Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Making barrels less OP

12 posts in this topic

Hello !

As it is now, barrels have 12 slots for solid items. But small clay vessels can be placed into a barrel, expanding it to 48 slots, which is a bit too much in my opinion. Having a single barrel on your back will in most cases be more than enough to don't have player inventory issues in early game. And with new world gen making a saw is easier than ever, considering nuggets spawn in larger groups (at least in my world, i have nuggets everywhere, about 7-10 from one ore deposit as opposed to 3-5 in 78).

I think it makes TFC a bit too easy, but i might be wrong. Also, i have no idea if it would be hard to implement or not, but a config option for allowing vessels into vessels would be great. I think it would be much more believable that way. And harder as well.

I would like to see some thoughts on the subject.

Posting it in suggestions becouse it's not really even remotely a bug, just something that needs a bit of rebalance IMHO.

Highest regards to Bioxx Dunk and Kitty for amazing work and great new build ;)



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But the thing is, not everything can be placed in vessels or barrels. Tools can't be placed, and vessels only accept small items. You can't put logs into vessels, and I don't think you can put them in barrels too, and so on,

So while we do get 48 slots, we can't put everything into those 48 slots. Some will inevitably have to be placed in your inventory, or in the barrel without going in a small vessel.

And also, taking things in out out of a barrel isn't exactly easy.

First you have to take it off your back. Then place it in your hand. Then place it on the ground. Then unseal the darn thing. Then take items out/place them in. Then you have to seal it. Then break it, then pick it up and put it on your back. And while it's in your inventory, you can't move.

Hardy convenient.


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Vessels can be changed to be Large so they don't fit into barrels anymore.


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I'd think of this much like an organizational benefit.To say, if you loaded a shit ton of food into a barrel and strapped it to your back, it'd hardly be conventional to just pile it all in there, you'd probably want to divot it out. That, and since TFC uses a size and weight option, using vessels in barrels actually makes quite a bit of sense, since they only carry small objects, and stacking vessels uniformly into a bucket on your back gives you a benefit of not tossing things in there.Your case would make a lot more sense if size wasn't accounted for, if it was simply in the case of slots, and items didn't account for size and weight, that'd be retardedly OP, but in this case, it's just managing the convenience of a mobile storage. It still takes resources to make those vessels, and it's still a real effort to sort through for what you're after, and again. You can only place small items in there anyways. What in the hell's worth of 48 full slots of full items are you carrying around?Also, a side suggestion since Allen mentioned logs, why do we not have a back mounted log storage? Makes perfect sense right? A plank in the bottom middle slot, two on each side, some ropes on the bottom left and right corner, and another set of logs over the top. A leather in the middle for comfort and extra resource needs, and bang. Back mounted log brace to carry about 4-6 full stacks of logs. Something you can already do in the vanilla inventory, but space saving.I'd worry less about things being considered OP in vanilla logic, and take into account that the mod is in respect to believable log, and personally, a bunch of small items organized into some stacked clay vessels in a barrel on your back... is pretty believable.


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 back mounted log storage


Yes! I really like this idea! Awesome awesome idea! It doesn't even have to be that small like the back mounted barrel/vessel.

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Yes! I really like this idea! Awesome awesome idea! It doesn't even have to be that small like the back mounted barrel/vessel.

 [Removed Images]

That is exactly what I was talking about. ^^The second one is essentially what I was talking about, maybe give it a secondary slot for axes too, since you -can- hang them off the side like seen there.


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It was apparently made ​​on site, with axes and cut wood used to make the structure.

It takes only a rope to tie everything together, it's great :)


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It was apparently made ​​on site, with axes and cut wood used to make the structure.It takes only a rope to tie everything together, it's great :)

Yeah... That's one thing to take into account. For one you can't make rope without having a saw to make planks for a barrel. So this isn't going to be something that can just be made on the fly if it gets added.6 planks up along each side, a piece of leather up the middle (possibly.) and a rope in the bottom and top middle slots, or just one at the bottom. Trying to think of a believable recipe because the concept really does speak for itself...I should probably make an individual suggestion thread for that item though, since this one seems to have been concluded from it's original intention.


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Yeah... That's one thing to take into account. For one you can't make rope without having a saw to make planks for a barrel. So this isn't going to be something that can just be made on the fly if it gets added.


You can actually make rope in the stone-age now with the large ceramic vessel.


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You can actually make rope in the stone-age now with the large ceramic vessel.

Oh that's a good point, but you can't make planks. so maybe a compromise can be made. two versions of the harness perhaps? One made with sticks and a small carry size, and one made with planks and leather for a larger carry size.


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Well... seeing how to get jute, you need to find it, possibly grow it to get the amounts you need, then get a vessel/barrel then seal it for a while, I hardly think you'll be able to make it 'on the fly'

Well, unless  you already prepared all the materials, but in that case, anything can be made 'on the fly'


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Well... seeing how to get jute, you need to find it, possibly grow it to get the amounts you need, then get a vessel/barrel then seal it for a while, I hardly think you'll be able to make it 'on the fly'

Well, unless  you already prepared all the materials, but in that case, anything can be made 'on the fly'

You can also make jute rope in a large vessil. So that helps. By that point where you're collecting so much wood you'd probably be established to some degree already.


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