Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Lighting Options

12 posts in this topic

Light Levels and Alternate Early Game Lighting Methods

A few things could be implanted that would make lighting a little better, as I feel that even with torches placed on every available block and the brightness levels on my monitor and within my game turned up all the way, it is still very hard to see. Could blocks be implemented that would make the light level brighter without (torches, as I stated before, are inadequate) such a huge strain on resources so that even early game I can see my game and have some idea of what I'm doing? Such blocks could be things such as fireflies (at night); lanterns (made with wood and stone and (ugh…) a torch; or there could possibly just be a tweak in the code (I don't know if that is possible as I don't know how to code). 


Other peoples suggestions (replies that have been made with a goal of a suggestion of an item or a block)

fallonsky mentioned metal brasiers

Srgnoodles says "Yeah, torches as they stand are nothing more than just s stick on fire


They should be made to be a stick, with some oil-soaked cloth, or other fuel source wrapped around it, then ignited

they;d also need brackets or holders to be put on walls, as just slapping them against a wall doesnt seem right


Lanterns are good, but they'd need metal to make, and oil of some kind to fuel, or you could put a candle in there, if those get added"


PPS I am not concerned much with mobs as I am visibility.

Edited by Kittychanley
Removed irrelevant PS. Suggesting other mods as solutions are completely valid responses in these forums.

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Grab  extra firma, from the addons thread. It already has most of what you are asking for


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ok if you want it to just be brighter i might have a fix for that.


go to your .minecraft folder.

open it and find a file that says options.

open it as a text document.

go to the setting called gama.

set that to anything over 1.

the higher you set it the brighter minecraft will be like if the brightness bar could go on forever.

at 1000 it will be like its day everywhere all the time.



warning though about this is that you will not be able to see or it may be very hard to see what is lit up and what isn't. so a place that you think is bright may be dark enough to spawn mobs.


if you just want more light sources in the game that would be nice. perhaps some kind of metal brazier to light up things




edit: oh ya and i almost forgot to say welcome to the forums


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I think it should be noted that there are plans to drastically change mobs in TFC, so light levels might not be so much of an issue then.


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Yeah, torches as they stand are nothing more than just s stick on fire 

They should be made to be a stick, with some oil-soaked cloth, or other fuel source wrapped around it, then ignited

they;d also need brackets or holders to be put on walls, as just slapping them against a wall doesnt seem right


Lanterns are good, but they'd need metal to make, and oil of some kind to fuel, or you could put a candle in there, if those get added,


actually i think i made a topic on this before


which has apparently  been lost to the ravages of time, and host switching of the forums, whelp


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Do you have this problem with visibility in vanilla minecraft? If not, this sounds more like a bug that you are experiencing to me. The light levels for a torch should be no different in TFC than they are in vanilla Minecraft.


The only thing that could be done is adding alternative light sources (like lanterns), which has been an idea for a long while now since torches are pretty lame as the only option.


There are no tweaks that could be done other than increasing the light level of torches from 14 up to 15, which is what glowstone emits. The Minecraft lighting engine is pretty complicated, as well as already buggy, so we wouldn't want to mess with it at all.


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Doesn't sound like a Minecraft/TFC problem to me. I play dark, minimal game brightness, low screen gamma. It's perfectly fine inside torch radius. If you have Vista/7, go to the start menu and search up Calibrate Display Colour. Use that to adjust your screen brightness/contrast. You can also boost display gamma there. Then go to Color Management and set your newly created config as default. Same could work for windows 8. I would always recommend correcting your screen colours anyway. No idea about screen calibration on Macs. If you do calibrate your screen, turn the game brightness down a whole lot.


Too might brightness gives me headaches anyway.


Slapping a torch on a wall is fine... You could be digging it into soil, or a gap in stone/loose rock. I understand making torches out of cloth/oil for late game, but given the scarcity of animals. You may as well use that cloth for a bed and sleep at night. Giving you maximal visibility above ground!


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Slapping a torch on a wall is fine... You could be digging it into soil, or a gap in stone/loose rock. I understand making torches out of cloth/oil for late game, but given the scarcity of animals. You may as well use that cloth for a bed and sleep at night. Giving you maximal visibility above ground!

Actually, that gives me an idea. Using Detail Mode with a chisel and hammer, a player could chip a hole into a wall to fit a torch in. A specific patter could be used to make the hole work. Idk. Just spouting off ideas.


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I had the same idea as I was writing that. It doesn't seem fair though. You could just place a thatch block where you want torches. Any other non-chisel block would work too. It could work if you wanted to define certain spaces for torches. If, for example, torches did extinguish with time. Chiselling up spaces as torch holders would make replacing them much easier as you would have easy identifiable spaces that scream "A TORCH GOES HERE". Not that the same thing couldn't be done with a thatch, or cobblestone block. In a structure made of a different material.


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I miss redstone lamps. I really do.

I think having a light-giving block would be nice


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There are 16 light levels in minecraft.

Torch is 15, Lamp/JoL is 15 which is the max, one whole block wider light range. If it's difficult to see with a torch, I don't think lamp will help much.


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Yes, if torches are not helping, nothing will help, really.


But I would like something better then torches. The fact that they cannot be placed under blocks, and the fact that they look well, kinda ugly at times makes it a passable, but not really a desirable lighting option


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