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standalone possible?

9 posts in this topic

You know, I was watching the new dayZ standalone videos and i thought: Terrafirmacraft is capable of breaking away from Minecraft. It has everything needed to break away, it would help very much because you can change alot of the things that mods cant change, like rainfall and cloud altitude and also it could get bioxx and dunk a little profit some what. But the problem is you would need money to get a program that would help build the game. This was just my thought and see if anyones realized that also.


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It isn't as simple as "buying a program that would help build the game." There really isn't anything out there that exists. That program needs to be coded from scratch, by hand, which would take a whole team of paid developers months, let alone two developers that just code in their free time and when they feel like it.


NinjaEdit: Cloud altitude can be modified by client side mods such as the standard version of Optifine.


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I agree TFC could but at the same time I don't feel TFC has a big enough community to help fund what it might take Bioxx and Dunk to separate their masterpiece from Minecrap. Because for the two of them to be able to devote enough time to building this anew we as a community would need to fund both of them a full time paycheck. I just don't think that is possible with the size community we have at the moment. We really need to look more to building the community so Bioxx and Dunk can get the support and recognition they deserve.


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It isn't as simple as "buying a program that would help build the game." There really isn't anything out there that exists. That program needs to be coded from scratch, by hand, which would take a whole team of paid developers months, let alone two developers that just code in their free time and when they feel like it.


NinjaEdit: Cloud altitude can be modified by client side mods such as the standard version of Optifine.

yea what i meant is the building limit of how high you can go in the world


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I don't exactly agree with a 'Standalone' version of TerraFirmaCraft. It is a very fun mod, and the plans for Build 78 and beyond are very interesting. However, the idea of breaking away from Minecraft? I feel that by breaking away from the vanilla base game that created the TFC mod, we lose a part of ourselves as Minecraft players, in general.


Personally, I like both TFC and the vanilla game, and each has its own pros and cons. The vanilla game is basically Creative mode in a survival setting once you have set up proper lodgings, but the creativity and building that it comes along with is definitely fun, especially for someone who likes building things such as I. And then, there is TerraFirmaCraft, the hardcore game that not everyone can play. I like it for its believable world and aspects of survival. I love both of them. I don't care if TerraFirmaCraft is a mod for Minecraft and vice versa. I liked Notch's concept in having a randomly generated, 3D world made of blocks. That's essentially the barest bones concept I can say.


Having TFC as a standalone game will not only eliminate a part of ourselves, in my honest opinion, but consider what would happen if TFC does become its own game, in terms of the media and audience. It would certainly become popular, probably even more so than Minecraft, itself. There is a likelihood that TerraFirmaCraft could become the next Minecraft, if this were to ever occur, and that the original Minecraft would either be forgotten in the anals of gaming history, or it continues to be what it is, but under the shadow of TerraFirmaCraft, with a player fanbase that has significantly lowered since TFC had become standalone.


Now of course, this is all speculation, and I think this could happen if we're not being careful enough about creating TFC as its own game. However, regardless of the massive changes it might and will undergo through if it becomes standalone, at the deepest roots, TerraFirmaCraft was still created originally as a mod. Nothing's going to change that. Even if the coding is vastly different from Minecraft, it is still originally a mod at heart.


Overall, I'm against the idea of creating TFC as a standalone game. I personally think that the mod should just stay as it is. As for actually having TFC as standalone, like Miss Kittychanley stated, you have to create everything from scratch. And I mean everything; the models, the texture mappings, the shaders, the actual game programming, the sounds, pretty much everything that makes up a video game.


With a team of two developers, unless we had more than that and they are dedicated, I highly doubt TFC can become standalone, not to mention that it even takes a group of professional developers months, or years, developing a complex game such as this.


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I have heard that in order to remind us that this is no more than a Minecraft mod, the devs will move the hostiles to underground dungeons, instead of deleting them. I suppose that is wrong. We don't have to be standalone. And sadly, even if TFC is intended to be believable, the monsters are not believable. I don't think that we must have to do standalone. We are all human beings capable of reasoning and we should with our great brains understand that it shoudn't affect if we are no more than a mod. I commonly call TerraFirmaCraft a game. I just don't care if I need a Minecraft account to play it. For me TerraFirma is already a game, just kinda a "parasite" game, over Minecraft.


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While TFC is intended to be believable, Mr. Dunkleosteus himself stated that there is room for some level of fantasy. The vanilla monsters, while borderline-unbelievable, will have some sort of degree of believability, because at least they aren't natural creatures in the surface. I'm assuming that Mr. Dunkleosteus will provide reasons for the vanilla monsters' existence, and I think that the monsters can be believable, as well. We just need good reasons that are within the scope of this mod in order to allow them.


Personally, I see TFC as a total conversion mod to Minecraft. There's nothing wrong with that title, in fact, this mod vastly improves the aspects of survival and makes it more difficult without really sacrificing gameplay (I believe that was part of the initial plan for TFC). But, I suppose it can be a game within itself.


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While TFC is intended to be believable, Mr. Dunkleosteus himself stated that there is room for some level of fantasy. The vanilla monsters, while borderline-unbelievable, will have some sort of degree of believability, because at least they aren't natural creatures in the surface. I'm assuming that Mr. Dunkleosteus will provide reasons for the vanilla monsters' existence, and I think that the monsters can be believable, as well. We just need good reasons that are within the scope of this mod in order to allow them.


Maybe a warlock summoned Herobrine and the monsters, and instead of Enderdragon, the final boss is Herobrine. (Now, how to find it? :P)


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There was going to be some sort of backstory involving how the monsters got here, and it doesn't have to do with warlocks or Herobrine.


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