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Just discovered this mod before I was going to setup a new Minecraft 1.7.2 server

17 posts in this topic

I love survival mode and difficulty in games. This mod sounds awesome! I do have a few questions:


I know you can't give a date but is their hopes that this mod will be compatible with Minecraft 1.7+ anytime in the near future? If so, I think I will hold off on starting a new server.


Will this mod work with Mo' Creatures when it is 1.7+ compatible?


Will this work with a Cauldron (used to be MCPC+) server?


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See this post from the front page: and the associated discussion thread (which is now locked).


Although I have not seen any final decisions on the matter, I'd guess a 1.7 version is coming but nobody can say how soon that will be.


I sincerely doubt Mo' Creatures would be compatible, however the TFC developers intend to add more creatures soon.


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Build 79 will be on Minecraft 1.7+, but that is at least a few months away from release.


TFC does not work with Mo' Creatures because we completely change the health system. Average mobs in vanilla/Mo' Creatures have around 20HP, average mob in TFC has like 500HP. Damage is scaled too, so all of your new mobs would probably die of fall damage the first time they wander off a 3 high edge.


TFC is not officially compatible with MCPC+ because it changes some of the behind the scenes code that TFC is based on. There are servers out there that use MCPC+, but they do occasionally report bugs and issues that cannot be fixed on TFC's side.


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See this post from the front page: and the associated discussion thread (which is now locked).


Although I have not seen any final decisions on the matter, I'd guess a 1.7 version is coming but nobody can say how soon that will be.


I sincerely doubt Mo' Creatures would be compatible, however the TFC developers intend to add more creatures soon.

Thanks for the reply! It would appear according to the post, the slowdown issues with 1.7 are a moot point now. So, I am not really sure where the devs stand on the migration. I guess the posted topics say what's the point of migrating if TerraFirma changes most of Minecraft in its own way anyway... so what is the benefit of porting to 1.7... good points I guess.


I do hope they add more creatures, kinda dull with the vanilla Minecraft variety. I think I read somewhere that this mod works with Industrialcraft... that's important indeed!


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Build 79 will be on Minecraft 1.7+, but that is at least a few months away from release.


TFC does not work with Mo' Creatures because we completely change the health system. Average mobs in vanilla/Mo' Creatures have around 20HP, average mob in TFC has like 500HP. Damage is scaled too, so all of your new mobs would probably die of fall damage the first time they wander off a 3 high edge.


TFC is not officially compatible with MCPC+ because it changes some of the behind the scenes code that TFC is based on. There are servers out there that use MCPC+, but they do occasionally report bugs and issues that cannot be fixed on TFC's side.

This is very awesome. Your hard work is well worth it! I am getting very excited reading about all the features of this mod. One more question then, If I set this up now via the installation wiki, will adding texture packs like LP Photo Realism mess anything up? I assume there is no HD 64x or 256x realistic texture pack for this mod that anyone has made is there?


A long time ago, I also used GLSL Shaders which uses Optifine to add better lighting and shadows to Minecraft between the shaders and HD textures it looked awesome. Can I still do that?


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There's a whole handful of high res texture packs in our Resource Pack forum:


Vanilla texture packs won't break anything, but they also aren't going to work completely because they don't have textures for all of the TFC blocks and items. So you might have a few super high res items because they are still using the vanilla textures, but everything else is going to be the default 16x


There are people who do use Shaders with TFC, but it isn't officially supported, so you might see some really bad rendering glitches that TFC can't do much to fix.


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I do hope they add more creatures, kinda dull with the vanilla Minecraft variety. I think I read somewhere that this mod works with Industrialcraft... that's important indeed!

TFC already adds new animals (pheasants, deer, and bears), and adds distinct genders of all the animals, so it's not just "the vanilla variety" right now.I've never tried to run IC2 with TFC, but I don't think they would work well together.In theory, I think it could 'work' if- IC2 rubber trees can spawn in the TFC worldgen

- The various TFC ores/metals are registered in the oredictionary in a way IC2 recognizes

The real problem however is that IC2's gameplay mechanics don't match TFC's. In TFC, crafting with iron takes a bloomery, a bunch of charcoal, and an anvil. In IC2, you just stick ore in an electric furnace. You'd end up having to disable a bunch of IC2 recipes to enable any semblance of fairness and the result would be pretty underwhelming.


The developers seem very focused on a specific era of technology, and I doubt they'll do anything more 'advanced' than that. I suspect that the only way TFC will see electricity is if someone writes a TFC addon for it, and it would have to work in a way that's compatible with TFC's gameplay.


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Oh that's a bummer. Industrial craft added so much more to the game! That could be a game changer unless it really does take a long time to get to steel in this overhaul.


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Yeah, all aspects of metalworking in TFC is completely different from Vanilla or IC2. Macerators and furnaces, and the other machines wouldn't be very useful.


I strongly recommend that you start your TFC experience without any other mods (except for a minimap/waypoint mod of some kind, those are quite handy) just to see how different TFC is from anything else out there.


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… TFC does not work with Mo' Creatures because we completely change the health system. Average mobs in vanilla/Mo' Creatures have around 20HP, average mob in TFC has like 500HP. Damage is scaled too, so all of your new mobs would probably die of fall damage the first time they wander off a 3 high edge. …


Minecraft allows floating point Health values for all mobs (including the player), so maybe TFC could rescale back to Minecraft levels and still get the same damage resolutions. Could help with compatibility.


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I think I read somewhere that this mod works with Industrialcraft...


You may simply have misread and/or misremembered. There's no support for Industrialcraft, not even unofficial... so yeah, the client might launch but the gameplay would be shot for at least one, if not both of the mods.


However, there IS support for Buildcraft:

And far from a mere tweaking of recipes, this is a very in-depth conversion that smoothly integrates everything into TFC's progression flow. Yes, you can have a quarry - if you manage to cough up the Red Steel for the gears ;) Of course, this is 1.6.4 Buildcraft, meaning it sadly doesn't yet have the Builder and all the fancy stuff SpaceToad's been adding recently.


There's also a similar project for Carpenter's Blocks, although it hasn't been updated for B78 and will crash if you try it anyway.


Minecraft allows floating point Health values for all mobs (including the player), so maybe TFC could rescale back to Minecraft levels and still get the same damage resolutions. Could help with compatibility.


So would you like to upgrade your 1.74389 damage sword to this 2.11416 damage sword? :)


Game systems tend to be a lot more interdependent than you think they are, and floating point numbers make for a terrible user experience in general.


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… So would you like to upgrade your 1.74389 damage sword to this 2.11416 damage sword? :) Game systems tend to be a lot more interdependent than you think they are, and floating point numbers make for a terrible user experience in general.

We're talking about a field that is already used in vanilla Minecraft, without deliberately choosing the worst implementation and user interface.Dividing TFC health by 100, for example, would cause it to scale from 8 health at the start of the game (4 hearts! scary!) up to 30 health (15 hearts) at full experience. At that scale, a fist does 0.1 damage and a stone axe would be +0.6 damage -- perfectly readable/understandable.

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We're talking about a field that is already used in vanilla Minecraft, without deliberately choosing the worst implementation and user interface.Dividing TFC health by 100, for example, would cause it to scale from 8 health at the start of the game (4 hearts! scary!) up to 30 health (15 hearts) at full experience. At that scale, a fist does 0.1 damage and a stone axe would be +0.6 damage -- perfectly readable/understandable.


Except that if you're using the vanilla heart icons, that only show every half heart of damage, it's going to look like you didn't actually do any damage until the fist hits for the 5th time, and the half heart actually disappears.


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I was just using hearts to relate to vanilla scale. You wouldn't necessarily have to change the TFC HUD, just change the damage scaling for mod compatibility. Or not.

EDIT: Though again that's how vanilla Minecraft already works. Anytime you get the pain noise/animation but don't lose any hearts, you probably took fractional damage: low-damage hits against strong armor, being on the very edge of an explosion, falling a short distance with Feather Falling boots, etc. (I haven't checked the code, but I think all of those can produce fractional damage).


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I suspect that it would be fairly straightforward to have the behind the scenes health numbers use floating points while having the UI display 100x that number.  That should be a very simple operation...


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Although this has gone quite off topic at this point, Scaling health/damage back down is something that I'll think about since it would do wonders for compatibility.


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Although this has gone quite off topic at this point, Scaling health/damage back down is something that I'll think about since it would do wonders for compatibility.





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