Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Sapling nursery

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No matter how much I like TFC, I just can't get over the fact that I need to strip the leaves from multiple trees to get one sapling. Maybe it's bad luck that i get so little, but it's constantly this way.

Now I know the low sapling drop rates are to make things a bit harder. But when you are at the point where you are making alloys and want to build a large house with one kind of wood instead of a patch blacket of all kinds of wood dotted all around. Normally you'd do that by building a treefarm, but I did that with a few types and I saw them shrink slowly. So the only option would be to just explore around search for more trees of the right kind, which can come down to a lot of very long hauls if you want to build anything bigger than a small log cabin. let's face it, this will prevent almost everyone from building nice things with wood. Which is a shame because TFC gives wood such nice textures, so you can make nice looking stuff with wood.

My solution to this would be to make an item that allows you to cut the leaves yielding cutlings (or modify the effect of the shears on leaves for it). The cutlings then can be grown to saplings in a nursery. I think the nurseries should be a greenhouse (at least a glass room) with a heater. The heaters could be something like the bloomery in their structure, but with a difrent interface block, using a metal bar as the core. Also the greenhouse should be able to be be of any size, but larger greenhouses should need more heaters (or the fuel in the heater should be used quicker) to generate enough heat. Set up like this you'll still have to deal with the problem early game, but get a bit more breathing space later on. (Not much more, because you'll have those heaters to worry about)


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Yes please. Nothing is more dishearting than traviling 1500 blocks in search of trees, seeing a tree you do not have, harvesting ALL the leaves (still by hand) and get not one sapling having to return home with only a few stacks of wood. :( White elm trees, I am staring at you.

Or climbing a sequioa and not getting a single sapling for going out of your way to get one.

I really love the different colored wood types in this game. I do not mind hunting for them, but I do get irritated at the terrible sapling rate.


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I have no problem personally with the saplings drop rate but I would still love to see this in the mod, mostly so I don't have to harvest as many leaves.

I really enjoy structures like the bloomery and so if it was another structure that would be great as well.


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I have no problem personally with the saplings drop rate but I would still love to see this in the mod, mostly so I don't have to harvest as many leaves.

I really enjoy structures like the bloomery and so if it was another structure that would be great as well.

Yeah, well... I had some trouble getting saplings, knowcking the leaves from 6 trees and getting 1 sapling is worse than suboptimal. It means if you have a treefarm it'll shrink fom 30 to 5 in one round and may leave you with 0 after that.


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Yeah, well... I had some trouble getting saplings, knowcking the leaves from 6 trees and getting 1 sapling is worse than suboptimal. It means if you have a treefarm it'll shrink fom 30 to 5 in one round and may leave you with 0 after that.

That may be a bad type of tree or very bad luck as I often get one or two per tree. Still support the idea though.

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That may be a bad type of tree or very bad luck as I often get one or two per tree. Still support the idea though.

Well, if it's the tree type thats annoying because I kinda like the look of aspen wood for flooring. (which is what I used for the treefarm) Had it with a few other kinds too though.

Asside from solving my and phoenixes problem it would be a nice build to supplement your sapling needs and a cool structure just to have.


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Has anyone ever been able to get a Sequoia sapling? I've cut all the leaves off of 4 of the big ones and got nothing. Is this a bug, bad luck, or intentional? As for the other trees I usually get 2-3 saplings off each one so my tree farms don't shrink but I really like the idea of having a Sequoia farm for making charcoal and have not been able to get any saplings without using NEI. Moreover, even when I use NEI to get some Sequoia saplings I cannot get them to grow like the big ones, they just make 1x1 block wide trunks and I'm really only interested in the 2x2 ones.

EDIT: I still like the OP's idea though ;)


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Lol, I don't really think it's OP. But that might just be my oppinion.

EDIT: When I hear you all like that about getting enough saplings, I begin to wonder what kind of trees do you guys use?


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i have never had an issue with getting enough saplings from the trees, you have to hit the trees from the outside-in or the leaves that arent touching anything will pop off and give you no yield. also sequia trees and kapok trees dont yield saplings on purpose. and as a final note, the leaves work the way they do as of now is a lag issue and bioxx has yet to think of a better way to do them yet.


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