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Config Option So Falling Blocks Do Not Break Ores

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I know we have a config option so ores are not destroyed.

Problem is when you are mining and using your Support beans and so careful, but you can hear cave ins around you, no idea where they are. When you finally find the ore half of it was broken in cave ins and have already despawn.

I think a better solution would be to have falling blocks not break ores.


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I don't understand what you are asking for. The config option so ores are not destroyed is the config option to disable falling blocks from destroying ore.


Edit: Just to make it extra clear. When you set that config option to false, falling blocks do not break ore blocks. It also means that when a cave in spreads to an ore block, it drops the ore piece in addition to turning the block to cobble, instead of dropping no ore at all. 


I will not make a config option that makes ore completely safe from cave ins. That 100% completely defeats the point of cave ins in the first place. If that's what you want, then use the config option to disable cave ins entirely.


Edit2: I'd also like to point out that the sideways scan range for causing a cave in is not that big. If you managed to cave in a cave next to you, it's literally on the other side of a very very thin wall and would not take 5 minutes to find. Any ore items also would be floating on top of the cobblestone, and would be very easy to pick up.

Edited by Kittychanley

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I don't have a problem with cave ins. I actually learned how to use the support beans in a pretty safe way and am very successful in avoiding cave ins. My problem is when there is a natural cave nearby so even though I am safe in this cave that I have not seen yet, the ores are being broken and despawn. 

Cave ins are a believable feature of Terrafirmacraft, it adds realism to the game. Support beans make mining dangerous as is possible for you to die and loose all your armor and tools. I actually like that.

The part that makes no sense for me is to have falling blocks breaking ores, as they will eventually despawn unless we can get to them very fast.

There is no way for any player to avoid cave ins in nearby caves. Having to remove all those cobble blocks just to get to the ore is punishment enough in my opinion.

I though the point of cave ins was to add realism to the mod, a danger of dying from falling blocks and even suffocation. The whole system works perfectly until you find ores spawning inside a natural cave. They everything goes bad. That actually is the way it should be as anyone mining in the real world can see how finding a subterranean cave will cause a collapse. It will be a lot harder to have to remove all the debris before they can get to the actual ore, but the ore will be there, no matter how long it takes to get there.


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What you are saying makes absolutely no sense, and just shows you have no idea how the mechanic works.


When you set enableCaveInsDestroyOre to false, falling blocks do absolutely NOTHING to ore blocks. They just land on top of them. That's it. They do not break them, the ore blocks do not drop ore pieces, nothing.


If you leave the config option to true, falling blocks will fall through and DELETE every single ore block underneath them until they hit raw stone. Because of this, you will never find ore blocks directly underneath the fallen cobblestone. If there was an ore block there, the cobblestone would have deleted it and fallen down one block more.


There is literally no way in the game for a falling block landing on ore to result in an ore item being spawned.


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Thats what the config says:

# Set this to false to make cave-ins drop the ore item instead of destroy it. [default: true]
That's the way it is in my server now. 
I just did some testing and it does not look like falling blocks are breaking the ore blocks. Could it be just a question of wording the config in a different way? Because when reading that I understood that caveins were breaking  ores and droping the ore item.

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The dropping of an ore item is for when a cave in spreads to an ore block. Not when a cave in lands on an ore block.


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Thanks, for the explanation. So when we have a cave in and I find ore items is because they were in the ceiling of the cave and the cave in propagate to them. That makes more sense now. I still would prefer if the actual block would fall and not the item, but I can live with that.

Could it be I am the only one that got mistaken with the wording of the config? Not a native English speaker, but that's what I understood.

In any case once again thank you very much.


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Correct. If the actual block fell then there would really be no punishment for the cave in. The whole point is that you have to be careful or you might lose ore. It's extremely easy to get around the possibility of the cave in killing you, which is why that really isn't the point of them. Most players don't value their lives in-game that much anyways, and even if you did die in a cave in, all of your stuff floats up on top of the rubble so it's very easy to collect the moment you get back. The point of cave ins is the threat of ore, which is the part of mining that players actually find valuable and want to preserve.


Config file descriptions are intended to be brief, and not a complete detailed explanation. If you want the full explanation, that's what the source on github and the forums are for.


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... if you did die in a cave in, all of your stuff floats up on top of the rubble so it's very easy to collect the moment you get back.


Are you absolutely sure this is true?

I died in a cavein - admittedly in an earlier release of the game (79.23?) - and when I got back to my corpse (fortunately not too far from my base) the red steel boots I had *just* made wern't there any more - a lot of other stuff was, I didn't really notice anything else except the boots being missing because I'd just spent hours making the damn things.


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It is basic minecraft physics. It is the bases of the item elevators. i.e. Is is unpredictable where they will go. They always move sideways if their is an airspace, otherwise they will move up. They don't necessarily move straight up. And that is in the best case scenario. In a cave in, first you pop and your stuff scatters over an area, then blocks are falling creating and filling air spaces, this can either further scatter your things or push them into a nice neat pile.

So you boots may have landed one block further and ended up in a hidden air pocket or they may have fired off and ended up on the surface somewhere. Hell in vanilla I've managed to have things go up a tree.

So the only thing I can guarantee is they weren't destroyed.


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I did do quite a bit of (frantic - lol) digging around the area with no luck  - also on the surface there was nothing to see - oh well - it's a while ago now and I have stopped mourning :)

Edited by ChunkHunter

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