Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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6 posts in this topic

When I was playing I got a potato but I couldn't plant it. I went on the wiki and found out that you have to have potato seeds which is unlike real life. I was wondering if you were going to change that and make it so you plant just the potato like in real life.


Thanks in advance,



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It's probably the way it is because of the design decision to tie the expansion of your farm to the agriculture skill or exploration trips. If potatoes were plantable without requiring seeds, they would circumvent the whole system.


I'm not entirely convinced I like the new system either, but so far I haven't had an idea how to do it better while achieving the same design goals.


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It's probably the way it is because of the design decision to tie the expansion of your farm to the agriculture skill or exploration trips. If potatoes were plantable without requiring seeds, they would circumvent the whole system.


I'm not entirely convinced I like the new system either, but so far I haven't had an idea how to do it better while achieving the same design goals.


Ah OK that makes sense  


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I think the change could still be done without breaking the system, or they could have it drop a special potato as a seed call it a seeded potato (with the little buds growing out of it) and that would be our seeds, but the seed could be editable. Of course would still get the crop version, that wouldn't be plantable.


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The devs are already well aware of this, flapping gums will not advance this 'problem' any further. They'll fix it if they can, and it technically works as-is if they can't since potato plants DO produce seed - just not enough to make it more efficient than just re-planting part of the root.


Motion to lock this thread.


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The devs are already well aware of this, flapping gums will not advance this 'problem' any further. They'll fix it if they can, and it technically works as-is if they can't since potato plants DO produce seed - just not enough to make it more efficient than just re-planting part of the root.Motion to lock this thread.

I'd rather keep it going, until it will die of natural death as people may easily run out of ideas. Right now folks discuss a problem that devteam may be aware of but consider alternatives to making the system work said devteam. The discussion so far seemed polite, with exception of your behavior which, while normally alright, right now is way below what a respectable forum member should aspire to, to not call it something disrespectful. Calm down and let people talk.Potatoes could use some changes, agreed. Uniformal crops behavior is one thing, but different produce actually should be, well, varied. Otherwise we'd just get single fruit/vegetable with different sprite. I understand that current system, while not taken too well by quite a few members of the community, attains the goal of limiting the number of seeds. However, I don't see a problem for some of the crops to, for example, use the old, modified system of getting those - involving cutting up fruit/vegetable/whatever with a chance of getting 0 - 2 seeds. While crafting results are usually static, I am nearly sure there was some mod that somehow circumvented that. Not to mention the fact that it would be possible to add a method not using crafting grid.I would like to see this change incorporated (as well as generally see a bit more of development in farming) but I don't think it should be a priority, however.

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