Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Salt = Dehyrdation

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I thought that food you preserved with salt should dehydrate you faster when you eat it. After all, salt makes you thirsty in real life.


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Yes and no. If you eat too much salt it makes you thirst, but if you eat no salt at all you actually loose water.

That's why when people are on a diet they tell you to cut the salt.

On the other hand people in desert climates like nomads crossing the Sahara will eat small salt cubes to help keep the water in the body.

So eating salt foods actually prevents dehydration. 

When suffering from dehydration, you will be given IV fluids witch are basically water with salt and sugar.  


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Your body needs to maintain the correct level of salinity, so if you eat too much salt, you lose water(along with the salt), and if you have too less salt, you lose water(without the salt).

Hmmm, having a salinity bar which, unless it's in the correct level, you lose thirst faster....

Sounds annoying.


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Your body needs to maintain the correct level of salinity, so if you eat too much salt, you lose water(along with the salt), and if you have too less salt, you lose water(without the salt).

Hmmm, having a salinity bar which, unless it's in the correct level, you lose thirst faster....

Sounds annoying.

Agree. I am not suggesting to have a saline bar.

Just saying that you will not get dehydration just because you ate some salty food. As long as you have water to balance.

I don't think creating a salt balance in the game would be worth the trouble. 

So let's just forget about the whole salt thing.


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the original point, I think, was that salt prevents dehydration when taken with water. If you're already thirsty or dehydrated, and you don't drink water with it, eating salt makes it worse. Your own arguments actually support this idea, in a round-about and back-handed way. A minor down tick on the thirst bar when eating salted meat doesn't strike me as particularly unrealistic or unreasonable. Of course, if thirst modifiers were being added to foods, juicy fruits and vegetables ought to give minor up ticks to thirst as well.In basic terms, if you're thirsty, eating oranges makes you less thirsty, eating salty stuff makes you more thirsty. This is perfectly believable and aligns with people's experiences; this whole salinity balance thing feels like a bit of a straw man.  Worth the trouble to implement? That's open for discussion. But if arid environments are ever properly implemented, so players are trying to cross huge swaths of desert terrain without any available fresh water, a bit of thirst relief from foraged fruits and berries might be nice. It would also make salting meat a bit of a trade-off, rather than the obvious win it is now; if your access to new meat is reliable, it might not be worth taking the thirst hit by salting it all. If drying fruit as a preservation method is ever added (pleasepleaseplease bioxx and dunk), it would give the same nice trade-off dynamic there.


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the original point, I think, was that salt prevents dehydration when taken with water. If you're already thirsty or dehydrated, and you don't drink water with it, eating salt makes it worse. Your own arguments actually support this idea, in a round-about and back-handed way. A minor down tick on the thirst bar when eating salted meat doesn't strike me as particularly unrealistic or unreasonable. Of course, if thirst modifiers were being added to foods, juicy fruits and vegetables ought to give minor up ticks to thirst as well.In basic terms, if you're thirsty, eating oranges makes you less thirsty, eating salty stuff makes you more thirsty. This is perfectly believable and aligns with people's experiences; this whole salinity balance thing feels like a bit of a straw man.  Worth the trouble to implement? That's open for discussion. But if arid environments are ever properly implemented, so players are trying to cross huge swaths of desert terrain without any available fresh water, a bit of thirst relief from foraged fruits and berries might be nice. It would also make salting meat a bit of a trade-off, rather than the obvious win it is now; if your access to new meat is reliable, it might not be worth taking the thirst hit by salting it all. If drying fruit as a preservation method is ever added (pleasepleaseplease bioxx and dunk), it would give the same nice trade-off dynamic there.

I agree that a full salinity balanced system could work, and I am not opposed to it.

Whenever you eat anything that is too salty, sweet or dry it increases your thirst. That's common knowledge.

But everybody need to eat so if you eat a balanced meal you should not have a penalty to thirst just because one of the ingredients was salted meat.

One could say that there is water everywhere in TFC, but I really do not like the idea of water jugs. They are not believable.

Water jugs were used in the houses to cool water not for traveling.

Also be the water jug or a leather water sac it should provide water for two days.

Nobody is going into the wild with less than 2 days of water.


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Agree. I am not suggesting to have a saline bar.

Just saying that you will not get dehydration just because you ate some salty food. As long as you have water to balance.

I don't think creating a salt balance in the game would be worth the trouble. 

So let's just forget about the whole salt thing.

I know, I just say what you wrote, had a idea about the salinity bar, then as you can see, rejected it immediately.

I don't really think there's much reason to make salted meats make you more thirsty, as I think it'll just be a annoyance at worst, and downright ignored at best


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