Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Some cool suggestions for stone/rocks and weapons

11 posts in this topic

What I think could be cool is another rock idea, in the stone age, people actually did use obsidian as tool heads. Obsidian isn't as strong in real life as in vanilla minecraft, it's basically volcanic glass. So I think it would be cool to add small obsidian pieces around just like regular rocks, possibly they could be rarer though. My second idea is a ranged weapon known as the sling, basically 2 string/yarn and 1 leather or animal skin. It could be less durability than the bow (idk about the javelin) and could do less damage. However as the sling ammo types, players could use regular rocks as the ammo, nothing done to the rock, all you need is some rocks in your inventory with the sling, and you're able to fire it (maybe charge it up first like the bow or javelin). Thanks for reading and give me any feed back if you like my ideas/suggestions


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Greetings ZombieHunter-san. I am Sda209,


Unfortunately, I believe that your entire post has been invalidated by better elaborated suggestions. In other words, "someone has already beat you to the punch", as one would say.


Now, I have not heard of obsidian spawning as rocks in the ground as of yet. If volcanism is implemented in as a feature, then most likely you will find obsidian in areas of volcanic activity.



As for slingshots, I think its possible advantages would include faster fire rate, and simpler ammunition. However, its range is short, and said ammunition would cause less damage, and the simple fact of leatherworking required for the production of slingshots would simply invalidate its use altogether. I suggest you propose an alternative material for the launching mechanism, if possible that is.


I hope this post will assist your suggestion, and...



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Thanks for responding, I just wanted to share ideas and I can think more things through, but thanks I'll take your advice :D


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Okay now that I thought it through a bit more, I strongly believe obsidian rock is a cool idea (obsidian is basically volcanic glass and its not indestructible as in vanilla minecraft). As for volcanoes, it could also be a good idea to have thought, but however how did, primitive men create obsidian tools in the stone age without volcanoes, the rocks could've been from a previous volcano that isn't a volcano anymore. So basically they could be really rare.


As for the sling (not slingshot there is a difference), it was a small idea, I don't really know if it's a good one and I know other people suggested it, so it is already known, but that's ok.


Also thanks for Sda209 for giving me information on my post and helping me polish it further :D


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On topic of obsidian and volcanoes,


What I believe I am trying to say is that obsidian-based tools along with obsidian itself is a good suggestion in itself. I think the only way to extract these stones are through only volcanoes (there is a separate thread on volcanoes, use search engine, please).


Basically, in Laymen's Terms, if obsidian is added add in dormant volcanos (active volcanos would eat away performance) for the sake of believability, under my assumption that water and lava creates igneous rocks when mixed in TFC.


Thank you for your corrections, and you're welcome for my assistance, ZombieHunter-san.


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Again thanks so much :)  I'm just glad people are actually looking at my post and you are even replying, after all they were just ideas but you never know, they might be good ones :D


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You're welcome.



Oh, and I recommend  you to not double-post, as some here are rather... sensitive about it (use quote and multi-quote buttons for replying to one or multiple posts at once to prevent this).


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the next update certainly does expand on the stone age, however I think we're leaving obsidian as it is, a vanilla feature that we've left behind. You can still get it by cooling lava, but I don't think it has a place in the early game. Secondly, the javelin doubles the number of range weapons in the game (both of which are obtainable in the stone age) so I don't think we need a third stone age ranged weapon.


Thanks for the idea though, although it won't work out, it fit well with the theme of the mod.


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Well, cooling lava can also gives vanilla cobble beside opsidian in build76.


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Well, cooling lava can also gives vanilla cobble beside opsidian in build76.



yeah, that's the only way to get vanilla cobble


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What I think could be cool is another rock idea, in the stone age, people actually did use obsidian as tool heads. Obsidian isn't as strong in real life as in vanilla minecraft, it's basically volcanic glass. So I think it would be cool to add small obsidian pieces around just like regular rocks, possibly they could be rarer though. My second idea is a ranged weapon known as the sling, basically 2 string/yarn and 1 leather or animal skin. It could be less durability than the bow (idk about the javelin) and could do less damage. However as the sling ammo types, players could use regular rocks as the ammo, nothing done to the rock, all you need is some rocks in your inventory with the sling, and you're able to fire it (maybe charge it up first like the bow or javelin). Thanks for reading and give me any feed back if you like my ideas/suggestions




Obsidian: Cool idea. In real life, it was used for daggers, arrow heads, for skinning, and inserted into clubs to make sword-like weapons. Today they are used for surgery as scalpel because it is sharper then any other surgical metal.


Sling: Sling would be awesome, and it's variant (stave-sling). Various sources say that a sling could project an object at 250 mph, and over 1500 feet. Apparently, it was both more accurate and the stones farther flying then bows prior to around the 15th century when the English longbow came about. Some other composite bows as well, from what I read. Quite an interesting bit of research actually, I didn't know slings were so powerful. I suppose that heavy metal shields would have made them useless later on (hence the 15th century number, I am assuming)


At any rate, Dev has already spoken. Just figured I'd throw in my two cents.





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