Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Tier system for advanced recepies suggestion

4 posts in this topic

mrs. edit says:

okay, i tried to creat some sort of chart with the tool | recepie | item, but it dint work here on the forum like supposed =/

i hope you get what i mean though...

okay, hi there ^^

kind greetings from germany, this mod has some awesome potential i guess and i want to drop some ideas here i had, while i was thinking about the mod @ work^^

if yo have problems with this suggestion or something is missplaced, pls type a comment, its a very basic idea and i have no problem with modyfing it!

btw, my english isnt the best, but i try my best =)

this mod will not interfere much with the allready working metallurgy, it will only make it more difficult to get startet with metallurgy.


first of all:

this suggestion includes sime ideas allready postet like:

corpses (for animals!), new inventory (ring/amulett ect), shields, traps, crossbow ect

first, there is something this idea needs for starters:

animals, like:


those animals leave corpses after there death. the corpses can be salvaged with some special tools, i post later.

salvaged animals drop items depending on the animal, you salvaged. better tools give more items.

the number of items depends on dangerouslevel and how big the animal is. (a bear has more meat and fur as an rabbit ofc, but is way more dangerous)


bones = all big animals

tendon = all big animals

meat = all animals

unworked fur = rabbit/ bieber/ wolf/ bear

unworked leather = deer/ boar/ elephant/ horses/ cow

unworked wool = sheep

you need those items for recepies, i will post them later.

more items "lying arount" like flint:

perfekt flint (rare) and single stone.

uses will be explained later

changes on plants:

tall grass drops grain or flax seeds for planting.

wheat can be used with single stones to seperate grain from straw.

straw is ues to feed animals, to create building materials and for fibre

grain can be grindet to flour with an single stone, to bake bread

flax can be used, to craft fibre aswell

and some eatable plants are needed, such as berrys, apples and more fruits

much items are replaceable in recepies.

leather, fur and cloth

sticks and bones

leather stripes, tendon and liana

liana can be obtained in jungle biomes.

leaves dont drop sticks anymore, they should drop branches, they can be cutted to sticks or used in crafting recepies

only natural blocks dont get affected from gravity. nearly all player placed blocks should fall to the ground.

but you can build ceilings with support beams. or with panels. (can be craftet from the beginning)

later are stone and metal support beams possible

firepits can be fueled by sticks, sarplings and branches. (cuz it will take some time, to get actual wood)

and they should be upgradeable, for example with stonerings, to maintain heat better and allow more heat.

is it possible, to spawn copper-bearing earth in the world? (maybe under rivers) those earth is only mineable with stoneshovels and better.

nr* = not replaceable with other items

farmland need 1 bucket of water from the near to get the needed water for the plants. (finite water is needet) flowing water is okay too, the farmlandblock will take the waterblock, which is flowing to the farmlandblock.

you can use waterbuckets and such, to irrigate the plants

in hot biomes, it will need quite fast a new bucket of water.

first tier:

Hunter and Collector tier

main recource is flint ofc

all recepies are shapeless, no crafting bench here.

perfekt flint will create your first tools.

perfekt flint only loose durability, when used.

when those tools are used in recepies, they only loose durability.

only the stone Lumberjackaxe and above can chop trees!

only the stone pickaxe and above can harvest stone!

createt tools:

perfekt flint + 1x flint = flinttoolhead = need a stick for work. flinttools can be used to turn many player placed blocks into items with right clicking. panels for example and framework.

perfekt flint + 2x flint = flintknife = can be used to cut leatherstripes and sticks out of branches

perfekt flint + 3x flint = flint salvage tool = first corpse salvage tool


perfekt flint + 1 flintknife = flinthead = head for spears and arrows


panels are placeable, small blocks (like slaps, but can be placed horizontal and vertical.

but panels break, when monsters, animals and players walk on them. (for traps)

but you can enhance them with support beams, so they dont break

recepies with needle as tool use automatic 1 tendon nr* (or thread later) from your inventory to create the item.

used tool | recepie | created items


flintknife | 1x branch | stick


flintknife | 1x bone nr* | Needle


flintknife | 2x sticks | branchpanel

| 2x branches |


flintknife | 2x sticks nr* | wooden spear (in firepit used = hardened wooden spear)

| | first meeleweapon. can be placed on the ground as trap. (dig a hole first ofc)

| | cover the hole with coverplates, attack a rihorn, run and surround the trap. rihorn breaks the covers and fall on the spears => profit!


flinttool | 1x hardened wooden spear |

| 1x flinthead |

| 1x leatherstripes | flintspear, more dmg and throwable


flinttool | 2x sticks | framework part

| 2x tendon |


flinttool | 4x framework parts | framework is placeable, rightclicking with a unworked leather/fur, strungs it in the framework

| | rightclicking with flintknife on the unworked leather/fur until it drops leather/ fur


flintknife | 1x leather nr* | 3 leatherstripes


these recepies are the same with fur, primitive furcloth has more durability and a bit more protection

needle | 2x leather nr* | primitive leathercloth

| 1x tendon |


needle |2xpleathercloth | primitive leathertunic (small protection)

| 1x tendon |


needle |1xpleathercloth | primitive leatherpants (small protection)

| 2x tendon |


needle |1xpleathercloth | primitive leatherboots (small protection)

| 1x tendon |

| 1x stick |


needle | 1x framework | primitive leathershield (small protection)

|2xpleathercloth |


needle | 1x framework | leatherpanel

| 2x leather |


flinttool | 1x stick | meat on stick (for firepit, something to eat)

| 1x meat |


the next clay recepies need to dry first, then burning in the firepit (later in oven)


--- | 3x clay | wet primitive pitcher (can hold 1/3 waterbucked)


--- | 1x clay | wet primitive pearls


--- | 2x clay | wet primitive ring (can be worn)


--- | 4x clay | wet primitive symbol


--- | 1xleatherstripe | primitive waist

| 3xprimitive pearls|

| 1xfurcloth nr |


--- | 1xprimitive symbol | primitive amulet

|1xleatherstripe |

| 2xprimitive pearl |


--- | 4x furpanel | sacrificial pit


sacrificial pit:

throw 5 leather/ 5 fur/ 5 bones/ 10 primitive pearls/ 2 primitive amulet/ 2 primitive waist/ 2 flintspear and 3 of each flinttool inside the sacrificial pit

then it turns into the first craftingtable

welcome in the Agriculture tier!

now, you can craft craftingtable out of 4 planks as usual

recepies, which need water, can use the primitive pitcher (in this case, it needs 3 pitcher, to have enough water for one bucked)

or the waterhose (in this case, you need 2 water hose, one of them will remain 1/2 of its water)

craftingtable recepies

used tool | recepie | item


--- | 6x clay like | wet spindle (after burning, you can use it, to weave fibers into thread)

| a door |


flintknife | 1x straw/flax | straw = 1 fibre/ flax = 2 fibre


spindle | 4x fibre or | thread

|2xunworked wool|


flinttool | 6x sticks | Warp-weighted loom (placeable tool, rightclicking opens GUI for creating cloth 10 thread = light cloth)

| 3x singlestone |


needle |light cloth | simple cloth armor

|recepie like | small protection

|vanilla amor |

|recepies |


flinttool | 6x panels | paneldoor


flinttool | 6x sticks like | wooden hoe (planting)

| wood hoe |

| 1x tendon |


flinttool | 6x sticks like | flintscythe (harvesting)

| an L shape |

| 2x flintknife |

| 1x tendon |


--- | 8x singlestone | firepit stonecover (firepit upgrade)

| like a chest |


--- | 2x straw | straw bale (used to feed animals)

| 1x tendon |


flinttool | 6x straw bale | 2x strawcover

| 2x sticks |

| 1x tendon |


needle | 5x cloth like | 2x clothcover

| an X shape |

| 4x sticks |


single stone | 2x grain | flour


--- | 3x flour | unbacked bread (need an oven to bake it)

| 1x buckedwater |


needle |4x leather in + | water hose (can carry 2/3 bucket of water)

|shape 1xbone |

|in the middle |

|4xleatherstripe |


--- | 1x dirt | 1x mud

| 1/3waterbucked |


--- | 5x singlestone | wet primitive cobbleston block (dry near fire/ in the sun)

| in an X shape |

| 4x mud |


flinttool | 8x primitive | oven (bake bread/ dry stuff, bake dry clay stuff and cook meal)

| cobblestone |


--- | 5x straw like | 2x wet strawbrick block

| a X shaped |

| 4x mud |


flinttool |7xstrawbrick | stoneworkers table (like the crafting table, but has 2 toolslots and a 4x4 crafting area)

|block U shaped |

|2x clothpanel |


flinttool | 3x furcloth | furcovered woodshield (quite okay protection though)

| 3x planks |

| 3x sticks |


flinttool | 1x cobblestone | 2x single stone

| all types |


flinttool |1xfeather | primitive arrow

|1xflinthead |

|1xstick |

|like the vanilla one


flinttool |3x stick | primitive bow

|3x tendon nr* |

|like the vanilla one


needle |3x cloth | strawbed

|3x straw |

|3x planks |


lumberjackaxe | 1x branch | 2x sticks


stoneworkers table:

the stoneworkers table works like the scribing table, but without paper, it use single stones as material to direktly create stone heads.

later, it needs hammer and chisel for diffirent recepies, but the agriculture recepies only need single stone and normal stone for the anvil.

you get stone heads of diffirent tools like hammer/axe ect. nearly all need 2 sticks/bone and 1 tendon to create the finish tool.

stonepickaxehead (can only mine stone)

stoneshovelhead (normal shovel, can mine copper-bearing earth too, to obtain first copper, to go into the coppertier)

stonelumberjackaxehead (finnaly you can chop trees down, it serves as an weapon too, but it ise quite slow, but deals much dmg)

stonehandaxehead (need only 1 stick/bone and 1 tendon. small meleeweapon and can be thrown on enemies)

stonehammerhead (like the normal hammer used)

stoneprospectorpickhead (like the normal one)

stonehead (useable like the flinthead in recepies)

stonescythehead (like the flintscythe)

stonehoehead (like the wooden hoe)

stonehammer as tool = stoneamboss (like normal with few stones craftable)

okay, when you found enough copper out of copper-bearing earth and have your first anvil and hammer, you can start into the copper tier!

the next 3 tiers are only placeholders. thank you for reading, pls leave a commend and what you think of it!

any complains? pls post them too!

Copper tier


Bronze tier


Iron tier




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LOL bieber, like Justin Bieber? I know this is probably a spelling mistake and I'm not trying to make fun of you at all. However, I like the idea of skinning me a Bieber! >:D Having a bad day? Frustrated? Need to take your anger out on something? Just fire up TFC and hunt some Bieber :D.

Joking aside was the animal that you were going for a Beaver*? That would make sense and I would like that to actually be implemented.


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jeah, i typed beaver like in german, i wasnt thinking this moment i guess XD


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