break" cobble with a pick, you're just pulling apart the rocks, as opposed to smacking them, same with shovels and dirt, you're not smacking and "breaking" the dirt, you're digging it up

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