Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      ATTENTION Forum Database Breach   03/04/2019

      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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About Bunsan

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  1. Automated Message:This topic has been moved from Addons & Applications to Game Spoilers
  2. If you have a forum account, change your password.(Preferably use a random password and a password manager like <>.) It appears there has been a breach somewhere. It's currently not known when the leak happened, or where it came from. I'm trying my best to find out. So far it appears that old passwords are likely to be cracked because they are stored in an old format. If you change it now, it will be stored much more securely. The forum and wiki might have come connection issues while I try and find the leak and change some backend passwords. If you have any information regarding the breach, contact me (dries007).Change password link: password reset emails might be slow to get going! Please be patient For latest information please come by the Discord.
  3. TechNodeTools-TFC

    This won't be continued. I ended up just forking TFC for my pack as the changes necessary to do what I wanted weren't possible/easy otherwise.
  4. World Gen

    Most of those type of variables aren't too hard to have set in config. We'll try and offer as much customization as possible.
  5. A call for Artists

    That is an invite link
  6. Biomes and Compatibility

    Biome compatibility is something we are well aware of. As with all the other bits we aim to make it compatible as much as possible. The compatibility becomes a lot easier when a forge version for 1.13 comes about since the constraints on biome numbers should be removed.
  7. Food crafting bug (with Baubles mod installed)

    TFC uses its own crafting manager which only functions in the player inventory. Any other crafting inventory, vanilla workbench or any mod crafting table will cause this.
  8. Food decay & preservation

    Crops always did this. The respawn is spring was less than initial worldgen.
  9. Food decay & preservation

    In minecraft there is no scheduled ticks. Basically everything ticks randomly and you just decide if something should happen based on number of ticks that have passed. So for example tree growth in 1.7.10. When you planted a sapling it got tagged with a time stamp. Then every time it randomly ticked it would check if the appropriate number of ticks had passed using the time stamp. If enough had passed it would roll to grow. In 1.7.10 the chests ticked randomly, which is how things cooled and rotted in them. Vanilla inventories do not tick, which is why things didn’t rot until you removed them and they randomly ticked in your inventory catching up on rot.
  10. Simple "playability" changes.

    This is something for server owners to do if they choose, not something that should be done by default. What Iadded in my 1.7.10 fork was the respawning of resources at a very low rate. This was a config for debris, berry bushes andseaweed. I plan to include this in the 1.12+ version. In addition I’d link respawn to spawn protection so they did not regenerate in player bases.
  11. Submit Questions for FAQ

    1. Yes. See the FAQs for more complete answer. 2. There are thoughts, but nothing definitive. I think mechanical energy system is likely idea we’d like to add. 3. Again nothing definitive. Definitely two tool stuff. Maybe casts poured using mold in one hand vessel in other. The vanilla bow no shield restriction. Don’t know what else. Yes cave in will be included. Yes we want to have more stable caves. Beyond that no firm plans. Generally we want things to be more intuitive and have more in-game info. Not sure how to achieve this yet. The flow of progression will be tweaked. There will be some general rebalancing of things.
  12. Simple "playability" changes.

    I thinkI’d want to partly address the clay in dry biomes issue, by decreasing the amount of the world that is dry. I’d like more variety of decor for wetter biomes and for dry to be less prevalent. Or at least reduce odds of vast dry areas. The bigger issue we need to address is the question of were the challenge will be. You don’t want to have all things everywhere as TFC is an exploration mods as well. TFC very much has a feast and famine issue for a lot of resources, which isn’t inherently a bad thing, but where it is needs to be thought out. I like the game design of struggle to achieve a goal, but achievement also gives you something to reduce that struggle. As we get the basics in place we’ll need to decide how we are making TFC a challenge.
  13. I appreciate the effort being put in here. Just be aware implementing anything like this will be a little later. Just don’t want you discouraged by use not commenting or implemented.
  14. TFC1 1.12+ port

    Beyond what Dries said there is also the concept of not being a dick. I have been involved with this community for years now and have gotten to know the devs, addon authors and pack makers. TFC is opensource, so permission is explicitly given to use the code and assets. ButI have great respect for Bioxx and everyone who has contributed to TFC, so I want the project to move forward with clear permission given. I’m pretty sure most if not all others involved in this project feel the same.
  15. A call for Artists

    It’s fine.