Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Basic protection/armor

8 posts in this topic

This is probably already in Bioxx's plans.

I have been thinking about having useful and/or shiny armor/clothes and it being hard to make.

Armor types

Leather armor.

Studded leather (where the studs could add durability and/or protection).

Brigandine (leather combined with metal plates inside the lining)

Ring Mail/Chain Mail (many small rings linked together).

Plate armor (metal plates fasted to each other with studs to create each piece).



Studs; create with blueprints and metal or use some kind of stud mold.

Small Armor Plates; created with blueprints and metal (minimum metal is copper?).

Rings; created with blueprints and metal (minimum metal is copper?).

Chain; created with rings.

Rivets, create with blueprints and metal.

Large Armor Plates; created with metal, rivets and small armor plates (minimum metal on small plates is steel?).

Finished product (for each armor piece)

Leather armor; leather.

Studded leather; take a finished leather armor piece and add studs.

Brigandine; use a finished leather armor piece and add small armor plates and studs.

Ring Mail/Chain Mail; combine many chains and a pieces of leather.

Plate armor; combine large armor plates and studs with a piece of leather.

And no metal can be cold while working.

If it was possible to create cloth it could replace leather or expand armor types.


I was thinking the metal should have some effect on the durability of the finished armor piece.

So tin/zin would break after a few hits and Blue Steel would hold a very long time.

Maybe some kind of specialized tools could be required for different parts.

Like a drill for making holes in plats and a "puncher" for making holes in leather.

If weight was an issue then a full Plate armor should make you walk in slow motion (you better get a horse) :D


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For punching holes in leather you can use a needle and hammer, or a straight up hole puncher.

When it comes to chainmaille, you have to make hundreds if not thousands of rings to make a bona fide European suit of chainmaille, in addition to that, chainmaille is quite durable, but it is lacking when against impact weapons, like hammer and explosions, but not necessarily punches, and arrows.

Other than that, there are a few more armor types that may be interesting.

Scale [scaled rings], Lamellar [Multiple rectangular plates making an armor, think brigandine, but with scale armor, and the plates on the outside], and Laminar [long horizontal plates constituting the armor pieces].

[The again lamellar > brigandine since it relies on metal chains to be held together, and brigandine is leather with metal plates sewn onto the interior, the latter won't last as well]

Considerably, the heavier the plate the less blunt damage you'd take, but it main issue is a good piercing hit [arrows, or sword thrust] could pierce it, while Lamellar and brigandine would be able to resist it.


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Ah yes!

The chainmail would be really interesting to create :).

I had a thought that one ingot would maybe produce 10 or 20 rings, maybe needing a sort of squeezer to create the thin wires to create the rings.

And perhaps needing 25 rings to make a chain and one chain could be placed as an armor piece, so for an example a helmet would need five chains.

The scale and lamellar is really good ideas.

I had them in the back of my head, but were trying to make a "simple" replacement for current armor sets (visually).

But I shouldn't really care about vanilla.

The type of damage is a interesting aspect, it would really make it more strategic on what kind of mobs you want to hunt/defend against.

So are these good ideas or are they a way of target?


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chain male armmor i thought was a good agenst crushing/horrable agenst percing damages.(a warhammer/battleaxe/2h sword would not be abble to do much but a dagger/spear/arrows would get to flesh and bone easyer) also how hard would it be to implment the tools to have some kind of damange? i want to ba abble to easely kill monsters with a pickaxe/hatchet/chisle


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chain male armmor i thought was a good agenst crushing/horrable agenst percing damages.(a warhammer/battleaxe/2h sword would not be abble to do much but a dagger/spear/arrows would get to flesh and bone easyer) also how hard would it be to implment the tools to have some kind of damange? i want to ba abble to easely kill monsters with a pickaxe/hatchet/chisle

Chainmaille is pretty much the closest thing you can get to metal cloth [set aside extruding ductile medals] so blunt damage, damage done by things like hammers, not a good thing with chainmaille, slashing clawing goring yes, piercing, depends on the medal, and how you close the ring [i think welding, and riveting are the best methods, then twisting and just bending it into place.

Another interesting thing about chainmaille is that there are so many ways to make it, it's crazy, dozens of ways to make chains [persian, and things], or weaves [combining chains, or adding onto chains, or build upon a basic weave], that it gets to be too much. [so we need to be basic in what we want]

Scale and Lamellar armor are more advanced forms of chainmaille [pretty much scaled chains, and plates affixed on/over chainmaille] which give give you better protection as you go along. [scale < Lamellar]

[Not going to talk about Splint Armor or Plate Maille]

Anyways there are many ways to make chains.

Usually you go about it by extruding a wire from metal in a press, or string it through a wire file.

Then you bend the wire into a uniform coil, and cut rings out of the coil. [by Saw or clipping them]

After that you simply bend the rings so that you can connect them.

And finally you need to affix the rings by some means [welding, tying them off] or not at all [bending them, or doubling them over]

This gets more complicated when you bring scales or lamellar plates into the equation since you have to apply the scales/plates uniformly on a base.


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i really like this concept for armors for the fact that each one can fit to the players preferences (leather for fast moving archers that need proyectile protection, or for the fighter players that want som close range protection but sacrifice the movement use plate armor) and use the chain for a leather upgrade for fast movement and maybe use the scale armor for an average usage like a medium armor in all ranges, but i dont know nothing of scale amrors(only lorica squamata from the middle east roman soldiers)

and i would like that this part of the mod will be like the others things where you need specializated tools or other kind of things for getting armor(something like an special anvil or specializated tools for making chains or working raw lwather in a more strong one for making armor) that makes it chalanging and fun

sorry for the bad spelling im not a native english speaker and btw its my first post :)


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I just shiver at the thought of having epic Red Steel Plate Armour :)


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Add in early ( before a tanning rack) fur armor made from unchanged mob furs.


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