Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Primitive Mobs NOT NPCs

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In a thread in the Discussion forum I made the following observation: 


When I encounter armored skeletons with weapons, my imagination immediately transforms them into hostile warriors from other tribes.  Gives me that feeling that I'm a hunter/gatherer competing with other clans/tribes for the resources. I find this far more believable than my friends and I are the only people in this entire world.


So here's the official suggestion: when "magical" mobs are moved underground can we get primitive human mobs above ground? These would act the same as skeletons but in appearance would represent other hunter/gatherers like the ourselves who we are competing against for survival resources.  Basically, it would just be a reskin of skeletons.


Just to clarify, I'm NOT talking about NPCs.  This would be nothing more than a reskin of skeletons to look like hostile tribesmen.  Maybe some different skins depending on biome to give the feel of different tribes being in different regions.


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I wouldn't mind human mobs, though I'd like them to be more than a reskin of skeletons - burning up in the sun or having innate resistances to some types of damage regardless of worn armor (if any) wouldn't be appealing to me.


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If I recall correctly, the ones in armor don't burn in sunlight so they could all spawn with armor.


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I disagree with the 'skeleton reskin' since 

1. if you re-texture the skeletons, how will we have skeletons in the underground?

2. Buring up is the sun would be silly, and giving all of them helmets would be annoying, as you need to be at least in the copper age for any sort of armor

3. If they are immune to piercing damage, it would suck. I mean, that'd leave us with people immune to arrows and javelins throwing javelins at us.


I'd rather we have a new mob, more like the zombie then the skeleton, but a bit faster, slightly weaker, and spawning with any tools and armor, but not enchanted ones


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Really i must say i DO like the idea but a skeleton reskin is a bit stupid. Why not make à new mob:Less difficult than present overground mobsThree classes:Javelinmen: throws javelinsKnifemen:fast but weak, attacks whit a knifeAxemen:really just sunlight immune zombies also, attacks whit an axeIn compensation, more difficult mobs in the undergrounds as a compensation:Ogre: slow, but has a mountain of hp and deadly mace it wont hesitate to useLiz:crocodile like creatures that have a poisonous bite and move fast. Strangeley colored orange(cave crocs DO exist and YES there orange)


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would be wierd, but awsome!

also, an excuse for having


2.a underground mob

3.ORANGE(i like orange)


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I disagree with the 'skeleton reskin' since 

1. if you re-texture the skeletons, how will we have skeletons in the underground?

2. Buring up is the sun would be silly, and giving all of them helmets would be annoying, as you need to be at least in the copper age for any sort of armor

3. If they are immune to piercing damage, it would suck. I mean, that'd leave us with people immune to arrows and javelins throwing javelins at us.


I'd rather we have a new mob, more like the zombie then the skeleton, but a bit faster, slightly weaker, and spawning with any tools and armor, but not enchanted ones


I agree, I enjoy TFC but some things are just minecraft change to much and its like coding a new game, the regular mobs maybe could only spawn under a certain number of blocks, so they would be underground, then we get the tribes men, there would need to be long range, and short rage ones, maybe with a knife or a stone sword only collectable thru killing them. They could work like spiders only hostile at night, or like endermen where if you stare at them too long or maybe push them, they attack.


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