Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Eggs & what came after.

4 posts in this topic

Once again, I was thinking at a night B) that eggs would have to be a food to. Also, it would be awesome to have like a block you can put on the ground where chickens can sit on and lay eggs.

There are a maximum of like 4 eggs and if you reach more then 4 the chicken starts to breed them ( or maybe you need something to put in whats stops them from breeding them, overflow of chickens ftw) so you won't need wheat anymore for chicken breeding.

Aaaand that made me think you should be able to grow hay.

( the sort for food, you also got for sleeping on, wich made me think again. because the sleeping hay would be cool for an early game bed and for the chicken-breeding-block).

The food hay would give 3-4/plant or grow a lot faster. And you would be possible to grow it in fields and not with the annoying water streams.


-Make eggs food

-Make something for the eggs to not despawn/naturally breeding for the chicken

-Hay, both the food and the bed stuff

-something I can't think of...

We need eggs 'n' bacon duuuuuude!

Ant mi inglash iz bath! :P


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I like the idea - kinda like the nests in DF if I remember correctly.


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I'd love for the introduction of hay. ot allows for quite a few interesting game additions.


While hay is grown intentionally in modern agriculture in order to have a high yeald of animal fodder, in olden times they would just go harvest a meadow or something. it's also a byproduct of grain farming, you get a lot of plant stems in surplus when threshing.

So I'd suggest simplifying your suggestion a bit. add a sicle tool to the game and allow harvesting of the wild long grass that is already in the game. the drop of hay units could be semi random like the drop of seeds are today. thus you would want to harvest many grass tufts to get a unit of hay. once you get into making grain, then add a threshing block tool and let the player get both grain for use in the mill, and hay for use as animal feed etc. This mirrors how it works in real life a little better, and it avoids actually adding extra crops. it just adds some steps to the processing of the crops instead.

If it feels a little overpowered in relation to the farmed area and it's products, then just make it so that we need to have more grain per bread to compensate. I like having large fields of wheat and it is a bit overpowered as it is today. a single 8x16 field yealds 128 wheat. or a grand total of 42 bread per harvest. ( a full water trenched single sourceblock farm can get a couple more rows in at the end. so more like 8x18 + 8 for a maxed out one


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The hay fields should not be to complicated, the scythe is already in game. But I would really like to see cooked eggs and nests that breed and keep the eggs from despawning.


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