Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Respawn Wild Animals

6 posts in this topic

Posting this as a question or a suggestion. I would like to know if there is any way to spawn wild animals world wide on a server? After a while on any server it's impossible to find wild animals, specially if you consider that to limit file size and Lag most servers use World border and the whole map is explored.

I would like if is possible to have a server command that would spawn all wild animals on the map. If such a feature does not currently exist, could it be considered as a suggestion?e


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By "wild animals" are you referring just to bears, wolves, pheasants and deer? Or do you mean all animals including cows, pigs, sheep, etc?


The former will respawn all on their own without you needed to do anything. As for the latter, you can always sell spawn eggs for the animals in an admin shop, or fly around the server and use the spawn eggs in random areas yourself.


A /repopulate command that could handle a relatively large area would be ridiculously resource intensive and would likely kill/crash most servers before it could even complete.


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I meant Bears, Wolves, Deer and Pheasants. And did I understood correctly that they respawn on their own? That's exactly what I need. As far as Domesticated animals, the towns can trade them with new towns, is not a issue.

One thing is, if they respawn why are people in my server complaining that they do not see wild animals? Is there any way for me to verify that this feature is working? I mean maybe some other mod is interfering with it.

Yes I agree that to try to respawn all wild life in the world at once would crash most servers, but that could be implemented in a incremental way, by just a couple of regions at a time, Although when I think about this looks more  like a server plugin feature then something that would be part of TFC as a mod. It would need to be a TFC plugin. I digress.

Once again thank you for the info and help. 


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They respawn the same way that passive animals respawn in vanilla, which means that there is never going to be a whole bunch of the animals around at once. It is very likely that somebody on your server is killing all of the wild animals as soon as they see them, and since it takes so long for more to naturally respawn (this is a vanilla limitation) anyone who didn't see that player kill the animals is under the assumption that no animals exist.


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Thanks for the tip Kitty. I will broadcast some announcements on the server, hopefully it will help.


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You can use opis to see how many of each entity are in loaded chunks on server. I would guess that there are just no animals outside their houses, so none exist. Same thing as all the glowstone being harvested when there is none visible from portal drop. Opis will give you hard numbers and you can say there are X deer in the chunks currently loaded, i.e. near players on.


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