Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Sleds - a mean of transport

3 posts in this topic

I love the seasons in TerraFirmaCraft. Especially Winter is great.

But the first thing, that came to my mind when I saw the wide ice-fields of the ocean for the first time was: "Damn I'd like to use a sled on this".

There could be several types of sleds, from simple ones to more advanced ones which use dogs to pull them.

On one side you could travel faster over the ice-fields and on the other side you could use it as some kind of item transportation device.

I think sleds are what TFC needs :)


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Sleds are much too situation dependent to be a practical addition on their own. But I would support it if they added carts and other forms of transport to also add sleds and possibly modifications so that you can equip your cart/wagon/whatever for winter conditions they might otherwise be unable to move through. This also brings another thought to mind regarding vehicle movement, if snow would be an impediment that would require a specialized solution then the addition of mud caused by rain on exposed dirt blocks would also be a reasonable addition. Also have you noticed that as you move through ice fields sometimes new areas aren't properly frozen/snow covered? These areas would make sled transport difficult as you would need to route several chunks around to stay on terrain your sled can move on.


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I think you nailed it. That kind of where my big scale thoughts, too.

At the moment I have to place some chests where i mine to not have to go back to my base every hour.

If there was a cart or something similar, I'd not have to make the way like 10 times, to get everything from one end to the other end.

Also it would bring a basis for advanced carpending you can only do with an appropriate workbench. So this might not end with the making of wheels.

I think of a Workbench-like block you have to put a saw on (like the hammer with the anvil), that has a 10x10 knapping grid. Somthing like this:

Posted Image

I might be missing some sort of wood-Input field, to determine the colour of the knapped item.


There could be wheels, skis, axles,... and all could be equiped with chests or something similar, to either use it for traveling or to transport items, of for both.


I'd like to hear more Ideas! :)


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