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Tool smithing bonus

9 posts in this topic

hi, this is based in my opinion, if make sense thanks. if not ignore this."Sorry for my mistakes, i dont speak english."For me the Tool smithing bonus is very OP, my sugestion is to nerf to 10% of gain.or divide the tier of tool smithed, example:if you make a copper tool and your bonus is 50%, 50%/1 (tier 1)bronze tier 2 50%/2 you have 25% of your bonus..... 50%/3/4/5/6.


ORreduce the base durability of all tools and maintain the normal bonus.

i hope someone understand my idea. 


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The smithing buff is already based off of the base durability of the tool. The basic equation is


Durability = base durability + (base durability * skill multiplier)


The absolute maximum that the skill multiplier can be is 1, meaning that the tool has double the original base durability. However, the skill multiplier is based off of an average of all 4 of your smithing skills. So even if you are a master at general smithing and toolsmithing, if you are only a adept at armor smithing and weaponsmithing your multiplier would be around expert status, ranging between 0.5 and 0.75


The reason that it is done this way is because if you start out with a crappy metal, it doesn't matter how skilled you are, the end result will still be pretty crappy. Whereas if you start out with an amazing metal, you are able to do much more with it using your skills, and therefore can extend the durability that much more.


Edit: For a bit of perspective.

  • In order to get a copper pickaxe's worth of durability buff on your bronze tier pickaxe, you would need an average skill level for all the different smithing (General, Tool, Weapon, Armor) of just under adept.
  • If you wanted a bronze tier pickaxe's worth of durability buff on your wrought iron pickaxe, you would need an average skill level of just under expert.
  • However, with almost no skill at all, you can easily add a copper pickaxe's worth of durability buff to red/blue steel tools.

This is not a system of diminishing returns regarding the metal. You need to put in the high quality metals in order to see the high quality output.


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ok, but i tested in a new world, and dont see the "average" of all smith the showed "bonus" in anvil is the same in the tool.My test: new fresh world, my char only make 10 copper picaxes. 


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The Skill: number in the anvil interface is the average. After making 10 pickaxe heads, the anvil interface looks like this to me:


Posted Image


And this is what my skills tab looks like:


Posted Image


Using debug mode, I can see that for the 11th pickaxe head, there was a total durability increase of 6.3%, which is matches almost perfectly to the % skill that was shown on the anvil when I made the tool.


I'm guessing there is something about this mechanic that you aren't understanding properly. Perhaps you missed the decimal point? That's 6.3%, as in between six and seven percent, not sixty-three percent. So for a copper pickaxe, after making 10 copper pickaxes, you get the added durability of about half of a stone tool.


Edit: To help you understand, I'm going to explain this using numbers. This has been put in a spoiler tag so if you do not want to know the durabilities of copper and stone tools, do not open the spoiler.


Because there's no such thing as a stone pickaxe, I'm going to write this explanation out using shovels.


Copper Shovel Base Durability: 600

Lowest Stone Shovel Base Durability: 50


Starting with a brand new fresh world, smith 10 copper shovel heads on an anvil. You average skill percent should now be around 6% meaning that using the above equation, the durability of a smithed tool would be 600 + (600 x 0.06) = 636. 6% of 600 is 36, so your tool has an extra 36 durability on it, meaning that it can break 36 extra blocks compared to a copper shovel that was casted.


That means that after making 10 copper shovels, your 11th copper shovel has less durability than a copper shovel and a stone shovel combined (650).


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Why is the skill multiplier based off all of the smithing skills for everything? Shouldn't the multiplier for tools be just the average of tools and general, and the same for the weapon and armor smithing? This would make more sense. Why should your skill in forging armor effect the first time forging a sword, and why should the fact that you haven't trained one area of this drag down the durability of the items forged in the other areas?


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Why is the skill multiplier based off all of the smithing skills for everything? Shouldn't the multiplier for tools be just the average of tools and general, and the same for the weapon and armor smithing? This would make more sense. Why should your skill in forging armor effect the first time forging a sword, and why should the fact that you haven't trained one area of this drag down the durability of the items forged in the other areas?

Yes, that is bugging my mind too Kitty


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Why is the skill multiplier based off all of the smithing skills for everything? Shouldn't the multiplier for tools be just the average of tools and general, and the same for the weapon and armor smithing? This would make more sense. Why should your skill in forging armor effect the first time forging a sword, and why should the fact that you haven't trained one area of this drag down the durability of the items forged in the other areas?


Because in reality, the skills that you learn when forging armor or weapons might teach you tricks or methods that you could use when smithing tools. The three aren't completely separate from each other, and often skills and tricks that you learn while doing one can be applied when doing the other.


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Yes, but wouldn't said tricks and such be the reason for the general smithing skill? Isn't that skill supposed to be the one that represents general knowledge and skill forging in general, and working on anything will improve this.


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Working on the skills page for the wiki, so I went back through all of the code and double checked exactly how it all works. It appears that I did make a mistake in my earlier interpretation.


So for items that increase tool smithing skill when created, the average is only based off of tool smithing and general smithing. Armor and Weapon smithing skill don't affect it.


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