Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ceramic jugs can be used for alcohol as well

6 posts in this topic

As I mistakenly put in my last post for polished stone weapons/tools, then subsequently fixed, I feel that ceramic jugs should have the option of being used to hold alcohol for later consumption. I don't know if the staff is opposed to the idea outright, or if it simply wasn't their intent, but I post this in the hopes of it becoming an option at the least. I understand if not, though.


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We went with bottles only for a few reasons. Off the top of my head, bottles already have a system in place from potions to very easily render a whole bunch of different liquids in them, and make them easily distinguishable. If you could put alcohol in a jug, they would pretty much all look exactly the same unless we started adding even more textures. The code for jugs is also nice and simple because all it handles is empty and water, and therefore the drinking from the jug is very simple as well. If we add alcohol to jugs, a lot of the code would have to be rewritten to use the same methods as glass bottles do. We'd also have to rewrite a good chunk of the alcohol drinking system to account for the fact that jugs hold a lot more liquid than bottles, so you would get drunk a lot faster.


Also keep in mind that alcohol can only be made in a barrel, which means that you will already have the 3x3 expanded crafting grid to also make the bottles, so there is not a "early game booze drinking" argument for those who think of it.


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We went with bottles only for a few reasons. Off the top of my head, bottles already have a system in place from potions to very easily render a whole bunch of different liquids in them, and make them easily distinguishable. If you could put alcohol in a jug, they would pretty much all look exactly the same unless we started adding even more textures. (...)

I do hear all your arguments except this one: why bother rendering the jugs differently according to their contents? A jug is after all not transparent like glass, so even real life jugs won't tell you what's in it by just looking at them either. That seems to me much like ceramic vessels: you have to "look" into them (per tooltip) to know their contents.In real life you likely won't even be able to visually tell water or vodka apart.So why not just add a simple tooltip that tells you it's water or rum or cider? This would simulate "smelling" the jug, if you will.

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I do hear all your arguments except this one: why bother rendering the jugs differently according to their contents? A jug is after all not transparent like glass, so even real life jugs won't tell you what's in it by just looking at them either. That seems to me much like ceramic vessels: you have to "look" into them (per tooltip) to know their contents.In real life you likely won't even be able to visually tell water or vodka apart.So why not just add a simple tooltip that tells you it's water or rum or cider? This would simulate "smelling" the jug, if you will.


Because if we do that, it's just going to end up with the same complaint that people have with the ceramic vessels, that they want a better way to tell them apart just at a glance because they don't want to have to scan over them all and read all the tooltips. The tooltips also don't help at all when you have the jugs placed down on the ground.


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Yeah, I can definitely see why you'd not want to do that. See, my first thought had been treating the water with a color slider like what they have for grass and dyed leather, but with some of the alcohol being so slightly different in color it makes sense to leave it in the glass bottles.


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