Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Config Modifications

6 posts in this topic

Hello TerraFirmaCrafters!


Has anyone been noticing how grass and saplings of the terrain randomly grow and obstruct the land? Is there a way to change that and, if not, could there be a way to add that option in the config files?




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If you're talking about the saplings and tall grass regrowing, this is intentional because straw is required for pretty much your entire lifetime, and to help with deforestation. Especially on servers, areas tend to get cleared out really quickly, making it really hard for newer players to gather those essential starting materials if they don't have some way to regenerate. Note that it makes sense for the saplings and tall grass to regenerate, but not for the rocks to regenerate as erosion would take a very very long time to expose more rocks, and it would be a way to exploit the fact that some of those rocks are ore. The saplings regrowing is also the only way to obtain saplings for some of the trees such as sequoia, and without the saplings regenerating every single sequoia tree you chop down will just decrease the number available.


Also keep in mind that there already are special requirements in place in order for the tall grass and saplings to grow. For example, if the rainfall is too low or the temperature is too cold, or the grass blocks don't have enough access to sunlight, nothing will grow. Saplings also need proper space in order grow into trees, and they have to be planted for a fairly long time before actually turning into a tree, which gives you more than enough time to pick them up if you don't want them to grow. We've also taken steps to make sure that when a tree does grow, it doesn't destroy buildings or replace any essential blocks.


If you are tired of having to mow your lawn, you really have two options:

  • Move to a colder climate. One of the trade offs of a warmer climate and longer growing season is that you have to deal with grass and saplings regrowing too.
  • Make a pair of shears and harvest a bunch of short grass to cover your lawn with. If there is short grass in a spot, tall grass or a sapling cannot grow there.

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But don't rocks respawn randomly anyway? I would have sworn that they keep popping back up in my yard in my worlds. Also, it doesnt require errosion to expose more rocks, especialy in biomes where the ground freezes in the winter. The freezing and thawing literaly pushes rocks up out of the ground, the reason so many rocks keep reapearing in gardens in real life no matter how many are removed.


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They do not. If you found rocks in your back yard, they have been there since initial world generation and you just never picked them up before.


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I think the  way grass and saplings spawn just adds realism to the mod. anyone who has any experience with land in real life will tell you that you have to maintain the land. Even in my front yard where I have a Oak tree, I need to keep pulling oak saplings from the flower garden. It's just the way nature behaves.

If you want to have a pristine green grass in front of your house you have to mow it. 


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Gotcha. Other than being essential to actual gameplay, it sounds more believeable that just turning them off and having a barren forest. Seems legit


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