Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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14 posts in this topic

Terrafirmacraft is a mod where you have to travel. A lot. So much so that a lot of people use rei's minimap to mark ores and stone types, simply because if you don't you'll never find them again. It seems to take hours to travel and find a granite area, or a basalt area, or whatever area you're looking for. So in singleplayer, I installed the simply horses mod for easier travel.

I love it. It feels like it's part of TFcraft already, but it's not multiplayer, it requires you to spawn in vanilla iron for a lasso, and it's in an alpha phase. So I thought, why shouldn't this be in TFcraft? It fits perfectly with the style/time era of the mod, and it manages to not throw everything out of balance so that it's plain old easy to get ores. It still takes searching, but traveling 1000 blocks to find the right things isn't as big a deal anymore. Just load up on food, grab some tools, and jump on your horse.

Now I'm not suggesting that Bioxx work with whoever does the horses mod, but a similar mechanic could be very beneficial to TFcraft in my opinion. It wouldn't have to be horses necessarily, just something that lets you move faster without having to be on tracks like carts. Carts would still have their place, as a "horse" would be hard to take into a mine, and wouldn't be able to carry as much ore or stone back as a storage cart would.

The biggest benefit though, is that ores that only spawn in specific stone (such as cassiterite) could stay exactly as they are now. No one can whine about having to travel so far to find certain things when you have a horse to carry you. This keeps the ores realistic while solving the issues some people have with finding them, and makes travel easier in a mod where traveling around to get things seems to take up about 2/3 of the time, then you go back and run around like mad trying not to let ingots and things melt...


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This is true and I would have to think the Bioxx has all ready thought of something like this, but if not I hope he dose now.


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That horse has some hard landscape to travel, but I do like the idea of pack animal in this mod to travel and carry things.


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So what, a horse would have a harder time jumping up and down blocks, but be faster traveling on flat ground? How fast should the horse be? Sprinting? Or would a horse be used more for carrying items?


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It would be nice to have someone carrying your equipment while you're traveling!

But how rare should the horses be? I think that they should be rare as hell! if you're playing an multiplayer server, its not fun if everyone have an horse.

Also i think horses should need food too either grass or wheat, if you dont feed your horse or let it be in an area with grass, it should die of hunger.

But it would be hard to feed an horse on an multiplayer server!


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I was thinking of them as pretty much just for traveling (not pack animals, although I wouldn't be opposed to it), just to make getting around a little easier. That way traveling to find granite or whatever isn't as big a deal. They'd move fast enough to make traveling between say, your home base with your anvil and bloomery and all out to a mining outpost in an area that has good ores fairly quick, but they'd require a lot of energy when you were galloping on the horse. That way it's not unbalancing, anyone could have a horse, but it'd be pretty hard to make them useful without a large wheat/apple farm (or oats if they were implemented into agriculture). They'd be able to graze like sheep do and pretty much maintain their hunger in a closed off pen. I like the way simply horses does things, I'm just trying to think of ways to make it unique to terrafirmacraft, useful without being unbalancing, and most of all, realistic. You can't just go galloping off for an hour and explore the entire map, you have to carry food for yourself and the horse, keep them happy, etc. And horses shouldn't teleport to you like they do in simply horses. You have to keep track of your horse, tie it up to a tree and such, and if they're not moving quickly (maybe have speed based on hunger at some level), you can't just dismount, run off, and have them teleport to you.


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Yes I agree there should be hay / wheat bails that you can place in a pen to feed your horse.

Edit: and also carts and stale bags.


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Crysyn of the Spotter's Guide uses Simply Horses as well, and bioxx jumps on his server in several of his videos, so I would not be surprised if he's already got something in mind. However, as the AI, modeling, and animation for dealing with animals is much more time consuming than dealing with the other basic non-mobile stuff he's currently working on, I think that if Bioxx does include animals that they will be towards the end. But considering things like cave-in's for mining, I don't know if I want him to do animals or insects.

Oh NO, Mr. Bill, a swarm of locusts has just wiped out our uncovered wheat farm. Or, darn, I have gophers in my carrot patch, Should have put stone under the dirt and surrounded it with a fence.


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Seen this suggested half a dozen times, but throwing in my support here as well.

I really want horses in this mod


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