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In an effort to makes this mod slightly more related to its inspiration....

What if you could hire workers and manage them? There could be a natural spawn in villiages, or maybe using a special built block to hire NPC's.

Once hired, they could be given tasks through a right-click menu. Said tasks are bound to the nearest (or open) work area, such as an anvil, smelter/firepit, etc., with work areas being defined by blocks or markers or just simply the availability of resources (in the case of miners and woodcutters).

To balance out the help that the NPC's would give, you could make it so that they would need regular allotments of food and/or money to keep working, as well as supplies necessary for their given job.

All in all, this would be intended to bring out the feel of the management system from Dwarf Fortress.


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MineColony does exactly this more or less I'm unsure if they are compatible but I would doubt it would probably take a little bit of tweaking but the tweaking would take less effort than recreation


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Nah tried MineColony the AI freaks out that it is so high and doesn't build and miners don't mine pretty much useless.


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And so will our AIs unless a ridiculous amount of AI work goes in and considering that fish seem to be tough as is whole villages of reactive complex humans would take years if not longer.


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mine colony AI is overly complicated. The AI from Millenaire works fine for what it does. The only difference would be you can choose if little timmy tidbits grows up to be a miner or a lumberjack.


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mine colony AI is overly complicated. The AI from Millenaire works fine for what it does. The only difference would be you can choose if little timmy tidbits grows up to be a miner or a lumberjack.

For as "simple" as the AI code is for Milleinaire, it certainly has an ability to eat even high end computers alive so I wouldn't even suggest using it.

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For as "simple" as the AI code is for Milleinaire, it certainly has an ability to eat even high end computers alive so I wouldn't even suggest using it.

agreed, i ve got a fairly powerful PC and Milleinaire mod caused so much lag >.<


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So many glitches too have you ever laid a piece of TNT in the middle of their town? most of the blocks are glitched, crops grow in midair chest are indestructible. Not to mention if you attack one of them what is the others reaction, keeping about with their daily lives. Both mods are great fun and are breaking ground and have taken a ton of work we can't put in this kind of work to recreate human AI for TFC.


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agreed, i ve got a fairly powerful PC and Milleinaire mod caused so much lag >.<

i'm running on a two year old mac and i've never had any bad lag.

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Thats irrelevant at this point unless someone is a very good modder and has a ton of extra time and doesn't sleep this can't be accomplished within the next year.


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huh.. I have a some what crappy and out dated computer and I dont have any problems running Milleinaire. Ironicly the only mod I to seem to have trouble running is Optifine.

Maybe a direct copy of Dwarf Fortress would be the best option for worker NPCs. Set there profession and mark the area and let them go at it. have marked stock pile areas for them to dump the items at, probably in the form of barrels and bins marked to hold only 1 type of item.

It would be cool if they just randomly appear and ask if they can stay with you. if you say yes then they will have requirements for them to say. A room, bed w/e else. probably eat some of your food daily.


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Thats irrelevant at this point unless someone is a very good modder and has a ton of extra time and doesn't sleep this can't be accomplished within the next year.

i don't sleep, so that's a start.

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