Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Soups and Salads

3 posts in this topic

Butchering Carcasses
There are plenty of corpse and butchering threads out there, I know. I'm including it here because the other topics I cover require it. The moment you kill a mob, the model ragdolls on its side ( or simply tips over) and stays there. The player then has to right-click it with a knife. The corpse disappears and drops are placed into the player's inventory. Fish have no corpse, they drop a fish (item) when killed manually. Here's a list of drops:
*Cow/Bull - cow meat + rawhide + bones
*Pig/Boar - pork + rawhide + bones
*Chicken/Rooster - Fowl meat + feathers
*Sheep - sheep meat + sheepskin + bones
*Wolf - wolf meat + fur + bones
*Pheasant - Fowl meat + feathers + plumes (males only)
*Rabbit - Rabbit meat + fur
*Birds of Prey - Fowl meat + feathers
Next, the butcher block. Any three raw stone blocks in the top row, and planks in all the rest. Right clicking a butcher block will open a GUI with one input slot, one knife slot, and  four output slots. Putting meat in the input slot along with the knife will give different outputs based on the input.
* cow meat - beef (the vanilla item), fat, innards, and meat scraps
*pork - pork chops, fat, innards, and meat scraps
*sheep meat - mutton, fat, and meat scraps
*Fish - fillet, fish guts, fishbones
*Whole Chicken - chicken breast, drumsticks, and meat scraps
NOTE: I wrote this post before build 77. Looking back, I realize that planks are a mid-to-late game item. Whole chickens, pork, sheep meat, and cow meat can be refined by putting a knife along with it in the grafting grid. To balance, the butcher block gives you twice as much food. I'll do the numbers later, maybe.
Soups, stews, and broths are some of the earliest and simplest meals made my humans. Heating stones in a firepit gives heated stones when it reaches very hot***. Putting three heated stones above a water bucket gives boiling water (until the stones cool down). Putting cooked meats and vegetables in the meal table along with boiling water will make a 'soup' instead of a meal. Soups will have the same properties of meals but they will fill the hunger bar less while also filling the thirst bar a little.
Nothing too much to say here: Just an early-game crop...ish... thing. A dandelion and a knife in the crafting grid equals a dandelion green in addition to the dye. Cattails should spawn around lakes and rivers. digging the dirt blocks beneath cattails reeds will give you cattail roots. You can eat them like potatoes IRL. you can also replant them using the tubers.

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Interesting Idea. This would certainly increase the percieved realism a bit. may I make a suggestion for your suggestion though? On the subject of Soups & Stews, why would you use hot rocks to boil water in a wooden bucket when we have the newly implemented Pottery system? I for one would much rather use a ceramic vessel if I were cooking. A ceramic soup pot could be used in a similar way to a Crucible. If you were to simply add boiling water as an ingredient to the meal table, all it would do is lower the possible number of different meals you could make. That's all I was really thinking about.


- Hector


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 Cattails should spawn around lakes and rivers. digging the dirt blocks beneath cattails reeds will give you cattail roots. You can eat them like potatoes IRL. you can also replant them using the tubers.


Read my comment, you have? Yoda happy.


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