Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Alternate fuels

7 posts in this topic

Two of them.


First off is sticks for campfires-there is essentially no reason not to, even if they don't burn all that long. You end up with enormous numbers of the things toward late-game, and I dunno about you but I don't need THAT many firelighters.


Second to this is thatch as cheap fuel. Because why not? Quick to gather; if it burns similarly quickly and cooly then it provides an inexpensive early-game fuel.


Third: Bundles of sticks. Put a String on the left and right of a stack of Sticks, recieve Stick Block. Burn for Charcoal-small amounts, but still.


Because fer chrissakes I have TWO chests FULL of Clay Jars full of Sticks; I need something to use them for!


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Bows, Ladders, Signs, Rails, Fishing Rods, Paintings, Item Frames, Fences, Gates. Arrows, Levers, and Sluices are all other ways that you can use up your sticks.


As for having an enormous amount of sticks late-game, allowing you to burn them in a fire pit isn't going to change this... as you are very unlikely to be using a fire pit at that point anyways.


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Bows, Ladders, Signs, Rails, Fishing Rods, Paintings, Item Frames, Fences, Gates. Arrows, Levers, and Sluices are all other ways that you can use up your sticks.


As for having an enormous amount of sticks late-game, allowing you to burn them in a fire pit isn't going to change this... as you are very unlikely to be using a fire pit at that point anyways.

Well, I can use charcoal, which is expensive and time-consuming, or I can use a next-to-free fuel in a basic technology. I'll go with the one that costs the least.


Also, I loot enough bows from Skeletons, 64 Ladders is plenty, we don't use that many signs, Rails use expensive parts, I don't fish that much, we have all the livestock we'd use fences and gates for, chickens can't breed so killing them for their feathers is pointless, we don't use that many levers, and sluice farms are for chumps.


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If you are not using sticks to make ladders to go down mineshafts, then you are doing something wrong.


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If you are not using sticks to make ladders to go down mineshafts, then you are doing something wrong.




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haha the guy who build his mine with stairs  :lol:

what a waste lol


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haha the guy who build his mine with stairs  :lol:

what a waste lol


I make stairs for my mines because

1. I use firepits to cook and make torches, and to heat metal before I put them in the forge, and when the fire goes out, I make a new firepit. It saves logs and coal, works fine, but uses lots of sticks. I just can't afford to make lots of ladders.

2. I don't think it's a waste, because I have more copper and stone than I'll ever use. I just leave a path, then chinsle the stairs later.

3. Aesthetics. Stairs look better than ladders in my opinion.


But I think having sticks burn on firepits and the stick-charcoal is a good idea.

It'll help you get started as you don't have to waste your logs to cook food, and the stick-charcoal can let you get quick fuel if say, your pick and axe broke, and you have no coal, charcoal, or logs to make charcoal


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