Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Auburn Crow

Big New Idea List

5 posts in this topic

The new build 77 definatly threw a whole lot onto the plate of TerraFirma-Crafters. I played through it and I have to say it the new Pottery system of Casting process's definately make the Stone Age and Lower Metal ages a lot more interesting. Going through it all I just thought I would revisit a list of things I had made once before about things that could possibly be added to the game, using some of the newer game mechanics and items in Build 77. 




One thing I loved about B77 is the new pottery system, and the Pit Kiln, along with the numerous new clay use's. However I noticed the pure lack of building materials in the lower stone age. (Besides Dirt & gravel, and don't even get started with Logs.) I thought that there should be some sort of building material using clay, or at the very least mud. 

 -Clay brick blocks

-Clay brick blocks would be made by wedging your (x5)clay by removing the very outermost layer of clay in the grid. This would give you 5 clay bricks. These "Bricks" could be placed in a pit kiln, baked into clay bricks and then used with Mortar like stone bricks to make Clay Brick Blocks. They wouldn't be able to be chiseled, but they would make a good starter building block, and possibly a higher tier of clay brick's could be adobe, using a Wooden Frame, Straw, and clay. Players would then place it to 'dry' in the sun for a minecraft day and retrieve their bricks to build with. (4 adobe bricks= 1 adobe block). It would be tougher than plain old Clay Brick. 





-Pots : Ceramic pots would be able to cook food in much larger quantity, much  like an non-metal able forge. They also too could be filled with water, and used like a Knife on wood to make meals, by placing it on top of a fire pit. (Rather instead of meals they would make Stews or Soups.) Stews would be thicker and provide player stat boosts like alcohol, while Soups would also do that they would be less 'strong' and would also fill some of the players Thirst. Both of these would even have the added benefit of warming the players body, for future builds where temperature may be a issue, and players could eat a bowl of warm soup and warm up to make it through the nights in their early days. 


The Ceramic Pot would be made by shaping out a indent into the clay molding table, and then baking it in a Pit Kiln. However like all the other ceramics it has the possibility to break when you use it. 




The next thing I'd like to talk about in the new Straw that's been implemented into the game. Straw seems like it could have a huge assortment of use's, such as in Adobe as stated before, and the already used Thatch. However it would be great if it could be used as Animal feed, and instead of just grass giving it, all your basic Cereal crops would provide you with some straw. Then granted you have enough straw you could construct Hay Bales which could feed nearby livestock, who would come over and eat the hay bale slowly reducing its size downward. (Think of it like cake, one bite takes a slice and so on so forth until its gone.) This would allow you to feed your animals if they end up devouring the grass in their pens, or to feed horses if they're implemented into the game. 



The next Idea I have has been stated on and on again by MANY people and it has to do with Gems. 

Now, I don't want some crazy overly complex system of jewelry craft. (God no...) but I would like to see them have a use OTHER than clogging up my chests' and refilling my protection meters every month.. 


Idea 1 : Gems could be crafted into Accessory's, using either Silver, Sterling Silver, or Gold. (No copper, or bronze, or anything else) When you craft these you would first have to make Chain which would also be able to be used in armors (But I'll talk about that later on)  A Chain would allow you to make a Amulet.

-Amulets are the simplest of all jewelry to craft. They provide a random boost at a certain level and power given the quality of the gem.

-Next would be Torcs, these rigid neck rings, would provide another random boost with the possibility of a second boost when the quality of the gem is at a common state. (Aka just the plain name. Ruby, Topaz. ect.)

- Bracelets would use chian like the Amulets but they will provide a random one of three boosts

  • Strength : Sword/Mace swings deal more damage and have the chance to 'cripple' or cause a Slow debuff to enemys. 
  • Aim : Bow/Javelin shots are more accurate, and straight. They deal greater damage and can cause a Slow Debuff. 
  • Stamina : Players receive a speed boost to tools when using a Axe/Pickaxe/or Shovel. 

-Anklets would also be made with chain, and would provide different buffs than Bracelets

  • Speed : Players movement speed increase's
  • Jump : Players Jump height increase's
  • Falling: Players take less fall damage

However when using these items players would slowly degrade them over a period of weeks or months, at which point the jewel will break and you'll be left with the metal you used to make it. (With some gems being more durable than others such as diamond) This will encourage players to search for better Jewel bearing rocks. 



Next is somthing for a industry, that I don't really expect this to be implemented in any soon to come builds but perhaps after they finish ironing out what they like and want in the stone age and move up into the high tier metal age. 


Rails - As of now, I really hate the Vanilla rails. While it's simple it just seems a bit too easy. So my idea to make it 'better' would be instead of simply putting them together in your inventory you would have to first create the wood for the railway. By placing six planks of wood, horizontally on opposing side's, separate by three empty slots to make Rail Tracks. You would place these and then, craft railway pikes by hammering them through a blueprint or casting them with cast iron. You would need to right click to auto place them on the rail tracks and then with a hammer right click to set them in. Finally adding a length of railing (Which is 3 blocks in length) after forging it to create a minimum of 3 blocks of track at a time. It would take some effort to make these railways but they would be worth it later on when industry becomes prevalent. 


Making trains however...that would be a biiiit more complex and I'll throw out that topic in a post all on its own later. :D 




Finally I think that even if Dunk never add's NPCs that someone should at least drabble in a optional TFC only compatable NPC mod, to throw in some characters for the game to trade, build, and communicate with. Granted they be rarer than animals and hard to find but getting a small village founded would benefit players in the long run. 


-Ideas and Req for such a mod.


NPC spawing. - Very rare, almost restricted to being perhaps 1/100 chunks or more. (Not unreasonably rare but enough so that its a bit of a trek to find one) They would not spawn alone but often in family's, containing a Male, Female and over time a Baby. (As they should be able to breed by themselves like animals.) When you integrate a villager they would take up a random occupation depending on the occupations available, as well as founding a village by building a Town Well. 


-Occupations include 

Farmer (Common and will ALWAYS be the first job picked if your village population is less than 10) 

Lumber Jack (Common will be a 2/3 chance after you have a village containing more than 4-5 farmers) 

Smith (Will only become available if a Smithy is present in the town w/ forge, bloomery of the lowest tier, and a anvil of at least stone.

Seamstress (After the village pop is above 10, wifes and women will have a 1/8 chance of taking up the seamstress career) 

Leather Worker (Male/Fem chance of 1/10 villagers) 

Blacksmith (1/5 chance out of all Smiths in the village) 

Brewer (Brewers will only be available if players provide a villager with Ale, Beer, Vodka, Rum, Whisky ect. and will build a Tavern selling food bought from Farmers and selling beer based on the crops a farmer gathers. (Farmers choose from one of the 4 grains randomly or specifically if given by a player, this determines the Taverns Alcohol of choice) 


Nobles- Nobles will spawn once your village reach's city status or 50+ villagers, once there are at least 20 nobles they will form a parliament and a city guard that will enforce regulatory laws. Players breaking the laws will be punished and can be placed in a town jail along with rogue NPC bandits, thiefs, and murderers which will spawn more often with bigger citys. A noble has a 1/5 chance of being Corrupt and thus will take bribes and turn a blind eye to players for a price. 


Kings- Once your city becomes large enough or 80+ it is considered a Capital. There may only be one capital per about 5 minecraft km. and a King will spawn. The NPC's will then build a castle and the King will map out the boarder's of their Kingdom by asking the player to provide them with maps. Each completed Map gives the kingdom that area to the Kingdom. But the map must be fully filled. 

(I'm not sure how it would check for this). This would allow players to have a greater TFC experiance, building citys with other players, waging wars, and so on so forth. But once again, I don't expect it to be implemented into TFC itself, but more as a child mod that comes as a option to include with it. 


That's that, I'll be watching for replys!















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If early game construction is the motive behind clay bricks, there's no point; mortar still needs buckets, ie metal for a saw.  If you can get that, you can probably get a chisel and *not* waste a full stack of wood cooking 4 bricks at a time in a pit kiln.


I see no reason why gems would give any kind of stat boosts, could you explain this?  Cool as enchanted items would be, it VERY much doesn't fit with the theme of TFC.


1/5 is far too low a chance for nobles to be corrupt. :P


Other than that, I rather like these ideas, even if the rail bit was a mite confusing (and why would it be worthwhile later, or ever?).  Add in 'straw beds using less than 3 wool cloth' and we're good.


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The next thing I'd like to talk about in the new Straw that's been implemented into the game. Straw seems like it could have a huge assortment of use's, such as in Adobe as stated before, and the already used Thatch. However it would be great if it could be used as Animal feed, and instead of just grass giving it, all your basic Cereal crops would provide you with some straw. Then granted you have enough straw you could construct Hay Bales which could feed nearby livestock, who would come over and eat the hay bale slowly reducing its size downward. (Think of it like cake, one bite takes a slice and so on so forth until its gone.) This would allow you to feed your animals if they end up devouring the grass in their pens, or to feed horses if they're implemented into the game. 



Just thought you should know that straw has already been implemented as a byproduct from refining grains in-game.


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I like all the ideas, except the magic jewels part, not that it does not fit into the theme, but because its just to easy.  If jewel crafting is ever added I want it do be super complicated.  Games are just point and click, I want something that will take time to learn and master.  The anvils and forging is good, but still pretty easy.  If anybody has played the flash game Jacksmith you can understand what I am talking about in a way.  It was easy, but everything you made you had to actually try on, you could not just slap it all together and continue.


TLDR  I want something that requires work.


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The next thing I'd like to talk about in the new Straw that's been implemented into the game. Straw seems like it could have a huge assortment of use's, such as in Adobe as stated before, and the already used Thatch. However it would be great if it could be used as Animal feed, and instead of just grass giving it, all your basic Cereal crops would provide you with some straw. Then granted you have enough straw you could construct Hay Bales which could feed nearby livestock, who would come over and eat the hay bale slowly reducing its size downward. (Think of it like cake, one bite takes a slice and so on so forth until its gone.) This would allow you to feed your animals if they end up devouring the grass in their pens, or to feed horses if they're implemented into the game. 



I have a big question. How can you use straw to make hay bales... straw is not hay....


We can argue that TFC straw is mostly grass, so it's a bit more hay than straw, but if they call it straw, let's say it's straw, not hay.


So again, how would we tunr stran into hay ? Or else, do you want to feed the animals with straw ? Yes it's possible, but it is not really conventional and not the best source of nutrition for animals.





Other than that, I agree that clay brick are useless without mortar.


I don't see how (outside of games) necklaces give enchantment or potion effect.


The rail idea is nice to make their construction a bit more believable, but I feel we would need a bit more than that, like new type of track, a bit like railcraft does.


village idea is nice, but when you say "As they should be able to breed by themselves like animals." Do you mean that animals should bread by themselves, or that villagers should be like animals ?....

... or else, I know, you want to use these nice gems.... then use them to breed villagers ! better gems give higher chance to get a villager with a job!


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