Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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6 posts in this topic

So I was just thinking about why not have soups and since its not had its own topic since Salads and soups half a year ago might as well.


first you should make a cauldron out of tool metal, perhaps bronze, iron or steel, place it above a firepit and open it.


the gui could be the same as meal creation in that you can place up to four foods (except perhaps one more spot specifically for buckets of water). one of those should be bones or meat of some kind to, for broth, after which it could use the same system as the barrels. if the fire underneath is hot enough it you can seal the cauldron and after some time it will cook. you can then get the soup out of it using regular bowls.



to balance it it should probably give out perhaps 3 or more servings of food that however can not be reheated and give much less filling then a regular meal if eaten cold. if you want to get warm or hot soup you have to heat up the firepit underneath the cauldron that then heats up the soup and then take it out. that way if you want to make meals to go you can make them the regular way and heat them up in a firepit wherever, like in a mineshaft or on a trip. but if you want more food you cook it at home and eat it there and then before it gets cold.


sorry if i'm not very clear or its just a huge wall of text not the best at writing


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I wouldn't worry so much about balance. It would (likely) take a few double ingots pounded into a sheets to produce a cauldron. As such, there needs to be a solid reward for players to want to spend resource on it. If a cauldron is too expensive, it could always be changed to be a metal cooking pot. A small/medium sized pot would look a bit more appropriate for the amounts going in and out of it. It could also be used like a ceramic pot (right click for an interface), which could be placed in a fire pit or forge to stew. If the rewards for using it are great enough, the player would need to tend the process, making sure it cooks long enough, but doesn't overheat and burn.


Perhaps the goal could be producing "effect" meals. Place in your 4 ingredients and some water. You get a handful of servings (4?) which have the same fullness, effect and power, but less energy. Sort of making the cauldron a parallel to the vanilla potion brewing. Giving less fullness and keeping energy the same, lowering both, adding thirst refill are all options. Dropping all the nutrition and keeping the effect would be the best for making it a potion parallel.


Otherwise there may not be enough benefit from increasing the amount of meals you can make from ingredients. Normally food isn't hard to come by, and you normally don't need to eat more than once in a sitting. That may change in a coming update. If it is changed for difficulty purposes, the authors might not want to undo their balance decision by making something like this. :P


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It would make those who live in the northern regions of the world have an easier time making the most out of food. The vikings boiled EVERYTHING, no matter what it was they would cut it up and toss it in a cauldron that was about 10 liters. Since Bioxx is toying with food spoilage it may be a way to make the best out of dwindling rations.


Making something the size of a crucible should be able to take 8 ingredients with no more than 2 of a kind, allowing essentially 2 meals be able to feed about a dozen. The effect of the buffs should be reduced, and the saturation of hunger should be lower than eating the meals.


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Heck, with a pot of water and a bit of dried-out meat you can make 4ish servings of stew


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I guess that's a good point. If one of the methods of preserving food is to dry it out, or make it otherwise inedible. Then that could be a use of a cauldron/cooking pot. That still depends on food balance and fitting into the authors' plans.


If it creates an in-game profession for people to have corner soup shops and noodle carts. I'm all for it. Having specialisations is nice for diversifying communities.


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I also would like to mention the option of turning one potion of food into several portions of lesser quality food. Mainly for sharing limited rations in multiplayer. Currently if you have 2 food items and a group of 5 players, three people go hungry. Making a soup could be a good way of sharing the 2 food items plus water out between 6-7 people.


Using a Ceramic Vessel, which when placed on a campfire could cook the food into a liquid similar to when you have a liquid metal, then you could place wooden bowls in the liquid vessel interface to fill them up and pass them around... the framework for this is already available.


The number of food items that are in the vessel could determine how filling it is in total, and the amount of water items you add could determine how many serves there are.


I cant wait for food to go bad, this is going to change the game in a great way!


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