Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Heat Sources

7 posts in this topic

Heat sources would be awesome, and they would make surviving in the frozen a heck of a lot more doable. I've got this idea from the dozen or so Canadians on my server who traveled up to about -20kz. They have to import food wood and other materials even though it gets well above freezing.The idea is that any source of fire (fire pits, forges, blast furnaces, ect.) would raise ambient temperature around them with a range based on their overall heat.Maybe add a heater block made from wrought iron or other metals that then has to be fueled with peat or other burnable materials.



Essentially, add heat sources to melt snow and raise temperature, but make them take resources to run. possibly make them more efficient if they are enclosed, as heating a 1000 cubic feet of air in a building is about 5x easier than heating the outdoors.


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Well, unless things have changed since I last played, (which is entirely possible, 'cause that was months ago). firepits and forges do raise the ambient temperature around them



but yeah, decent temperatures being a necessity to survive would be rather great, because right now, there's nothing stopping you from swimming in ice-water, or just standing in an arctic wasteland all night.


the opposite goes too, hanging out in a desert or near sources of extreme heat should be detrimental to your health as well


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Maybe working a forge should drain your thirst meter rather quickly do to the proximity of a heat source?


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And maybe wind(if added)will lower your temperature so you don't just make a fire pit out in the open in the artic


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What would be awesome to would be to allow cross mod recognition. for example, things that have temperature in the very common mods. like rail-craft. possibly having the pipes added in b78 be able to transport high temperature liquids/gases, allowing them to be a heating system. (pump hot water through a pipe to radiate heat nearby) 


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Well, unless things have changed since I last played, (which is entirely possible, 'cause that was months ago). firepits and forges do raise the ambient temperature around them



but yeah, decent temperatures being a necessity to survive would be rather great, because right now, there's nothing stopping you from swimming in ice-water, or just standing in an arctic wasteland all night.


the opposite goes too, hanging out in a desert or near sources of extreme heat should be detrimental to your health as well


Don't remember that ever being a feature :P

Maybe working a forge should drain your thirst meter rather quickly do to the proximity of a heat source?

It *kind* of does now sort of.


What would be awesome to would be to allow cross mod recognition. for example, things that have temperature in the very common mods. like rail-craft. possibly having the pipes added in b78 be able to transport high temperature liquids/gases, allowing them to be a heating system. (pump hot water through a pipe to radiate heat nearby) 

Cross mod compatibility can be difficult :(


We currently don't have a heat map per se, in the same way that minecraft's light map works. Our "heat map" (which is what determines the temperature of the location you're at) is based on the total world ticks and your xyz location. We grab the rainfall from our rainfall map, calculate the day of the year and your latitude and then plug it all in to some stored values, with a RNG providing day-to-day variation. A "true" heat-map would be very different, and I don't know that we could do it well. Minecraft's light map is able to store light values between 0 and 15, (ie 4 bits of information) but for any sort of realistic heat map for the range of temperatures we have in TFC, we'd need to store a lot more data in every block, which gets cumbersome for the game. The way b78's body temperature accounts for this is by grabbing the set ambient temperature for your location and then doing a small search around the player for specific blocks, for example ones that implement our heat interface (firepits, forges etc) or lava blocks. If it uses the heat interface, we ask for it's temperature in celsius. If lava, we just assign an average temperature for lava. The distance to that block calculates how much of that heat you feel, and all this data is used to create an apparent temperature; the temperature you experience as a player from the environment. Currently, swimming in water affects heat loss in a minor way, and only when you're over heated, but in the future, it would make sense for water to be able to cause hypothermia as well. I just need to work out a nice way to calculate that logically.


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Cross mod compatibility can be difficult :(


Actually many mods use a simple class to check for temperature. To tie into it would simply need a small bit of code for each major mod that incorporates heat (mostly just Railcraft and buildcraft). Also by incorporating this you make it easier for others to make addons for tfc involving temperatures.


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