Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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A suggestion with planks and such

5 posts in this topic

I want to start off by saying that I really like the ChopALog addon for terrafirmacraft because it makes sense. But at the same time it destroys the purpose of removing chests from the early game. So I would like to make a suggestion. I am not great with code or anything so I don't know which I should make the suggestion to, either the devs or the dev of ChopALog, but I would like to suggest a way to make them more compatible. The idea is the introduction of nails/woodplugs and slightly modified vanilla TFC recipes. I might add pictures later to make more sense but basically things like doors and chest will require nails (copper is fine, but iron makes more sense) so that a chest (same recipe but with a nail in the middle) and a door (same but with a nail in the top left and bottom left corner) can't be made early game but planks can still be made by cutting a log in half on a chopping block. This allows for small but more proper shelters to be built and for a new suggested item of a crate (crafted like a chest but with woodplugs in the middle). These should have less inventory than chests (maybe 6-9 slots) and when broken breaks into planks like a boat since they aren't very durable. Woodplugs should be crafted with a knife and a plank (produces four woodplugs) and nails can have a plan that looks like a side ways T and producing 4-8 nails. I am sorry if this is all over the place. I will try to tidy it up in the future and maybe add some pictures like I had mentioned.


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How bout bronze nails? Old nails where bronze/iron, the nails we use now are steel


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Yeah that is completely fine. The point is more so making planks accessible for things such as a boat/raft so that when you start on an island with nothing but a few trees you can get something that moves faster than swimming to find more land while giving other benefits. I am going to try looking around but with limited knowledge on mods in general I doubt i can make one for Terrafirmacraft but I will probably try.


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If you start on an island with nothing other than a few trees? I'd assume at least two rocks to make an axe. And I'd probably still start over faster than starting in b77 and seeing Sequoias :) 


I don't think this change would really be worthwhile as far as balance goes. Requiring more non-renewable metal uses for doors/chests doesn't really do much to make them useful when you can use Fence Gates (currently) or just seal yourself in with Thatch instead and just skip doors altogether. Chests are useful largely for securing a lot of Ceramic Vessels, right now. So, mostly, not really necessary to anything. 


What is necessary is the Crafting Table, which requires a Saw and two Logs right now. And the Crafting Table is the only way to make a boat, so how about we back up a bit and try a different tactic? 


"New Recipe: Make a dugout canoe by placing two logs horizontally and a knife in your crafting panel. Dugout canoes are less agile than boats with a broader turn radius. Like vanilla boats they break into sticks when they hit land."

"Change to boats: Boats now can be retrieved by Shift-RightClick from shore."


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That is not a bad idea either, however, a crafting table can still be crafted with 4 vanilla planks. You only need a saw to get the planks currently.


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